List of Scenario Results included in ASL Player Ratings

Scenario: U15 Battle for the Warta Line See Statistical Summary

Player Att/Def Al/Ax Result Player Att/Def Al/Ax Date Tourney
Tony Fermendzin def allies beats Steve Slunt att axis 2024-06-23 WARR_24
Eric Zagdan-Gross def allies loses to Craig Renier att axis 2024-06-23 WARR_24
Mark Thompson def allies beats Steve Boro att axis 2024-06-23 WARR_24
Peter Palmer def allies beats Tim Osborne att axis 2024-06-23 WARR_24
Jack Wilson def allies draws Jeff Talor att axis 2024-06-23 WARR_24
Steve Cummings def allies loses to Steve Lampon att axis 2024-06-23 WARR_24
Philippe Duchon axis beats Bruno Nitrosso allies 2023-10-01 Forum_24
François Boudrenghien axis beats Samuel Macari allies 2023-10-01 Forum_24
Rick Carter defender allies beats Ivan Kent attacker axis 2015-06-20 CYBER_III
Jean-François Fortin defender allies beats Pat Palma attacker axis 2015-04-29 LEAG2_15
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Tim Macaire attacker axis 2013-10-25 IF_13
German Fernandez attacker axis beats Ángel González Romero defender allies 2012-11-01 CONSC_12
Bruno Nitrosso attacker axis beats Daniel Blasco Fornos defender allies 2012-09-01 CONSC_12
Doug Kirk defender allies beats Mike Mccann attacker axis 2012-03-16 MARCH_12
Scott Foss attacker axis beats Craig Walters defender allies 2009-07-25 STLOU_09
Dan Best defender allies beats Peter Ward attacker axis 2009-07-25 STLOU_09