List of Games by Player included in ASL Player Ratings

Player: Rich Domovic (DHR)    ELO 1775.7See Statistical Summary

Player Att/Def Al/Ax Result Player Att/Def Al/Ax Scenario Date Tourney Change Rating
Rich Domovic defender axis beats Mike Augustine attacker allies AP171 2024-10-01 LEAG0_24
Eric Bongiovanni attacker allies loses to Rich Domovic defender axis WO37 2024-09-15 ARNH_24 18.5 1775.7
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Martin Vicca attacker axis AR4 2024-09-14 ARNH_24 25.3 1757.2
Olav Heie defender allies loses to Rich Domovic attacker axis FT179 Landstorm Over Arnhem 2024-09-14 ARNH_24 23.3 1731.9
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Bruno Nitrosso attacker axis ABTF7 Among the Bravest 2024-09-13 ARNH_24 18.3 1708.6
Melvin Falk defender allies beats Rich Domovic attacker axis J58 No. 8 Platoon Overrun 2024-09-13 ARNH_24 -7.6 1690.3
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Will Willow attacker axis WO4 I Don't Like Retreating 2024-09-12 ARNH_24 5.9 1697.9
Rodney Callen axis beats Rich Domovic allies Commandos at Kaiapit 2024-07-28 STLOU_24 -29.1 1692
Dan Best allies beats Rich Domovic axis The Cloak of Disorder 2024-07-27 STLOU_24 -35.9 1721.1
Dave Ginnard axis beats Rich Domovic allies Factory Fodder 2024-07-27 STLOU_24 -24.5 1757
Bob Bendis axis beats Rich Domovic allies Villy Muss Fallen! West 2024-07-26 STLOU_24 -11 1781.5
Rich Domovic axis beats Charles Hammond allies Hot Tigers 2024-07-26 STLOU_24 10.4 1792.5
Paul Lauger attacker axis beats Rich Domovic defender allies FrF46 Dutch Courage 2024-07-01 LEAG0_24
Wes Vaughn defender allies beats Rich Domovic attacker axis J245 2024-06-17 eASL_24 -15.3 1782.1
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Daniel Kalman attacker axis DB181 2024-06-03 eASL_24 7.7 1797.4
Jeff Livesay attacker allies beats Rich Domovic defender axis HazMo36 2024-05-20 eASL_24 -24.9 1789.7
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Greg Barsness attacker axis AP53 Far From Home 2024-05-06 eASL_24 7.1 1814.6
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Brent Crawford defender allies RPT199 2024-04-22 eASL_24 5.5 1807.5
Steve Pleva attacker axis beats Rich Domovic defender allies BFP75 Schreiber's Success 2024-04-08 eASL_24 -6.3 1802
Rich Domovic defender axis beats Larry Rohlfing attacker allies AP163 2024-04-01 LEAG0_24
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Jeff Wirthlin defender allies BFP30 Melee Near the Coast 2024-03-25 eASL_24 6.2 1808.3
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Mikko Lukkari defender allied J239 2024-03-03 SCO_24 10.3 1802.1
Olav Heie attacker axis beats Rich Domovic defender allied J208 2024-03-02 SCO_24 -18.3 1791.8
Rich Domovic attacker axis loses to Svante Sandblom defender allied J212 2024-03-02 SCO_24 -20.5 1810.1
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Hans Bugge defender allied J234 2024-03-01 SCO_24 8.7 1830.6
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Timo Kärnä defender allied J241 2024-03-01 SCO_24 5.9 1821.9
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Jay Dragonetti defender axis J167 Hart Attack 2023-12-01 LEAG0_24
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Felipe Zavala defender allies AP40 The Head of the Mace 2023-09-01 LEAG0_23 8.7 1816
Rich Domovic allies beats Maurizio Grassi axis Belgian Tigers 2023-07-30 STLOU_23 15.2 1807.3
Rich Domovic allies beats Doug Kirk axis Varosmaior Grange 2023-07-29 STLOU_23 21.6 1792.1
Rich Domovic axis beats Tate Rogers allies Block Busting in Bokruisk 2023-07-29 STLOU_23 8.7 1770.5
Bob Bendis axis beats Rich Domovic allies Shoulder to Shoulder 2023-07-28 STLOU_23 -10 1761.8
Rich Domovic axis beats Rodney Callen allies Morire in Belleza 2023-07-28 STLOU_23 15.7 1771.8
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Paul Schaeffer defender axis SM4 2023-07-01 LEAG0_23 10.2 1756.1
Steve Pleva attacker allies beats Rich Domovic defender axis BFP48 Ninth Tanks 2023-05-15 eASL_23 -6.3 1745.9
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Daniel Kalman attacker axis J212 2023-05-08 eASL_23 10.3 1752.2
Rich Domovic defender axis beats Paul Washington attacker allies KE20 The Steel-Eyed Boys (repl. TOT15) 2023-05-01 eASL_23 6.9 1741.9
Jay Dragonetti attacker allies beats Rich Domovic defender axis BFP48 Ninth Tanks 2023-05-01 LEAG0_23 -30.3 1735
Rich Domovic defender allies beats John Garlic attacker axis J53 Setting the Stage 2023-04-17 eASL_23 24.8 1765.3
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Darren Kovacs defender axis SF20 2023-04-10 eASL_23 27.9 1740.5
Rich Domovic defender allies loses to Juan Santacruz attacker axis BfF6 2023-04-03 eASL_23 -27.6 1712.6
Rich Domovic defender axis beats Rob Wirthlin attacker allies J145 Golden Pheasants 2023-03-27 eASL_23 25.6 1740.2
Mark Blackmore allies beats Rich Domovic axis SP97 Twilight of the Reich 2023-03-10 Hero_24 -13.2 1714.6
Rich Domovic allies beats David Blackwood axis J167 Hart Attack 2023-03-09 Hero_24 6.5 1727.8
Rich Domovic axis beats Stuart Brant allies J63 Silesian Interlude 2023-03-09 Hero_24 3.7 1721.3
Rich Domovic allies beats Neil Brunger axis BFP84 Kreida Station 2023-03-08 Hero_24 7.1 1717.6
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Craig Houliston attacker axis J208 2023-03-01 LEAG0_23 21.2 1710.5
Martin Vicca defender axis beats Rich Domovic attacker allies SP110 The Chernichivo Shuffle 2022-12-01 LEAG0_22 -17.1 1689.3
Paul Chamberland attacker allies beats Rich Domovic defender axis Hazmo12 2022-09-01 LEAG0_22 -16.3 1706.4
Rich Domovic allies beats Scott Martin axis Fresh Grist 2022-07-30 STLOU_22 14 1722.7
Rich Domovic axis beats Rich Burton allies Born Again 2022-07-30 STLOU_22 2 1708.7
Dave Ginnard beats Rich Domovic L'Infermo Fascista 2022-07-29 STLOU_22 -22.5 1706.7
Dave Nicholas allies beats Rich Domovic axis Twilight of the Reich 2022-07-29 STLOU_22 -33.3 1729.2
Rich Domovic axis beats Mark De Vries allies DTF14 Pillbox Pains 2022-06-16 TEXAS_22 13.5 1762.5
John Garlic axis beats Rich Domovic allies BFP65 Frogs in the Pocket 2022-06-16 TEXAS_22 -16.7 1749
Rich Domovic allies beats Mike Sengottaiyan axis AP12 Cream of the Crop 2022-06-16 TEXAS_22 3.4 1765.7
Rich Domovic allies beats Matt Evans axis Q6 Per l'onore di Roma 2022-06-16 TEXAS_22 5.6 1762.3
Rich Domovic axis beats Dave Mareske allies BFP118 Kazina Klash 2022-06-16 TEXAS_22 14.5 1756.7
Rich Domovic axis beats Scott Bell allies SP97 Twlight of the Reich 2022-06-16 TEXAS_22 5.9 1742.2
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Paul Lauger defender axis AP169 2022-06-01 LEAG0_22 25.8 1736.3
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Neal Ekengren attacker axis DtF15 2022-05-08 eASL_22 6.6 1710.5
Jim Manfredi attacker allies beats Rich Domovic defender axis AP181 2022-05-01 eASL_22 -28.9 1703.9
Rich Domovic defender axis beats Ron Schatz attacker allies OA15 Shattering the Line 2022-04-24 eASL_22 4.5 1732.8
Dave Ginnard attacker british beats Rich Domovic defender german HazMo1 2022-04-23 B-END_22 -22.8 1728.3
Rich Domovic attacker russian beats Tom Harper defender german WO12 Heart of Wilderness 2022-04-22 B-END_22 2.6 1751.1
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Voss Graham attacker german J103 Lenin's Sons 2022-04-22 B-END_22 2.1 1748.5
Kenneth Young attacker axis beats Rich Domovic defender allies WCW2 Scotch on the Rocks 2022-04-10 eASL_22 -20.3 1746.4
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Daniel Kalman defender axis ASL127 2022-04-03 eASL_22 4.9 1766.7
Juan Santacruz defender allies beats Rich Domovic attacker axis HF6 Jackpot Jones 2022-03-20 eASL_22 -29.2 1761.8
Bob Bendis defender axis beats Rich Domovic attacker allies AP171 Possl’s Posse 2021-10-08 ASLOK_21 -8.7 1791
Rich Domovic defender axis beats Kevin Killeen attacker allies AP163 Dingoes in Damour 2021-10-08 ASLOK_21 9.5 1799.7
Andy Hershey attacker axis beats Rich Domovic defender allies SP243 Konrad Three 2021-10-08 ASLOK_21 -22.3 1790.2
Rich Domovic beats Joe Celebuski DB030 88 Alley 2021-10-07 ASLOK_21 2.6 1812.5
Rich Domovic beats Dan Stanhagen SP243 Konrad Three 2021-10-07 ASLOK_21 6.8 1809.9
Rich Domovic loses to Derek Pulhamus AP154 2021-10-07 ASLOK_21 -23.6 1803.1
Kevin Killeen beats Rich Domovic DTF14 2021-10-07 ASLOK_21 -24.1 1826.7
Rich Domovic beats Kevin Killeen DTF14 2021-10-06 ASLOK_21 6.1 1850.8
Rich Domovic beats David Goldman 2021-10-06 ASLOK_21 5.9 1844.7
Martin Vicca attacker allies beats Rich Domovic defender axis Hazmo6 2021-09-30 LEAG0_21 -21 1838.8
Rich Domovic axis beats Wes Vaughn allies ROMA2 Second Hand News 2021-07-25 STLOU_21 14 1859.8
Paul Works axis beats Rich Domovic allies AP166 Aussie Alamo 2021-07-24 STLOU_21 -16.3 1845.8
Nathan Wegener axis beats Rich Domovic allies AP169 The Beasts Have Arrived 2021-07-24 STLOU_21 -20.4 1862.1
Rich Domovic allies beats Keith Stevenson axis Lenin's Sons 2021-07-23 STLOU_21 2.3 1882.5
Rich Domovic allies beats James Treu axis Rather Uncoordinated 2021-07-23 STLOU_21 1.4 1880.2
Lionel Colin attacker axis beats Rich Domovic defender allies VOTG27 Drama, the Park, and Deady Things 2021-06-30 LEAG0_21 -15.2 1878.8
Rich Domovic axis beats Rob Wirthlin allies J191 Rebels without a Pause 2021-05-23 CASLO_21 10.9 1894
Rich Domovic allies beats Jonathan Kay axis J193 Raff's Rules 2021-05-22 CASLO_21 8.1 1883.1
Rich Domovic allies beats Paul Chamberland axis MP12 A Worthy Adversary 2021-05-21 CASLO_21 7.3 1875
Rich Domovic allies beats Michael Rodgers axis AP55 The Generalissimo’s Own 2021-05-14 CASLO_21 5.2 1867.7
Rich Domovic allies beats Andy Beaton axis LSSAH47 Turning Point 2021-05-07 CASLO_21 3.3 1862.5
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Craig Houliston defender allies roma2 2021-04-30 LEAG0_21 10.3 1859.2
Steve Pleva defender allies beats Rich Domovic attacker axis MP12 A Worthy Adversary 2021-04-26 eASL_21 -9.2 1848.9
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Scott Holst defender axis BoF12 Forging Spetsnaz 2021-04-19 eASL_21 5.4 1858.1
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Nathan Wegener defender axis FT216 Back in Force 2021-04-12 eASL_21 9.7 1852.7
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Greg Barsness defender axis HF2 Bertoldo the Brave 2021-04-05 eASL_21 9.1 1843
Darren Kovacs defender axis beats Rich Domovic attacker allies BFP33 Kunlunguan 2021-03-22 eASL_21 -15.7 1833.9
Rich Domovic allies beats Richard Vieira axis HF4 Lehr Launches First 2021-03-21 NOR-E_21 5.5 1849.6
Rich Domovic defender axis beats Carl Nogueira attacker allies WO32 Corps Values 2021-03-20 NOR-E_21 14.2 1844.1
Rich Domovic axis beats John Garlic allies YASL20 2021-03-20 NOR-E_21 8.6 1829.9
Rich Domovic allies beats Jeff Wasserman axis BFP22 Speed Over Caution 2021-03-19 NOR-E_21 10 1821.3
Rich Domovic allies loses to Blake Ball axis DB157 2021-03-19 NOR-E_21 -25.2 1811.3
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Jonathan Kay defender axis LSSAH10 Baptism of Fire 2021-03-14 eASL_21 8 1836.5
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Sandro Coriasco defender axis CH30 Kravchenko's 6th Guards Tank Army 2021-01-30 LEAG0_21 6.2 1828.5
Rich Domovic beats Aaron Cleavin 2020-12-03 NYS_20 14.5 1822.3
Rich Domovic beats David Goldman JPT28 Panzer Pioneers 2020-11-28 SIOUX_20 9.4 1807.8
Hank Wit beats Rich Domovic 2020-11-22 NYS_20 -25.5 1798.4
Rich Domovic allied beats Ramon Weston axis BFP101 Panzer Spirit 2020-11-21 SIOUX_20 6.9 1823.9
Rich Domovic beats Robert Loper 2020-11-15 NYS_20 3.5 1817
Rich Domovic axis beats Dave Mareske allied AP116 Mook Point 2020-11-14 SIOUX_20 7.5 1813.5
Rich Domovic allied beats Michael Rodgers axis HF3 First Timers 2020-11-07 SIOUX_20 5.6 1806
Rich Domovic defender allies beats François Boudrenghien attacker axis BFP84 Kreida Station 2020-09-30 LEAG0_20 16.9 1800.4
Rich Domovic defender axis beats Ken Mioduski attacker allies WCW1 Will to Fight - Eradicated 2020-07-20 Open_20 16.7 1783.5
Darren Kovacs defender allies beats Rich Domovic attacker axis RPT8 Well Taught 2020-07-13 Open_20 -20.4 1766.8
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Brent Crawford attacker axis BFP26 Armored Samurai 2020-07-06 Open_20 7.9 1787.2
Rich Domovic axis beats Randy Shurtz allies SP153 The Wrong Side of Victory 2020-07-03 STLOU_20 18.8 1779.3
Nathan Wegener axis beats Rich Domovic allies FT254 Insurrection at Cividale 2020-07-02 STLOU_20 -29 1760.5
Rich Domovic allies beats Brett Avants axis BFP26 Armored Samurai 2020-07-02 STLOU_20 3 1789.5
Rich Domovic allies beats Rich Burton axis AP141 Currie's Favor 2020-07-01 STLOU_20 1 1786.5
Doug Kirk allies beats Rich Domovic axis Geki Cacti 2020-07-01 STLOU_20 -14.6 1785.5
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Jack Boyle attacker axis 80 Play Ball 2020-06-30 LEAG0_20 5.4 1800.1
Rich Domovic defender allies loses to David Deresinski attacker axis TAC 44 2020-06-28 HWAVE_20 -20.9 1794.7
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Greg Barsness defender axis WO30 As Luck Would Have It 2020-06-26 HWAVE_20 11.8 1815.6
Rich Domovic defender axis beats Andy Goldin attacker allies J 43 2020-06-25 HWAVE_20 5 1803.8
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Santiago Lopez Barba defender axis SP4 Point 270 2020-06-24 HWAVE_20 6.3 1798.8
Rich Domovic defender axis beats Chris Chapman attacker allies HS13 The Ravine 2020-06-22 Open_20 17.2 1792.5
Wes Vaughn defender axis beats Rich Domovic attacker allies BtB8 Steel Inferno 2020-06-15 Open_20 -18 1775.3
Rich Domovic beats Blake Ball FrF 86 2020-05-17 CASLO_20 7.4 1793.3
Carl Nogueira beats Rich Domovic FrF 27 2020-05-16 CASLO_20 -23.6 1785.9
Rich Domovic beats Jonathan Kay J 175 2020-05-16 CASLO_20 11.6 1809.5
Rich Domovic beats Michael Rodgers ASL 153 2020-05-15 CASLO_20 9.3 1797.9
Rich Domovic beats Jeff Wasserman BFP101 Panzer Spirit 2020-05-15 CASLO_20 12.2 1788.6
Robert Loper beats Rich Domovic DTF-7 Fast and Furious 2020-04-15 DtF_20 -25.1 1776.4
Rich Domovic beats Todd Hively DTF-4 death to fascism 2020-04-13 DtF_20 3.6 1801.5
Lionel Colin attacker allies beats Rich Domovic defender axis J175 Bedburg Bite 2020-03-31 LEAG0_20 -14.3 1797.9
Rich Domovic allies beats Matthew Ellis axis SP149 Labarthe's Charade 2020-03-08 HERO_20 5.9 1812.2
Joe Arthur axis loses to Rich Domovic allies 77 Le hérisson (The Hedgehog) 2020-03-07 HERO_20 5.8 1806.3
Craig Benn allies beats Rich Domovic axis BB13 Triumph atop Taraldsvikfjell 2020-03-07 HERO_20 -16.4 1800.5
Iain Ainsworth axis loses to Rich Domovic allies A119 Showdown in Syria 2020-03-06 HERO_20 3.1 1816.9
Rich Domovic axis beats John Tait allies OA31 With Friends Like These 2020-03-06 HERO_20 1.3 1813.8
Rich Domovic axis loses to Magnus Rimvall allies WO35 Heroes' Day 2020-03-05 HERO_20 -28 1812.5
Toby Pilling beats Rich Domovic 2020-03-01 SCO_20 -11.1 1840.5
Rich Domovic beats Juan Santacruz 2020-02-29 SCO_20 4.8 1851.6
Rich Domovic loses to Stefan Fiedler 2020-02-29 SCO_20 -24.9 1846.8
Rich Domovic beats Michael Hemmingsen 2020-02-28 SCO_20 2.7 1871.7
Rich Domovic beats Thomas Harjo 2020-02-28 SCO_20 1.4 1869
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Brian Routh defender axis BFP84 Kreida Station 2020-01-30 LEAG0_20 7.1 1867.6
Bill Cirillo attacker axis beats Rich Domovic defender allies AP61 Desobry Defiant 2019-10-12 ASLOK_19 -9.4 1860.5
Rich Domovic beats Andrea Pagni AP80 A Bloody Waste 2019-10-11 ASLOK_19 14 1869.9
Rich Domovic beats Kevin Killeen FrF58 Order 831 2019-10-11 ASLOK_19 6.6 1855.9
Rich Domovic beats Kevin Killeen 2019-10-10 ASLOK_19 7 1849.3
Rich Domovic beats Ken Mioduski 2019-10-10 ASLOK_19 10.8 1842.3
Rich Domovic beats Jim Serafin 2019-10-10 ASLOK_19 2 1831.5
Rich Domovic beats James Taylor 2019-10-08 ASLOK_19 9.9 1829.5
Rich Domovic beats Mike Cassaro 2019-10-08 ASLOK_19 4.2 1819.6
Matthew Ellis axis loses to Rich Domovic allies J189 Buckley's Block 2019-10-03 HERO_19 4.9 1815.4
Mike Augustine defender allies loses to Rich Domovic attacker axis RPT8 Well Taught 2019-10-02 LEAG0_19 11 1810.5
Paolo Cariolato beats Rich Domovic BtB11 Bosq Barbeque 2019-09-03 LEAG0_19 -15.3 1799.5
Craig Benn allies loses to Rich Domovic axis G44 Abandon Ship 2019-09-03 HERO_19 13.2 1814.8
Ian Morris axis beats Rich Domovic allies SP261 Gunning for Gas 2019-09-03 HERO_19 -21.5 1801.6
Rich Domovic beats Nathan Stapf J167 Hart Attack 2019-08-07 LEAG0_19 7 1823.1
Rich Domovic axis beats Ray Porter allies J19 Merzenhausen Zoo 2019-08-03 HERO_19 0.7 1816.1
G. Tournemire attacker axis beats Rich Domovic defender allies HF6 Jackpot Jones 2019-07-03 STLOU_19 -12.5 1815.4
Magnus Rimvall axis loses to Rich Domovic allies AP33 Second Cristot 2019-07-03 HERO_19 4.7 1827.9
Rich Domovic axis beats Craig Walters allies True Grit 2019-07-02 STLOU_19 6 1823.2
Bob Bendis allies beats Rich Domovic axis HF2 Bertoldo the Brave 2019-07-02 STLOU_19 -15.7 1817.2
Rich Domovic axis beats Randy Shurtz allies BFP38 Sugar Cane Shuffle 2019-07-01 STLOU_19 12.1 1832.9
Rich Domovic axis beats Dave Nicholas allies DB141 Gut Punch 2019-07-01 STLOU_19 4.3 1820.8
Morris Legge allies loses to Rich Domovic axis 11 Defiance on Hill 30 2019-06-03 HERO_19 4.3 1816.5
Rich Domovic allies beats Daniel Braund axis HF6 Jackpot Jones 2019-05-19 CASLO_19 2.7 1812.2
Steffen Knippel attacker allies loses to Rich Domovic defender axis WO22 The Cost of Non-Compliance 2019-05-18 CASLO_19 3.3 1809.5
Jean-Pierre Raymond allies beats Rich Domovic axis FrF65 War Ensemble 2019-05-18 CASLO_19 -24.1 1806.2
Rich Domovic allies loses to Bruce Stevenson axis MWT7 The Streets of Carpiquet 2019-05-17 CASLO_19 -28 1830.3
James Rimmer allies loses to Rich Domovic axis ELC04 Dragoons, Parachutists, and the Dutch Resistance 2019-05-17 CASLO_19 2.7 1858.3
Rich Domovic beats Jon Cole RPT152 Shaken Not Stirred 2019-04-05 LEAG0_19 8.1 1855.6
Doug Kirk loses to Rich Domovic 17 Lost Opportunities 2019-04-01 OPEN_19 14.6 1847.5
Mark De Vries beats Rich Domovic FrF87 Mormal Forest 2019-04-01 OPEN_19 -24.3 1832.9
Curtis Brooks beats Rich Domovic FrF99 Boy Soldiers 2019-04-01 OPEN_19 -24.2 1857.2
Rich Domovic beats Wes Vaughn FT214 A Grain of Sand 2019-04-01 OPEN_19 14.2 1881.4
Bob Bendis loses to Rich Domovic DTF4 Death to Fascism 2019-04-01 OPEN_19 14.5 1867.2
Rich Domovic beats Rob Banozic HF2 Bertoldo the Brave 2019-04-01 OPEN_19 7.9 1852.7
Rich Domovic beats Arnaud Sanchis 2019-02-28 SCO_19 19.2 1844.8
Rich Domovic beats Kenneth Knudsen 2019-02-28 SCO_19 12.1 1825.6
Rich Domovic beats Kåre Jacobsen 2019-02-28 SCO_19 7.8 1813.5
Rich Domovic beats Michael Hemmingsen 2019-02-28 SCO_19 3.9 1805.7
Rich Domovic beats Stefan Fiedler 2019-02-28 SCO_19 7.5 1801.8
Rich Domovic beats Robert Loper 2018-12-03 NYS_18 13.7 1794.3
Bob Bendis beats Rich Domovic 2018-12-02 NYS_18 -17.8 1780.6
Rich Domovic beats Jonathan Kay 2018-12-02 NYS_18 9 1798.4
Jim Manfredi beats Rich Domovic 2018-12-01 NYS_18 -25.6 1789.4
Rich Domovic beats Derek Pulhamus 2018-12-01 NYS_18 6.5 1815
Rich Domovic beats Ketil Høgenhaug 2018-11-30 NYS_18 12.8 1808.5
John Mcdiarmid beats Rich Domovic Melee Near the Coast 2018-10-06 ASLOK_18 -18.7 1795.7
Rich Domovic beats Mikko Lukkari True Grit 2018-10-06 ASLOK_18 4.8 1814.4
Rich Domovic beats Tuomo Lukkari 2018-10-06 ASLOK_18 2.4 1809.6
Rich Domovic beats Tom Kearney 2018-10-05 ASLOK_18 15.1 1807.2
G. Tournemire attacker allies beats Rich Domovic defender axis AP106 Helluva Patrol Leader 2018-09-30 ASLOK_18 -13.9 1792.1
Rich Domovic allies beats Dave Ginnard axis J116 Brigade Hill 2018-07-03 STLOU_18 15.9 1806
Rich Domovic allies beats Mike Reed axis FT213 Up the Liri Valley 2018-07-02 STLOU_18 6.4 1790.1
Randy Shurtz allies beats Rich Domovic axis FrF87 Mormal Forest 2018-07-02 STLOU_18 -18.5 1783.7
Rich Domovic axis beats Wes Vaughn allies J63 Silesian Interlude 2018-07-01 STLOU_18 22.9 1802.2
Rich Domovic axis beats Dave Nicholas allies SP274 Balloons, Cakes and Ponies 2018-07-01 STLOU_18 6.9 1779.3
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Dusty Morris defender axis FT196 Spittelmarkt 2018-04-08 OPEN_18 9.5 1772.4
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Mark Harms attacker axis SP265 Defending Jandrain 2018-04-07 OPEN_18 12.1 1762.9
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Frank Canzolino defender axis RPT139 Mauled at Merdorp 2018-04-07 OPEN_18 6.6 1750.8
John Mcdiarmid attacker axis beats Rich Domovic defender allies SP269 Retaking Kharkov 2018-04-06 OPEN_18 -23.5 1744.2
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Joe Celebuski defender allies FrF87 Mormal Forest 2018-04-06 OPEN_18 5.8 1767.7
Nathan Stapf attacker allies beats Rich Domovic defender axis J159 Tropic Lightning 2018-04-05 OPEN_18 -29.4 1761.9
Vic Rosso axis beats Rich Domovic allies J193 Raff's Rules 2018-01-01 LEAG0_18 -25.3 1791.3
Rich Domovic axis beats François Boudrenghien allies DB130 Tigers and Flames 2018-01-01 LEAG0_18 21.4 1816.6
Andrea Pagni axis beats Rich Domovic allies Z19 The Trap at Targul Frumos 2018-01-01 LEAG0_18 -20.8 1795.2
Rich Domovic axis beats Carl Nogueira allies J183 A Real Barn Burner 2018-01-01 LEAG0_18 15.4 1816
Rich Domovic axis beats Charles Hammond allies J168 Katyusha's Embrace 2018-01-01 LEAG0_18 12 1800.6
Rich Joseph Jenulis beats Rich Domovic 2017-10-08 ASLOK_17 -29.9 1788.6
Rich Domovic beats Kevin Meyer 2017-10-08 ASLOK_17 6.1 1818.5
Rich Domovic beats Mike Zeimentz 2017-10-08 ASLOK_17 14.7 1812.4
Rich Domovic beats Jason Wert 2017-10-07 ASLOK_17 4.9 1797.7
Rich Domovic beats Gabriel Wert 2017-10-07 ASLOK_17 5.1 1792.8
Martin Vicca beats Rich Domovic 2017-10-06 ASLOK_17 -32.8 1787.7
Rich Domovic beats J.R. Tracy 2017-10-06 ASLOK_17 22 1820.5
Rich Domovic beats Jeff Deyoung 2017-10-06 ASLOK_17 4.5 1798.5
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Scott Martin defender allies 2017-07-30 STLOU_17 12.2 1794
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Toby Pilling defender allies 2017-07-29 STLOU_17 31.1 1781.8
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Richard Spilky attacker axis 2017-07-29 STLOU_17 25.3 1750.7
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Wes Vaughn defender allies 2017-07-28 STLOU_17 26.8 1725.4
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Magnus Rimvall defender allies 2017-07-28 STLOU_17 4.2 1698.6
Rich Domovic beats Mike Stubits 2017-04-02 OPEN_17 6.9 1694.4
Dave Ramirez beats Rich Domovic 2017-04-01 OPEN_17 -26.1 1687.5
Dave Ginnard beats Rich Domovic 2017-04-01 OPEN_17 -22.3 1713.6
Scott Holst beats Rich Domovic 2017-03-31 OPEN_17 -33.5 1735.9
Rich Domovic beats Jeff Boles 2017-03-31 OPEN_17 6.7 1769.4
Bret Hildebran beats Rich Domovic 2017-03-30 OPEN_17 -12.1 1762.7
Craig Benn axis beats Rich Domovic allies BFP89 Relentless Pressure 2017-03-04 HEROE_17 -17 1774.8
Mark Blackmore allies beats Rich Domovic axis J161 Riding to the Rescue 2017-03-04 HEROE_17 -22.7 1791.8
Rich Domovic allies beats John Tait axis J178 Old Friends 2017-03-03 HEROE_17 1.3 1814.5
Rich Domovic axis beats Nick Ranson allies A104 In Front of the Storm 2017-03-02 HEROE_17 0.6 1813.2
Mattias Rönnblom beats Rich Domovic 2017-02-26 ASO_17 -15.7 1812.6
Rich Domovic beats Tron Ljodal 2017-02-25 ASO_17 3.9 1828.3
Rich Domovic beats Timo Kärnä 2017-02-25 ASO_17 5.2 1824.4
Arnaud Sanchis beats Rich Domovic 2017-02-24 ASO_17 -19.7 1819.2
Ran Shiloah beats Rich Domovic 2017-02-24 ASO_17 -28.8 1838.9
Rich Domovic defender axis beats Paul Lauger attacker allies AP110 Display of Enthusiasm 2016-12-31 LEAG0_16 8.9 1867.7
Bill Cirillo defender allies loses to Rich Domovic attacker axis J32 Panzer Graveyard 2016-10-08 ASLOK_16 14.9 1858.8
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats G. Tournemire defender axis Bedburg Bite 2016-10-07 ASLOK_16 14.6 1843.9
Rich Domovic beats Chuck Dye 2016-10-07 ASLOK_16 1.4 1829.3
David Deresinski beats Rich Domovic 2016-10-07 ASLOK_16 -25 1827.9
Dave Reenstra beats Rich Domovic 2016-10-06 ASLOK_16 -24.2 1852.9
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Jon Cole defender axis J167 Hart Attack 2016-10-01 LEAG0_16 6.5 1877.1
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Richard Spilky defender allies AP108 Yes Sir! 2016-07-31 STLOU_16 13.1 1870.6
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Randy Shurtz defender axis J157 Rage Against the Machine 2016-07-30 STLOU_16 7.2 1857.5
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Craig Walters attacker axis BFP22 Speed Over Caution 2016-07-30 STLOU_16 4.6 1850.3
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Rick Salisbury attacker axis FRF80 Breaking Bad 2016-07-29 STLOU_16 3.1 1845.7
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Tom Cvetinovich attacker axis BFP140 Iron Greeting 2016-07-29 STLOU_16 3.2 1842.6
Rich Domovic allies beats Edward Beekman axis 163 Stopped Cold 2016-06-30 LEAG0_16 5.3 1839.4
Rich Domovic beats Randy Yeates DB120 Start Fall Gelb 2016-04-17 OPEN_16 7.9 1834.1
Bret Hildebran beats Rich Domovic BFP30 Melee Near the Coast 2016-04-17 OPEN_16 -9.7 1826.2
Rich Domovic beats Stan Jackson FRF72 The Mubo Decision 2016-04-16 OPEN_16 10.9 1835.9
Rich Domovic beats Dave Ramirez J166 Maximum Aggression 2016-04-16 OPEN_16 6 1825
Rich Domovic beats Bill Hayward AP93 Best Think Again 2016-04-15 OPEN_16 11.9 1819
Rich Domovic beats Jeff Deyoung FRF80 Breaking Bad 2016-04-15 OPEN_16 5.5 1807.1
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Ryan Voznic defender axis BOF 3 2016-03-01 LEAG0_16 5.2 1801.6
Aaron Cleavin attacker axis beats Rich Domovic defender allies J166 Maximum Aggression 2016-03-01 LEAG0_16 -16.7 1796.4
Rich Domovic beats Hans Bugge 2016-02-28 ASO_16 9.2 1813.1
Rich Domovic beats Timo Kärnä 2016-02-27 ASO_16 6.3 1803.9
G. Tournemire attacker allies beats Rich Domovic defender axis WO15 Liberation Day 2016-02-27 ASO_16 -9.1 1797.6
Rich Domovic beats Stefan Fiedler 2016-02-26 ASO_16 5 1806.7
Rich Domovic beats Mikko Lukkari 2016-02-26 ASO_16 4.5 1801.7
Rich Domovic defender axis beats Sandro Coriasco attacker allies BFP71 Surabaya Slugfest 2015-12-31 LEAG0_15 10 1797.2
Rich Domovic beats Brian Wiersma 2015-12-06 NYS_15 19.6 1787.2
Rich Domovic beats Paul Sidhu 2015-12-05 NYS_15 31.5 1767.6
Rich Domovic beats Robert Loper 2015-12-05 NYS_15 14.7 1736.1
Rich Domovic beats Jim Povey 2015-12-04 NYS_15 9.2 1721.4
Bill Cirillo beats Rich Domovic 2015-12-04 NYS_15 -15.4 1712.2
Rich Domovic beats Jim Wiseman 2015-10-11 ASLOK_15 3.2 1727.6
Rich Domovic beats Nelson Harris 2015-10-11 ASLOK_15 13 1724.4
Rich Domovic beats Dusty Morris 2015-10-10 ASLOK_15 10.6 1711.4
Rich Domovic beats Steve Flicker 2015-10-10 ASLOK_15 13.3 1700.8
Rich Domovic beats Anthony Flanagan 2015-10-10 ASLOK_15 9.5 1687.5
Paul Sidhu beats Rich Domovic 2015-10-09 ASLOK_15 -6.8 1678
Rich Domovic beats Don Holland 2015-10-09 ASLOK_15 5.1 1684.8
Jim Aikens beats Rich Domovic 2015-10-09 ASLOK_15 -33.7 1679.7
Rich Domovic beats Matthew Zajac 2015-10-08 ASLOK_15 9 1713.4
Hank Withaar beats Rich Domovic 2015-10-08 ASLOK_15 -25 1704.4
Robert Feinstein attacker axis beats Rich Domovic defender allies J157 Rage Against the Machine 2015-10-01 LEAG0_15 -28.3 1729.4
Paul Works attacker axis beats Rich Domovic defender allies BFP95 Obian Highway 2015-07-27 STLOU_15 -16.9 1757.7
Rich Domovic defender axis beats Mark De Vries attacker allies WO15 Liberation Day 2015-07-26 STLOU_15 9.9 1774.6
Rich Domovic defender axis beats Jeff Deyoung attacker allies DB115 Mopping Up Kobayashi 2015-07-25 STLOU_15 11.8 1764.7
Rich Domovic defender allies beats David Goldman attacker axis AP93 Best Think Again 2015-07-24 STLOU_15 11.9 1752.9
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Michael Rodgers defender axis 173 Father Sunshine 2015-07-24 STLOU_15 7.4 1741
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Eoin Corrigan attacker axis FRF69 To Ashes 2015-07-01 LEAG0_15 13.4 1733.6
Robert Loper attacker axis beats Rich Domovic defender allies ITR-1 Debacle at Sung Kiang 2015-05-01 LEAG0_15 -25.8 1720.2
Mark Harms beats Rich Domovic 2015-04-26 OPEN_15 -33.1 1746
Nathan Stapf beats Rich Domovic 2015-04-25 OPEN_15 -33.7 1779.1
Rich Domovic beats Dave Ramirez 2015-04-25 OPEN_15 8.4 1812.8
Rich Domovic beats Ray Woloszyn 2015-04-25 OPEN_15 7.6 1804.4
Wes Vaughn beats Rich Domovic 2015-04-24 OPEN_15 -15.3 1796.8
Rich Domovic beats Mike Stubits 2015-04-24 OPEN_15 3.7 1812.1
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Mark Humphries defender allies FRF73 Sledgehammers 2015-03-01 LEAG0_15 4.9 1808.4
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Jon Cole defender allies SP126 Malignant Mahrattas 2014-11-30 LEAG0_14 11.6 1803.5
Rich Domovic beats Will Willow 2014-10-13 ASLOK _14 4 1791.9
Rich Domovic beats J.R. Van Mechelen 2014-10-11 ASLOK _14 14.3 1781.6
Rich Domovic beats Kurt Berger 2014-10-11 ASLOK _14 6.3 1787.9
Mark Watson beats Rich Domovic 2014-10-10 ASLOK _14 -36.5 1767.3
Rich Domovic beats Stan Jackson 2014-10-10 ASLOK _14 19.1 1803.8
Mark Harms beats Rich Domovic 2014-10-09 ASLOK _14 -26.6 1784.7
Rich Domovic beats Edward Beekman 2014-10-08 ASLOK _14 4.2 1811.3
Rich Domovic beats Jamie Cribbs 2014-10-08 ASLOK _14 1.6 1807.1
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Jeff Coyle attacker axis BFP30 Melee Near the Coast 2014-08-31 LEAG0_14 17.9 1805.5
Rich Domovic defender axis beats Doug Kirk attacker allies SP227 Party Boys 2014-07-26 STLOU_14 18.8 1787.6
G. Tournemire attacker axis beats Rich Domovic defender allies FRF67 Collecchio 2014-07-25 STLOU_14 -12.5 1768.8
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Larry Zoet attacker axis AP89 To the Pain 2014-07-25 STLOU_14 10.1 1781.3
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Rodney Callen defender allies BFP30 Melee Near the Coast 2014-07-24 STLOU_14 12 1771.2
Rich Domovic defender axis beats Rick Salisbury attacker allies KBS1 Double Trouble 2014-07-24 STLOU_14 5.6 1759.2
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Dan Cunningham defender axis FRF24 Forging Spetsnaz 2014-06-30 LEAG0_14 14.1 1753.6
Jeff Wasserman attacker allies beats Rich Domovic defender axis 156 Broken Bamboo 2014-04-30 LEAG0_14 -26.4 1739.5
Rich Domovic beats Jim Risher 2014-04-13 OPEN_14 3.5 1765.9
Rich Domovic beats Mark Harms 2014-04-12 OPEN_14 5.1 1762.4
Chris Garrett beats Rich Domovic 2014-04-12 OPEN_14 -30.5 1757.3
Rich Domovic beats Will Willow 2014-04-12 OPEN_14 4 1787.8
Doug Kirk beats Rich Domovic 2014-04-11 OPEN_14 -17.3 1783.8
Bill Hayward beats Rich Domovic 2014-04-11 OPEN_14 -19.2 1801.1
Rich Domovic defender axis beats Jas Bal attacker allies DB092 The Streets of Kharkov 2014-02-28 LEAG0_14 6.2 1820.3
G. Tournemire attacker axis beats Rich Domovic defender allies RPT25 Cornwalls' Rum Ration 2013-11-10 GREN_13 -11.7 1814.1
Rich Domovic defender axis beats Bruno Nitrosso attacker allies SP39 Down the Manipur Road 2013-11-09 GREN_13 22.2 1825.8
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Philippe Briaux defender allies ESG91 It's Not Over 2013-11-09 GREN_13 22.1 1803.6
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Ray Woloszyn defender allies J157 Rage Against the Machine 2013-11-08 GREN_13 7.2 1781.5
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Jean-Christophe Jaud defender allies FRF21 Cavalry Brigade Model 2013-11-08 GREN_13 6.3 1774.3
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Craig Houliston attacker axis FRF21 Cavalry Brigade Model 2013-11-01 LEAG0_13 14.2 1768
Rich Domovic axis loses to William Binns allies DB099 The Gin Drinker's Line 2013-10-27 IF_13 -32.9 1753.8
Rich Domovic allies beats Simon Staniforth axis SP194 Requiem for a Dreadnaught 2013-10-26 IF_13 7.3 1786.7
Michael Davies axis loses to Rich Domovic allies ESG91 It's Not Over 2013-10-26 IF_13 9.3 1779.4
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Tim Macaire attacker axis U15 Battle for the Warta Line 2013-10-25 IF_13 5.2 1770.1
Rich Domovic allies loses to Eric Gerstenberg axis SSB1 2013-10-25 IF_13 -29.4 1764.9
Paul Case axis loses to Rich Domovic allies BoF4 About his Shadowy Sides 2013-10-24 IF_13 4.4 1794.3
Nigella Blair axis loses to Rich Domovic allies RPT71 The Monetake Mambo 2013-10-24 IF_13 4.3 1789.9
Rich Domovic beats Mark Pitcavage 2013-10-12 ASLOK_13 12.5 1785.6
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Andy Hershey defender axis G30 Morgan's Stand 2013-10-01 ASLOK_13 15.6 1773.1
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Enrico Catanzaro defender allies RPT58 Sikh Defiance 2013-09-01 LEAG0_13 18 1757.5
Aaron Cleavin defender allies beats Rich Domovic attacker axis 68 The Rock 2013-07-01 LEAG0_13 -17.3 1739.5
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Dan Cunningham defender axis J156 Mageret Mixer 2013-04-30 LEAG0_13 12.4 1756.8
Rich Domovic beats Mike Stubits 2013-04-14 OPEN_13 7.9 1744.4
Bob Bendis beats Rich Domovic 2013-04-13 OPEN_13 -15.3 1736.5
Rich Domovic beats Jeff Deyoung 2013-04-13 OPEN_13 8.6 1751.8
Rich Domovic beats Chris Garrett 2013-04-13 OPEN_13 15.5 1743.2
Mike Zeimentz beats Rich Domovic 2013-04-12 OPEN_13 -22 1727.7
Rich Domovic beats Bob Holmstrom 2013-04-12 OPEN_13 22.2 1749.7
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Brian Wiersma defender allies 2012-10-31 TOP_12 18.4 1727.5
Stan Jackson beats Rich Domovic 2012-10-07 ASLOK_12 -25.9 1709.1
Steve Pleva beats Rich Domovic 2012-10-05 ASLOK_12 -7.3 1735
Rich Domovic beats Kevin Killeen ESG95 End at Eniwetok 2012-10-05 ASLOK_12 6.5 1742.3
Kenneth Young beats Rich Domovic 2012-10-05 ASLOK_12 -23.7 1735.8
Gary Fortenberry defender axis beats Rich Domovic attacker allies SP194 Requiem for a Dreadnaught 2012-08-31 TOP_12 -8.6 1759.5
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Craig Walters defender allies ESG83 Split the D! 2012-07-29 STLOU_12 8.5 1768.1
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Travis Reed defender axis FRF60 A War of Their Own 2012-07-28 STLOU_12 7.5 1759.6
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Peter Ward defender axis SP199 Para-trap 2012-07-28 STLOU_12 7.5 1752.1
Paul Works attacker allies beats Rich Domovic defender axis FT167 Wasp Sting 2012-07-28 STLOU_12 -20.9 1744.6
Rich Domovic defender axis beats Mike Reed attacker allies KE20 The Steel-Eyed Boys (repl. TOT15) 2012-07-27 STLOU_12 8.1 1765.5
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Jeff Coyle attacker axis SP193 Kamikaze Gorge 2012-06-30 TOP_12 16.5 1757.4
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Alex Koestler attacker axis J103 Lenin's Sons 2012-06-17 ITAL_12 9.1 1740.9
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Marco Merli defender allies J133 One Miserable Night 2012-06-16 ITAL_12 5 1731.8
Christian Herde attacker axis beats Rich Domovic defender allies FRF20 Adolf's Amateurs 2012-06-16 ITAL_12 -28.8 1726.8
Enrico Catanzaro attacker allies beats Rich Domovic defender axis BFP101 Panzer Spirit 2012-06-15 ITAL_12 -25.5 1755.6
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Mario Aceto defender axis BFP102 Tolstoy Woods 2012-06-15 ITAL_12 9.8 1781.1
Rich Domovic beats Ben Richardson FRF58 Order 831 2012-04-22 OPEN_12 14.2 1771.3
Bob Holmstrom beats Rich Domovic FRF26 A Polish Requiem 2012-04-21 OPEN_12 -25.8 1757.1
Rich Domovic defender axis beats G. Tournemire attacker allies SV9 Mexico and Morocco 2012-04-21 OPEN_12 29.4 1782.9
Rich Domovic beats Bob Bendis OA20 The Revenge of the Greys 2012-04-21 OPEN_12 27.6 1753.5
Rich Domovic beats Bill Hayward AP55 The Generalissimo's Own 2012-04-20 OPEN_12 19.5 1725.9
Rich Domovic beats Rob Banozic RPT10 Slovak Salvation 2012-04-20 OPEN_12 21.6 1706.4
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Paul Lauger attacker axis AP53 Far From Home 2012-02-29 TOP_12 24.7 1684.8
Phil Draper beats Rich Domovic 2011-12-04 NYS_11 -21.4 1660.1
Rich Domovic beats Steve (stephen) Johns 2011-12-03 NYS_11 7.4 1681.5
Rich Domovic beats William Stoppel 2011-12-03 NYS_11 16.2 1674.1
Rich Domovic beats Tim Kelly 2011-12-02 NYS_11 4.2 1657.9
Paul Sidhu beats Rich Domovic 2011-12-02 NYS_11 -9.1 1653.7
Michael Rodgers attacker axis beats Rich Domovic defender allies SP200 Three Card Monty 2011-10-08 ASLOK_11 -31 1662.8
Steve Anderson attacker axis beats Rich Domovic defender allies J113 Maczek Fire Brigade 2011-10-07 ASLOK_11 -28.1 1693.8
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Don Holland defender axis BFP52 Kachin Rangers 2011-10-06 ASLOK_11 8.2 1721.9
Stephen Frum defender allies beats Rich Domovic attacker axis AP49 Retrained and Rearmed 2011-10-06 ASLOK_11 -22 1713.7
Rich Domovic defender axis beats Pete Shelling attacker allies J34 Men of the Mountains 2011-10-06 ASLOK_11 6.6 1735.7
Rich Domovic axis beats Lars Thuring allies J9 A Stiff Fight 2011-10-05 ASLOK_11 19.4 1729.1
Dave Ginnard defender axis beats Rich Domovic attacker allies AP65 Baw Drop 2011-10-05 ASLOK_11 -33.8 1709.7
Philippe Briaux attacker axis beats Rich Domovic defender allies SP196 Hussars and Hounds 2011-10-04 ASLOK_11 -22.6 1743.5
Rich Domovic defender axis beats Michael Rhodes attacker allies FRF54 KNIL Before the Emperor 2011-10-04 ASLOK_11 4.3 1766.1
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Xavier Vitry defender allies FRF58 Order 831 2011-10-03 ASLOK_11 23 1761.8
Rich Domovic defender axis beats Michael Koch attacker allies AP68 Odd Angry Shot 2011-10-03 ASLOK_11 10.5 1738.8
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Michael Koch defender axis SP204 Yankee Pride 2011-10-03 ASLOK_11 10.5 1728.3
Janusz Maxe attacker allies beats Rich Domovic defender axis FRF51 Bite of the Bassotto 2011-09-01 TOP_11 -23.4 1717.8
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Robert Feinstein defender axis HG(2)-8 Perún's Thunder 2011-09-01 TOP_11 17.3 1741.2
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Mark De Vries attacker axis ESG41 Commence Hostilities 2011-07-29 STLOU_11 11.6 1723.9
Rich Domovic defender axis beats Craig Walters attacker allies WO4 I Don't Like Retreating 2011-07-28 STLOU_11 7.7 1712.3
Paul Works attacker axis beats Rich Domovic defender allies FRF17 The Marco Polo Bridge Incident 2011-07-28 STLOU_11 -21.2 1704.6
Bob Holmstrom defender allies beats Rich Domovic attacker axis LSSAH28 Last Drop of Blood 2011-07-28 STLOU_11 -30.8 1725.8
Rich Domovic defender axis beats John Rockwell attacker allies J139 Light Aid Detached 2011-07-27 STLOU_11 0.9 1756.6
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Stefano Isella defender axis BTB8 Steel Inferno 2011-07-01 TOP_11 13.7 1755.7
Rich Domovic defender axis beats Stefano Cuccurullo attacker allies FRF52 Dying for Danzig 2011-05-01 TOP_11 6.9 1742
Doug Kirk beats Rich Domovic SP125 Nunshigum 2011-04-03 OPEN_11 -19.7 1735.1
Bret Hildebran beats Rich Domovic SP188 On the Road Again 2011-04-03 OPEN_11 -13.3 1754.8
Rich Domovic beats Rob Banozic CH14 Ninety Minute War 2011-04-02 OPEN_11 15.7 1768.1
Rich Domovic beats Scott Holst OA31 With Friends Like These 2011-04-02 OPEN_11 5.6 1752.4
Rich Domovic beats Neil Dennis DB035 A Hotly Contested Crossroads 2011-04-01 OPEN_11 16.1 1746.8
Rich Domovic beats Chris Garrett FRF52 Dying for Danzig 2011-04-01 OPEN_11 11.5 1730.7
Kenneth Young attacker allies beats Rich Domovic defender axis BFP29 Hueishan Docks 2011-03-01 TOP_11 -27.1 1719.2
Rich Domovic beats Joe Markham 2010-12-05 NYS_10 10.9 1746.3
Bret Hildebran beats Rich Domovic 2010-12-04 NYS_10 -11 1735.4
Rich Domovic beats Gary Fortenberry 2010-12-04 NYS_10 25.6 1746.4
Randy Knight beats Rich Domovic 2010-12-03 NYS_10 -25.4 1720.8
Rich Domovic beats Larry Zoet 2010-12-03 NYS_10 6.9 1746.2
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Paul Chamberland defender allies BFP38 Sugar Cane Shuffle 2010-10-31 MINE_10 13.6 1739.3
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Paul Chamberland defender allies BFP38 Sugar Cane Shuffle 2010-10-09 ASLOK_10 16.1 1725.7
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Chas Argent attacker axis J113 Maczek Fire Brigade 2010-10-09 ASLOK_10 16.6 1709.6
Rich Domovic defender axis beats Jim Bishop attacker allies SP186 Beaufort's Feast 2010-10-08 ASLOK_10 10.1 1693
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Darrell Wright defender axis J43 3rd RTR in the Rain 2010-10-08 ASLOK_10 4.3 1682.9
Ray Woloszyn attacker allies beats Rich Domovic defender axis FRF49 One Last Mighty Hew 2010-10-07 ASLOK_10 -28.2 1678.6
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Ken Mioduski defender axis ESG75 Chopped off at the Knees 2010-10-07 ASLOK_10 16.8 1706.8
Keith Hill attacker allies beats Rich Domovic defender axis FRF24 Forging Spetsnaz 2010-10-07 ASLOK_10 -34.1 1690
Rich Domovic allies beats Peter Palmer axis J9 A Stiff Fight 2010-10-06 ASLOK_10 9.3 1724.1
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Gary Trezza defender allies SP118 Seizing the Sittang Bridge 2010-10-06 ASLOK_10 22.3 1714.8
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Stan Jackson attacker axis SP95 Burn Gurkha Burn! 2010-10-06 ASLOK_10 19 1692.5
Aaron Cleavin attacker allies beats Rich Domovic defender axis DB083 Block to Bataan 2010-10-05 ASLOK_10 -21.3 1673.5
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Phil Seymour attacker axis BFP40 Advance to Kakas 2010-10-05 ASLOK_10 8.1 1694.8
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Michael Rhodes defender axis FRF50 Pavlov's Dogs 2010-10-04 ASLOK_10 6.2 1686.7
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Scott Byrne defender allies FRF51 Bite of the Bassotto 2010-10-04 ASLOK_10 8.6 1680.5
Mattias Rönnblom attacker allies beats Rich Domovic defender axis SP181 The Elefant of Surprise 2010-10-03 ASLOK_10 -14.5 1671.9
Rich Domovic defender axis beats Murray Mccloskey attacker allies BFP48 Ninth Tanks 2010-10-03 ASLOK_10 6.7 1686.4
Hennie Van Der Salm attacker allies beats Rich Domovic defender axis SP190 Bottcher's Corner 2010-10-02 ASLOK_10 -27.4 1679.7
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Mattias Bergwall defender allies CH44 Operation Nordwind 2010-09-26 ARNH_10 17.7 1707.1
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Martin Houmøller attacker axis LSSAH 2010-09-25 ARNH_10 7.8 1689.4
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Peter Struijf defender axis SV13 Rather Uncoordinated 2010-09-25 ARNH_10 22.7 1681.6
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Hennie Van Der Salm attacker axis FE150 Blue Danube 2010-09-24 ARNH_10 14.5 1658.9
Roderick Moolenaars defender allies beats Rich Domovic attacker axis SP123 The Badger's Breath 2010-09-24 ARNH_10 -32.7 1644.4
Stefan Nilsson defender axis beats Rich Domovic attacker allies AP34 Bocage Blockage 2010-09-23 ARNH_10 -33.4 1677.1
Miguel Guerrero attacker axis beats Rich Domovic defender allies BFP30 Melee Near the Coast 2010-09-12 ITAL_10 -22.4 1710.5
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Alessandro Demichelis defender allies MP11 Vulcan's Forge 2010-09-11 ITAL_10 14.7 1732.9
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Andrea Pagni attacker axis DB038 Centauro on a Flank 2010-09-11 ITAL_10 18.4 1718.2
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Mario Nadalini attacker axis FT64 Savnik 2010-09-11 ITAL_10 8.5 1699.8
Rich Domovic axis draws Paolo Mengoli allies FRF44 Anhalt Pandemonium 2010-09-10 ITAL_10 -11.8 1691.3
Rich Domovic defender axis beats Andy Beaton attacker allies 143 Grebbe End 2010-08-31 MINE_10 11.3 1703.1
Doug Kirk attacker axis beats Rich Domovic defender allies FRF23 Elephants Unleashed 2010-07-25 STLOU_10 -19 1691.8
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Wes Vaughn defender allies XXX 2010-07-24 STLOU_10 27.8 1710.8
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Larry Zoet defender allies ESG21 Dying to Kill 2010-07-24 STLOU_10 19.5 1683
Rich Domovic defender axis beats Jeff Ital attacker allies FT123 Schurter's Sortie 2010-07-24 STLOU_10 15.7 1663.5
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Ken Willmann defender allies XXX 2010-07-23 STLOU_10 4.3 1647.8
Rich Domovic defender axis beats Robert Shuster attacker allies ESG12 Road Kill 2010-06-30 MINE_10 7.4 1643.5
Rich Domovic defender axis beats Rick Goheen attacker allies J122 Bloody Bois Jacques 2010-04-30 MINE_10 13.7 1636.1
Rich Domovic beats Rick Salisbury SP115 The Five Pound Prize 2010-04-24 OPEN_10 13 1622.4
Bob Bendis beats Rich Domovic BFP22 Speed Over Caution 2010-04-10 OPEN_10 -8.3 1609.4
Rich Domovic beats John Pires RPT25 Cornwalls' Rum Ration 2010-04-10 OPEN_10 14.3 1617.7
Rich Domovic beats Tom Mueller HS15 Hill 27 2010-04-10 OPEN_10 21.8 1603.4
Bob Holmstrom beats Rich Domovic SP180 Encircle This! 2010-04-09 OPEN_10 -19.4 1581.6
Richard Spilky beats Rich Domovic J59 Friday the 13th 2010-04-09 OPEN_10 -15.1 1601
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Pierce Mason defender axis MWT2 Fourth of July 2010-02-28 MINE_10 13.7 1616.1
Rich Domovic beats Carl Nogueira 2009-12-06 NYS_09 30.2 1602.4
Rich Domovic beats Seth Semenza 2009-12-05 NYS_09 20.1 1572.2
Rich Domovic beats Vic Provost 2009-12-05 NYS_09 14.4 1552.1
Brian Sullivan beats Rich Domovic 2009-12-04 NYS_09 -21.4 1537.7
Randy Rossi beats Rich Domovic 2009-12-04 NYS_09 -15.7 1559.1
Hank Wit attacker axis beats Rich Domovic defender allies FRF37 Crossing Swords at Kyaukse 2009-10-09 ASLOK_09 -24.1 1574.8
Stan Jackson attacker axis beats Rich Domovic defender allies SP177 Tic Tac Toe 2009-10-09 ASLOK_09 -13.5 1598.9
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Ray Woloszyn defender axis AP13 Shielding Moscow 2009-10-09 ASLOK_09 17.8 1612.4
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Scott Houseman attacker axis FRF30 Bidermann's Escape 2009-10-09 ASLOK_09 9.8 1594.6
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Dave Perham attacker axis AP41 The Meat Grinder 2009-10-09 ASLOK_09 13.6 1584.8
J.R. Tracy defender allies beats Rich Domovic attacker axis A72 Italian Brothers (atp8 repub.) 2009-10-08 ASLOK_09 -9.4 1571.2
Rich Domovic defender axis beats Michael Rhodes attacker allies J34 Men of the Mountains 2009-10-08 ASLOK_09 9 1580.6
Lars Thuring defender allies beats Rich Domovic attacker axis SP95 Burn Gurkha Burn! 2009-10-07 ASLOK_09 -13.5 1571.6
Rich Domovic defender allies beats John Haughey attacker axis J 9 2009-10-07 ASLOK_09 15.6 1585.1
Peter Struijf defender allies beats Rich Domovic attacker axis MP11 Vulcan's Forge 2009-10-06 ASLOK_09 -11.9 1569.5
Hennie Van Der Salm axis beats Rich Domovic allies FRF44 Anhalt Pandemonium 2009-10-05 ASLOK_09 -20 1581.4
Robert Maglica beats Rich Domovic 2009-09-27 ARNH_09 -16.9 1601.4
Rich Domovic beats Chris Mazzei 2009-09-27 ARNH_09 21.4 1618.3
Christoffer Peyre beats Rich Domovic 2009-09-26 ARNH_09 -24.4 1596.9
Albrecht Dekker beats Rich Domovic 2009-09-25 ARNH_09 -18.9 1621.3
Rich Domovic beats Melvin Falk 2009-09-25 ARNH_09 33 1640.2
Rich Domovic beats Guido Görres 2009-09-24 ARNH_09 5.9 1607.2
Rich Domovic beats Marco Merli 2009-09-11 ITAL_09 10.8 1601.3
Andrea Olivieri beats Rich Domovic 2009-09-11 ITAL_09 -28 1590.5
Arnaud Sanchis beats Rich Domovic 2009-09-11 ITAL_09 -19.9 1618.5
Miguel Guerrero beats Rich Domovic 2009-09-11 ITAL_09 -25.3 1638.4
Rich Domovic beats Andrea Pagni 2009-09-11 ITAL_09 16.5 1663.7
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Mattias Rönnblom defender axis SP96 Husum Hotfoot 2009-04-05 OPEN_09 21.8 1647.2
Rich Domovic defender axis beats Larry Zoet attacker allies 55 Retribution 2009-04-04 OPEN_09 11.5 1625.4
Bill Hayward defender axis beats Rich Domovic attacker allies FRF32 The Hellenic Expedition 2009-04-04 OPEN_09 -27.2 1613.9
Bob Holmstrom attacker allies beats Rich Domovic defender axis AP34 Bocage Blockage 2009-04-04 OPEN_09 -25.2 1641.1
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Steve Etzelmueller defender axis FRF19 About His Shadowy Sides 2009-04-03 OPEN_09 13.9 1666.3
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Mike Stubits defender axis FT89 Too Little, My Friend... 2009-04-03 OPEN_09 14.9 1652.4
Craig Houliston attacker allies beats Rich Domovic defender axis FF10 Castle Keep 2008-10-24 WEASL_08 -28.8 1637.5
Craig Houliston attacker allies beats Rich Domovic defender axis FF10 Blackjack is Back! 2008-10-24 WEASL_08 -28.8 1637.5
Rich Domovic defender axis beats Chuck Payne attacker allies PBP3 Children of the Kunai 2008-10-11 ASLOK_08 14.8 1666.3
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Jerry Simmons attacker axis BC2 Put to the Sword 2008-10-11 ASLOK_08 12 1651.5
Rich Domovic defender axis beats John Haughey attacker allies BC7 Brigade Hill 2008-10-11 ASLOK_08 12.6 1639.5
Nelson Harris attacker axis beats Rich Domovic defender allies SP162 The Buddha's Belly 2008-10-10 ASLOK_08 -25.3 1626.9
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Dave Wallace defender allies SP144 One More Day of Freedom 2008-10-10 ASLOK_08 13.4 1652.2
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats John Stadick defender axis SP128 Rupee Reward 2008-10-10 ASLOK_08 21.1 1638.8
Ken Mioduski attacker axis beats Rich Domovic defender allies SP164 Tanks But No Tanks 2008-10-09 ASLOK_08 -17.3 1617.7
Rich Domovic defender axis beats John Stadick attacker allies SP165 A Promise Fulfilled 2008-10-09 ASLOK_08 21.9 1635
Peter Struijf defender axis beats Rich Domovic attacker allies SP125 Nunshigum 2008-10-09 ASLOK_08 -12.1 1613.1
Randy Rossi attacker axis beats Rich Domovic defender allies 54 Bridge to Nowhere 2008-10-08 ASLOK_08 -17.8 1625.2
Rich Domovic defender axis beats Chuck Payne attacker allies 14 Silence that Gun 2008-10-08 ASLOK_08 13.5 1643
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Jeff Deyoung defender axis 75 Strangers in a Strange Land 2008-10-08 ASLOK_08 13.1 1629.5
Mike Mcgrath defender axis beats Rich Domovic attacker allies FRF34 The Jagdtiger Theory 2008-10-07 ASLOK_08 -17.3 1616.4
Chuck Payne attacker axis beats Rich Domovic defender allies MP15 Just a Bit Outside 2008-10-07 ASLOK_08 -30.1 1633.7
Rich Domovic defender axis beats Bruce Probst attacker allies FRF32 The Hellenic Expedition 2008-10-06 ASLOK_08 12.5 1663.8
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Ray Woloszyn defender allies FRF30 Bidermann's Escape 2008-10-06 ASLOK_08 18.7 1651.3
Rich Domovic beats Roderick Moolenaars 2008-09-21 ARNH_08 10.2 1632.6
Rich Domovic beats Eric Bongiovanni 2008-09-20 ARNH_08 18.6 1622.4
Janusz Maxe beats Rich Domovic 2008-09-20 ARNH_08 -18.5 1603.8
Rich Domovic beats Christoffer Peyre 2008-09-19 ARNH_08 6.3 1622.3
Nigella Blair beats Rich Domovic 2008-09-18 ARNH_08 -31.3 1616
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Stefano Isella defender allies FRF11 Rostov Redemption 2008-09-07 ITAL_08 20.5 1647.3
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Enrico Catanzaro attacker axis A60 Totsugeki! (ATL3 redone) 2008-09-06 ITAL_08 19.3 1626.8
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Alberto Biserni attacker axis AP22 Ghost Riders 2008-09-06 ITAL_08 12.1 1607.5
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Paolo Cariolato attacker axis DB058 Vossenack Church 2008-09-05 ITAL_08 14.3 1595.4
Mario Ales defender axis beats Rich Domovic attacker allies SP43 Deadeye Smoyer 2008-09-05 ITAL_08 -24.7 1581.1
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Robert Shuster attacker axis J103 Lenin's Sons 2008-08-28 WEASL_08 9.8 1605.8
Bob Bendis attacker allies beats Rich Domovic defender axis FF10 Castle Keep 2008-04-06 OPEN_08 -9.5 1596
Bob Bendis attacker allies beats Rich Domovic defender axis FF10 Blackjack is Back! 2008-04-06 OPEN_08 -9.5 1596
Jim Serafin attacker axis beats Rich Domovic defender allies DB058 Vossenack Church 2008-04-06 OPEN_08 -34.5 1605.5
Rich Domovic defender axis beats Dave Ramirez attacker allies FRF22 Wunderwaffe 2008-04-05 OPEN_08 12.1 1640
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Joe Celebuski defender allies HP13 Radio Wars 2008-04-05 OPEN_08 15.4 1627.9
Kevin Graves attacker allies beats Rich Domovic defender axis SP154 On the Road to Hell 2008-04-05 OPEN_08 -24.1 1612.5
Jason Eickmann allies beats Rich Domovic axis J112 Prelude to Dying 2008-04-04 OPEN_08 -22.9 1636.6
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Tom Cvetinovich attacker axis FRF23 Elephants Unleashed 2008-04-04 OPEN_08 10 1659.5
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Scott Thompson defender axis FRF22 Wunderwaffe 2008-02-22 WCM_08 15.2 1649.5
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Stance Nixon defender axis HP34 Big, Bad, Gun 2008-02-22 WCM_08 7.1 1634.3
Matthew Cicero attacker axis beats Rich Domovic defender allies 43 Into the Fray 2008-02-22 WCM_08 -19.5 1627.2
Bryan Earll defender allies beats Rich Domovic attacker axis U5 Point d'Appui 2008-02-22 WCM_08 -24.6 1646.7
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Bob Graham defender allies S2 War of the Rats 2008-02-22 WCM_08 10.7 1671.4
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Bob Graham defender allies S2 Besting Basilone 2008-02-22 WCM_08 10.7 1671.4
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Eric Visnowski defender axis SP154 On the Road to Hell 2008-02-22 WCM_08 13.2 1660.7
Pierce Mason attacker axis beats Rich Domovic defender allies FRF11 Rostov Redemption 2007-10-06 ASLOK_07 -29.9 1647.4
Rich Domovic axis beats Bob Miller allies TAP5 Cross-Check 2007-10-06 ASLOK_07 12.2 1677.4
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Chris Garrett defender axis SP147 The Zebra Mission 2007-10-05 ASLOK_07 13.2 1665.2
Darryl Lundy defender allies beats Rich Domovic attacker axis ESG36 Havoc in Shanghai 2007-10-04 ASLOK_07 -31.4 1651.9
Hennie Van Der Salm defender axis beats Rich Domovic attacker allies A115 Blockbusters 2007-10-04 ASLOK_07 -25.7 1683.3
David Goldman defender axis beats Rich Domovic attacker allies FE70 Worker's Settlement No. 8 2007-10-04 ASLOK_07 -26 1709
Rich Domovic defender axis beats David Goldman attacker allies FE70 Worker's Settlement No. 8 2007-10-04 ASLOK_07 14 1735
Randy Rossi attacker allies beats Rich Domovic defender axis FRF19 About His Shadowy Sides 2007-10-03 ASLOK_07 -27.4 1721
Rich Domovic defender allies beats John Stadick attacker axis FRF20 Adolf's Amateurs 2007-10-03 ASLOK_07 17.4 1748.4
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Mark Nixon defender allies T9 Niscemi-Biscari Highway 2007-10-03 ASLOK_07 8.7 1731
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Lee Conner defender axis AP19 Winter of their Discontent 2007-10-02 ASLOK_07 12.2 1722.3
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Ray Woloszyn attacker axis FT81 Dubrovka 2007-10-01 ASLOK_07 17.7 1710.1
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Eric Bongiovanni defender allies FRF23 Elephants Unleashed 2007-10-01 ASLOK_07 13.2 1692.4
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Robert Maglica attacker axis FRF17 The Marco Polo Bridge Incident 2007-09-30 ASLOK_07 12.1 1679.2
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Lars Thuring defender axis BC9 Contact Front 2007-09-30 ASLOK_07 18.9 1667.1
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Bill Hayward defender axis BC8 From Desert to Jungle 2007-09-29 ASLOK_07 19 1648.2
Rich Domovic beats Andreas Carlsson 2007-09-23 ARNH_07 19.5 1629.2
Melvin Falk attacker axis beats Rich Domovic defender allies SP118 Seizing the Sittang Bridge 2007-09-22 ARNH_07 -15.7 1609.7
Rich Domovic beats Michael Hastrup-Leth 2007-09-22 ARNH_07 24.7 1625.4
Hennie Van Der Salm beats Rich Domovic 2007-09-21 ARNH_07 -14.6 1600.7
Rich Domovic beats Christian Koppmeyer 2007-09-21 ARNH_07 25.2 1615.3
Matt Book defender allies beats Rich Domovic attacker axis FRF12 The Fields of Black Gold 2007-07-29 STLOU_07 -16.9 1590.1
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Chris Garrett defender axis PB-CH (E) 2007-07-28 STLOU_07 13.5 1607
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats William Sanders defender axis ESG15 Survival of the Vicious 2007-07-28 STLOU_07 10.3 1593.5
Jim (jr.) Burris defender axis beats Rich Domovic attacker allies 123 The Borders are Burning 2007-07-28 STLOU_07 -14.3 1583.2
Rich Domovic allies beats John Rockwell axis CH149 Final Embrace 2007-07-27 STLOU_07 11 1597.5
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Jim Serafin defender axis A103 Mayhem in Manila 2007-04-15 OPEN_07 6.1 1586.5
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Joe Celebuski attacker axis FRF2 Maczek Fire Brigade 2007-04-14 OPEN_07 18 1580.4
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Rodney Callen defender axis A104 In Front of the Storm 2007-04-14 OPEN_07 15.6 1562.4
Pete Shelling attacker allies beats Rich Domovic defender axis SP125 Nunshigum 2007-04-14 OPEN_07 -18.6 1546.8
Matt Book defender axis beats Rich Domovic attacker allies J111 Prussia in Flames 2007-04-13 OPEN_07 -18.5 1565.4
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Craig Houliston defender allies FT32 Lenin's Sons 2007-04-13 OPEN_07 20.3 1583.9
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Paul Simonsen defender allies FT18 The Fugitive 2007-02-23 WCM_07 17.4 1563.6
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Paul Simonsen defender allies FT18 Oviedo 34 2007-02-23 WCM_07 17.4 1563.6
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Kevin Ryan defender allies J103 Lenin's Sons 2007-02-23 WCM_07 21.7 1546.3
Rich Domovic defender axis beats Phil Seymour attacker allies J105 Borodino Train Station 2007-02-23 WCM_07 18.5 1524.6
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Phil Seymour attacker axis RPT4 Transylvania 6-5000 2007-02-23 WCM_07 18.5 1506.1
Robert Feinstein attacker axis beats Rich Domovic defender allies RPT4 Transylvania 6-5000 2007-02-23 WCM_07 -19.7 1487.6
Paul Simonsen defender axis beats Rich Domovic attacker allies PT 2007-02-23 WCM_07 -22.6 1507.3
Paul Sidhu attacker allies beats Rich Domovic defender axis 14 Silence that Gun 2006-10-07 ASLOK_06 -7.4 1529.8
Fred Schwarz attacker axis beats Rich Domovic defender allies HP13 Radio Wars 2006-10-07 ASLOK_06 -18.9 1537.3
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Mark Pitcavage defender axis SP70 Weston's War 2006-10-07 ASLOK_06 17.3 1556.1
Steve Dennis attacker axis beats Rich Domovic defender allies HP15 Moldavian Massacre 2006-10-06 ASLOK_06 -20.4 1538.8
Jeff Coyle defender allies beats Rich Domovic attacker axis FRF11 Rostov Redemption 2006-10-06 ASLOK_06 -23.8 1559.3
Steve Linton defender allies beats Rich Domovic attacker axis J2 Battlin' Buckeyes 2006-10-05 ASLOK_06 -10.4 1583.1
Rich Domovic defender axis beats Dave Ginnard attacker allies SP125 Nunshigum 2006-10-05 ASLOK_06 18.3 1593.4
Rich Domovic defender axis beats Steve Anderson attacker allies BC7 Brigade Hill 2006-10-04 ASLOK_06 11 1575.1
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Chuck Payne defender axis BC3 42nd Street 2006-10-04 ASLOK_06 12.1 1564.1
Neil Dennis defender axis beats Rich Domovic attacker allies J22 Oh Joy! 2006-10-04 ASLOK_06 -23.5 1552.1
Raymond De Waard beats Rich Domovic 2006-09-23 ARNH_06 -24.8 1575.6
Rich Domovic beats Michiel Otten 2006-09-23 ARNH_06 15.8 1600.3
Eric Bongiovanni beats Rich Domovic 2006-09-22 ARNH_06 -24.9 1584.6
Rich Domovic beats Dave Angrisani 2006-09-22 ARNH_06 16 1609.5
Michel Bongiovanni beats Rich Domovic 2006-09-21 ARNH_06 -22.6 1593.5
David Goldman defender axis beats Rich Domovic attacker allies ASLUG 1 2006-04-02 OPEN_06 -22.3 1616.1
Ben Richardson defender allies beats Rich Domovic attacker axis 113 Liberating Bessarabia 2006-04-01 OPEN_06 -23.8 1638.3
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Jim Risher attacker axis HP13 Radio Wars 2006-04-01 OPEN_06 5.6 1662.2
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Dave Dally attacker axis SP80 Die Gurkha Die! 2006-04-01 OPEN_06 15.6 1656.5
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Ethan Strauss defender allies SP118 Seizing the Sittang Bridge 2006-03-31 OPEN_06 15.1 1640.9
Rob Banozic defender allies beats Rich Domovic attacker axis SP126 Malignant Mahrattas 2006-03-31 OPEN_06 -22.6 1625.8
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Sean Geraghty defender axis A103 Mayhem in Manila 2006-02-26 WCM_06 7.5 1648.4
Rich Domovic defender axis beats Randy Knight attacker allies SP119 Captain Lambert's Factory 2006-02-26 WCM_06 13.3 1640.9
Sheldon Ryland attacker allies beats Rich Domovic defender axis SP18 An Arm and a Leg 2006-02-26 WCM_06 -13.4 1627.6
Darryl Lundy attacker allies beats Rich Domovic defender axis SP132 Timmerman's Bridge 2005-10-08 ASLOK_05 -22.7 1641
Jim Taylor attacker axis beats Rich Domovic defender allies A68 Acts of Defiance (CH5 repub.) 2005-10-07 ASLOK_05 -14.4 1663.7
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Randy Yeates defender allies A60 Totsugeki! (ATL3 redone) 2005-10-07 ASLOK_05 15.2 1678.2
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Tim Wilson attacker axis J32 Panzer Graveyard 2005-10-06 ASLOK_05 12 1662.9
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Chad Vanderbos defender axis J99 On to Florence 2005-10-06 ASLOK_05 8 1650.9
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Michael Black defender axis A104 In Front of the Storm 2005-10-05 ASLOK_05 21.1 1642.9
Rich Domovic defender axis beats Robert Maglica attacker allies J96 Another Bloody Attack 2005-10-05 ASLOK_05 18.4 1621.8
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Dave Ginnard defender allies SP118 Seizing the Sittang Bridge 2005-10-05 ASLOK_05 21.4 1603.4
Darryl Lundy defender allies beats Rich Domovic attacker axis SP19 Men From Mars 2005-10-04 ASLOK_05 -25.3 1582
Rich Domovic defender axis beats Mike Naven attacker allies 2005-05-01 OPEN_05 11 1607.3
Rich Domovic defender axis beats Dave Ramirez attacker allies SP92 Seelow Seesaw 2005-05-01 OPEN_05 11.8 1596.3
Mark De Vries defender allies beats Rich Domovic attacker axis A68 Acts of Defiance (CH5 repub.) 2005-04-30 OPEN_05 -24 1584.5
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Ray Woloszyn attacker axis PBP13 Marked for Death 2005-04-30 OPEN_05 21.4 1608.5
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Doug Sheppard defender axis DB042 Pursuing Kobayashi 2005-04-30 OPEN_05 16.3 1587.1
Randy Rossi attacker allies beats Rich Domovic defender axis SP62 ils ne passeront pas 2005-04-29 OPEN_05 -15.5 1570.8
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Kevin Graves attacker axis MP11 Vulcan's Forge 2005-04-29 OPEN_05 16 1586.3
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Ted Cabeen defender axis DB035 A Hotly Contested Crossroads 2005-02-06 WCM_05 18.9 1570.3
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Eric Visnowski defender allies J46 Strongpoint 11 2005-02-06 WCM_05 14.7 1551.4
Sheldon Ryland defender allies beats Rich Domovic attacker axis J45 The Last Roadblock 2005-02-06 WCM_05 -11 1536.7
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Dan Plachta attacker axis A47 White Tigers 2005-02-06 WCM_05 19.4 1547.7
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Karl Von Voight attacker axis T3 Ranger Stronghold 2005-02-06 WCM_05 18.9 1528.3
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Dave Perham attacker axis SP115 The Five Pound Prize 2005-02-06 WCM_05 20 1509.4
Stance Nixon defender axis beats Rich Domovic attacker allies J98 Lend-Lease Attack 2005-02-06 WCM_05 -29.5 1489.4
Herman Frettlohr defender axis beats Rich Domovic attacker allies J85 Ptichin' In 2004-10-09 ASLOK_04 -7.5 1518.9
Rich Domovic defender allies beats John Stadick attacker axis RB6 Turned Away 2004-10-09 ASLOK_04 29.7 1526.4
John Stadick axis beats Rich Domovic allies BUCK7 Up the Numa Numa Trail 2004-10-08 ASLOK_04 -10.4 1496.7
Russ Curry attacker axis beats Rich Domovic defender allies MP7 guerra en la selva 2004-10-08 ASLOK_04 -29.1 1507.1
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Ray Woloszyn attacker axis SP120 Kettlehut to the Rescue 2004-10-08 ASLOK_04 25.8 1536.2
Eric Johnson attacker axis beats Rich Domovic defender allies SP117 Stranded Cats 2004-10-07 ASLOK_04 -17 1510.4
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Jim Serafin attacker axis MP11 Vulcan's Forge 2004-10-07 ASLOK_04 15.6 1527.4
Aaron Cleavin beats Rich Domovic SP77 Green Jackets' Bridge 2004-10-06 ASLOK_04 -8.1 1511.8
Jeff Coyle beats Rich Domovic J55 Matsumoto's Charge 2004-10-06 ASLOK_04 -18 1519.9
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Adam Lunney defender axis TAC37 Chaud ! Chaud les Buron ! (Chestnuts! Hot Chestnuts!) 2004-10-06 ASLOK_04 12.1 1537.9
Dave Reinking defender axis beats Rich Domovic attacker allies J1 Urban Guerrillas 2004-02-06 WCM_04 -25 1525.8
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Missing-4 defender axis T8 Aachen's Pall 2004-02-06 WCM_04 19.7 1550.8
Rich Domovic defender axis beats David Haasl attacker allies J84 Makin Taken 2004-02-06 WCM_04 16.8 1531.1
Chad Cummins attacker allies beats Rich Domovic defender axis J83 Bloody Nose 2004-02-06 WCM_04 -12.2 1514.3
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Chris Castellana defender axis J88 Escape to Wiltz 2004-02-06 WCM_04 20.7 1526.5
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Steve Dethlefsen defender allies A118 The Waterhole 2003-10-10 ASLOK_03 18.4 1505.8
Don Holland defender allies beats Rich Domovic attacker axis A116 Tangled Up in Blue 2003-10-10 ASLOK_03 -32.1 1487.4
Rich Domovic defender axis beats Kevin Meyer attacker allies HG3 Bumps Along the Tiddam Road 2003-10-09 ASLOK_03 22.7 1519.5
Burnie Fox attacker axis beats Rich Domovic defender allies BUCK1 Welcome to the Jungle 2003-10-09 ASLOK_03 -13.8 1496.8
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Phil Pomerantz defender allies SP95 Burn Gurkha Burn! 2003-10-09 ASLOK_03 22.7 1510.6
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Michael Rhodes attacker axis HS32 A Few Rounds 2003-10-08 ASLOK_03 14.2 1487.9
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Jim Aikens defender allies CH40 Nordic Twilight 2003-10-08 ASLOK_03 26.1 1473.7
Roger Walker attacker allies beats Rich Domovic defender axis HS6 Just Fighting Through 2003-10-08 ASLOK_03 -23.3 1447.6
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Phil Pomerantz attacker axis A60 Totsugeki! (ATL3 redone) 2003-10-07 ASLOK_03 23.5 1470.9
Hennie Van Der Salm defender allies beats Rich Domovic attacker axis A116 Tangled Up in Blue 2003-10-07 ASLOK_03 -15.7 1447.4
Rich Domovic defender allies draws Steve Treatman attacker axis D4 First to Strike 2003-01-31 WCM_03 -8.3 1463.1
Dave Perham defender axis beats Rich Domovic attacker allies A108 Sudden Death 2003-01-31 WCM_03 -23.6 1471.4
Dave Reinking attacker axis beats Rich Domovic defender allies 84 Round One 2003-01-31 WCM_03 -20.8 1495.1
Rich Domovic axis beats Steven Sulzby allies J9 A Stiff Fight 2003-01-31 WCM_03 20.2 1515.8
Kevin Meyer attacker allies beats Rich Domovic defender axis J34 Men of the Mountains 2002-10-12 ASLOK_02 -21.5 1495.6
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Lee Conner defender axis ASLUG15 Mount Pissadori 2002-10-12 ASLOK_02 23.1 1517.1
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Paul Hart defender allies AH2 The Commissar's House 2002-10-11 ASLOK_02 16.1 1494.1
Rob Barnette attacker axis beats Rich Domovic defender allies RB3 Bread Factory #2 2002-10-11 ASLOK_02 -21 1478
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Steve Flicker defender axis SP22 Tod's Last Stand 2002-10-10 ASLOK_02 24.5 1499
Jim (jr.) Burris defender allies beats Rich Domovic attacker axis LSSAH 2002-10-10 ASLOK_02 -14.2 1474.5
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Larry Zoet defender allies A60 Totsugeki! (ATL3 redone) 2002-10-09 ASLOK_02 19 1488.7
Chuck Payne defender axis beats Rich Domovic attacker allies SP65 Ayo Gurkhali! 2002-10-09 ASLOK_02 -21.7 1469.7
Jack Murphy beats Rich Domovic 2002-04-28 OPEN_02 -16.8 1491.4
Rich Domovic beats Larry Zoet 2002-04-28 OPEN_02 27.3 1508.2
Rich Domovic beats Larry Winslow 2002-04-27 OPEN_02 33.2 1480.9
Rich Domovic beats Jeff Thompson 2002-04-27 OPEN_02 33 1447.7
Rich Domovic beats Mark De Vries 2002-04-27 OPEN_02 30.2 1414.7
Dave Ramirez beats Rich Domovic 2002-04-26 OPEN_02 -19.6 1384.5
Joe Celebuski beats Rich Domovic 2002-04-26 OPEN_02 -19.6 1404.1
Scott Byrne attacker allies beats Rich Domovic defender axis J62 Lee's Charge 2001-10-06 ASLOK_01 -31.7 1423.7
Jack Murphy defender allies beats Rich Domovic attacker axis SP40 Stand at Festubert 2001-10-03 ASLOK_01 -19.6 1455.4
David Longworth attacker axis beats Rich Domovic defender allies J60 Bad Luck 2001-10-02 ASLOK_01 -25 1475