List of Games by Player included in ASL Player Ratings

Player: Rodney Callen (CNR)    ELO 1580.2See Statistical Summary

Player Att/Def Al/Ax Result Player Att/Def Al/Ax Scenario Date Tourney Change Rating
Rodney Callen axis beats Rich Domovic allies Commandos at Kaiapit 2024-07-28 STLOU_24 29.1 1580.2
Mark De Vries allies beats Rodney Callen axis Pipkorn's Attempt 2024-07-27 STLOU_24 -25.4 1551.1
Stan Jackson axis beats Rodney Callen allies Deadly Dexter 2024-07-27 STLOU_24 -13.7 1576.5
Rodney Callen axis beats Travis Reed allies Blackjack is Back 2024-07-26 STLOU_24 10.7 1590.2
Dave Nicholas allies beats Rodney Callen axis Totensonntag 2024-07-26 STLOU_24 -26.3 1579.5
Doug Bleyaert beats Rodney Callen 2023-10-05 ASLOK_23 -38.3 1605.8
Rodney Callen beats Bob Kedge Johnson 2023-10-04 ASLOK_23 6 1644.1
Jeff Wasserman beats Rodney Callen 2023-10-04 ASLOK_23 -20.2 1638.1
Rodney Callen beats Dan Stanhagen 2023-10-04 ASLOK_23 16.5 1658.3
Scott Martin allies beats Rodney Callen axis Belgian Tigers 2023-07-30 STLOU_23 -26.3 1641.8
Rodney Callen allies beats Randy Shurtz axis Milling About 2023-07-29 STLOU_23 23.9 1668.1
Rodney Callen beats Rich Burton One Story Town 2023-07-29 STLOU_23 2.6 1644.2
Dave Ginnard allies beats Rodney Callen axis Leaving Changsha 2023-07-28 STLOU_23 -22.8 1641.6
Rich Domovic axis beats Rodney Callen allies Morire in Belleza 2023-07-28 STLOU_23 -15.7 1664.4
David Nicholas beats Rodney Callen 2022-10-08 ASLOK_22 -36.7 1680.1
Brian Wiersma defender axis beats Rodney Callen attacker allies Hazmo25 2022-10-07 ASLOK_22 -13.6 1716.8
Rodney Callen beats Dave Lamb 2022-10-06 ASLOK_22 17.8 1730.4
Chuck Payne beats Rodney Callen 2022-10-06 ASLOK_22 -29.5 1712.6
Rodney Callen beats Pete Mudge 2022-10-05 ASLOK_22 10.3 1742.1
Rodney Callen axis beats Jeff Deyoung allies Panther Cull 2022-07-31 STLOU_22 10 1731.8
Rodney Callen axis beats Dave Ginnard allies Fresh Grist 2022-07-30 STLOU_22 22 1721.8
Rodney Callen beats Mark De Vries Foreign Legions 2022-07-30 STLOU_22 10.5 1699.8
Rodney Callen axis beats Tom Cvetinovich allies Left Behind 2022-07-29 STLOU_22 10.8 1689.3
Wes Vaughn allies beats Rodney Callen axis Twilight of the Reich 2022-07-29 STLOU_22 -13.5 1678.5
Paul Washington beats Rodney Callen 2021-10-09 ASLOK_21 -31.9 1692
Steve Pleva attacker allies beats Rodney Callen defender axis AP163 Dingoes in Damour 2021-10-08 ASLOK_21 -5.7 1723.9
Rodney Callen beats Paul Sidhu H Escape from Velikiye Luki 2021-10-08 ASLOK_21 29.4 1729.7
Rodney Callen beats Jim Serafin FrF40 Sporck's Eleven 2021-10-07 ASLOK_21 5.8 1700.2
Rodney Callen beats Tom Cvetinovich OA23 A Midnight Clear 2021-10-07 ASLOK_21 13.6 1694.4
Rodney Callen beats Paul Sidhu H Escape from Velikye Luki 2021-10-07 ASLOK_21 32.2 1680.9
Bob Bendis axis beats Rodney Callen allies Norwegian Edelweiss 2021-07-25 STLOU_21 -6.4 1648.7
Nathan Stapf axis beats Rodney Callen allies Trap by Mishap 2021-07-24 STLOU_21 -18.5 1655.1
Rodney Callen allies beats Paul Works axis AP169 The Beasts Have Arrived 2021-07-24 STLOU_21 30.8 1673.6
Rodney Callen axis beats Mike Stubits allies Q8 New and Untested 2021-07-23 STLOU_21 11.6 1642.8
Rodney Callen axis beats Wes Vaughn allies 45 Below the Belt 2021-07-23 STLOU_21 32.1 1631.1
Jeff Wasserman beats Rodney Callen 2019-10-12 ASLOK_21 -17.5 1599.1
Rodney Callen beats Kevin Meyer 2019-10-11 ASLOK_19 19 1616.6
Andy Hershey defender allies loses to Rodney Callen attacker axis SP95 Burn Gurkha Burn 2019-10-11 ASLOK_19 28.3 1597.6
Rodney Callen beats Nelson Harris 2019-10-11 ASLOK_19 18.1 1569.2
Larry Zoet beats Rodney Callen 2019-10-10 ASLOK_19 -19.4 1551.1
Ryan Kent beats Rodney Callen 2019-10-08 ASLOK_19 -20.4 1570.6
Rodney Callen beats Dan Plachta 2018-12-03 NYS_18 21.4 1591
Rodney Callen beats Bob Kedge Johnson 2018-12-02 NYS_18 12.7 1569.6
Rodney Callen beats Derek Pulhamus 2018-12-02 NYS_18 21.2 1556.8
Rodney Callen beats Tim Kelly 2018-12-01 NYS_18 9.7 1535.6
Steve Anderson beats Rodney Callen 2018-12-01 NYS_18 -21.2 1525.9
Paul Schaeffer beats Rodney Callen 2018-11-30 NYS_18 -25.4 1547.1
Dan Plachta axis beats Rodney Callen allies SP272 Statue Of Liberty Attacks 2018-07-02 STLOU_18 -15.6 1572.6
Rodney Callen allies beats Stan Jackson axis SP266 The Hohenstaufen Hootenanny 2018-07-01 STLOU_18 28.4 1588.1
Travis Reed allies beats Rodney Callen axis FT233 Surprised Gideon 2018-07-01 STLOU_18 -27.3 1559.8
Rodney Callen beats Derek Pulhamus 2017-10-08 ASLOK_16 22.5 1587.1
Rodney Callen beats John Dober 2017-10-08 ASLOK_16 14.7 1564.6
Rodney Callen beats Peter Palmer 2017-10-08 ASLOK_16 7.6 1549.8
Nelson Harris beats Rodney Callen 2017-10-07 ASLOK_17 -18.3 1542.3
Rodney Callen beats Larry Zoet 2017-10-07 ASLOK_17 20.4 1560.6
Rodney Callen attacker allies beats Rich Burton defender axis J167 Hart Attack 2016-07-30 STLOU_16 8.9 1540.2
Scott Martin defender allies beats Rodney Callen attacker axis BFP114 Engineering Defeat 2016-07-30 STLOU_16 -16.5 1531.3
Rodney Callen attacker axis beats Dave Ramirez defender allies RPT107 Meet Me at the Station 2016-07-29 STLOU_16 23.6 1547.8
Craig Walters defender allies beats Rodney Callen attacker axis AP110 Display of Enthusiasm 2016-07-29 STLOU_16 -20 1524.2
Dave Reenstra beats Rodney Callen 2015-10-08 ASLOK_15 -16.9 1544.2
Scott Martin defender allies beats Rodney Callen attacker axis ESG45 Below the Belt 2015-07-26 STLOU_15 -25.3 1561.1
Rodney Callen attacker allies beats Larry Zoet defender axis AP19 Winter of their Discontent 2015-07-25 STLOU_15 15.2 1586.4
Doug Kirk attacker allies beats Rodney Callen defender axis SP231 Galician Persuasion 2015-07-24 STLOU_15 -9.2 1571.2
Jim (jr.) Burris defender axis beats Rodney Callen attacker allies STL 5 2015-07-24 STLOU_15 -15.2 1580.4
James Taylor beats Rodney Callen 2014-10-12 ASLOK _14 -28.4 1595.6
James Taylor beats Rodney Callen 2014-10-10 ASLOK _14 -32.2 1624
Rodney Callen beats Jeremy Maciejewski 2014-10-10 ASLOK _14 10.8 1656.2
Rodney Callen beats Michael R Campfield 2014-10-10 ASLOK _14 11.1 1645.4
G. Tournemire attacker axis beats Rodney Callen defender allies FT174 Green Berets 2014-07-26 STLOU_14 -6.4 1634.3
Rodney Callen defender allies beats Brett Avants attacker axis ESG106 Splatter Spray 2014-07-25 STLOU_14 14.3 1640.7
Rodney Callen attacker axis beats Craig Walters defender allies ESG109 Backs to the Wall 2014-07-25 STLOU_14 17.9 1626.4
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Rodney Callen defender allies BFP30 Melee Near the Coast 2014-07-24 STLOU_14 -12 1608.5
Rodney Callen defender axis beats William Sanders attacker allies FRF68 A Hasty Farewell 2014-07-24 STLOU_14 14.6 1620.5
Rodney Callen beats Bob Kedge Johnson 2013-12-08 NYS_13 9.5 1605.9
Rodney Callen beats Derek Pulhamus 2013-12-07 NYS_13 14.5 1596.4
Rodney Callen beats Larry Zoet 2013-12-07 NYS_13 16.6 1581.9
Chris Spell beats Rodney Callen 2013-12-06 NYS_13 -17.5 1565.3
Rodney Callen beats Chuck Tewksbury 2013-12-06 NYS_13 9.8 1582.8
Rodney Callen attacker allies beats Jeff Deyoung defender axis SP216 Toothless Tiger 2013-07-28 STLOU_13 16.7 1573
Rodney Callen attacker axis beats Ken Willmann defender allies TX5 Rush Hour 2013-07-27 STLOU_13 7.6 1556.3
Peter Ward defender allies beats Rodney Callen attacker axis WO9 Sting 'Em at Zingem 2013-07-27 STLOU_13 -23.8 1548.7
Rodney Callen attacker axis beats Brett Avants defender allies J68 Unlucky Thirteenth 2013-07-27 STLOU_13 15.7 1572.5
Curtis Brooks attacker axis beats Rodney Callen defender allies TX6 Tough Enough 2013-07-26 STLOU_13 -20.2 1556.8
Rodney Callen beats Larry Zoet 2012-12-02 NYS_12 17.5 1577
Rodney Callen beats Mike Allexenberg 2012-12-02 NYS_12 24.3 1559.5
Rodney Callen beats Paul Anderson 2012-12-01 NYS_12 21 1535.2
Rodney Callen beats Tim Kelly 2012-12-01 NYS_12 8 1514.2
Bret Hildebran beats Rodney Callen 2012-11-30 NYS_12 -3.6 1506.2
Richard Spilky defender allies beats Rodney Callen attacker axis SP194 Requiem for a Dreadnaught 2012-07-29 STLOU_12 -11.3 1509.8
David Goldman attacker allies beats Rodney Callen defender axis FRF60 A War of Their Own 2012-07-28 STLOU_12 -17.6 1521.1
Rodney Callen defender axis beats Larry Zoet attacker allies GD9 Taste of Blood 2012-07-28 STLOU_12 18.4 1538.7
Rodney Callen defender axis beats Jeff Waldon attacker allies WP15 Burnt, Blue and Grey 2012-07-28 STLOU_12 10.9 1520.3
Dan Stanhagen defender allies beats Rodney Callen attacker axis BFP103 Knife in the Flank 2012-07-27 STLOU_12 -9 1509.4
Marty Snow attacker axis beats Rodney Callen defender allies 2011-10-08 ASLOK_11 -26.8 1518.4
Rodney Callen defender allies beats Jeff Waldon attacker axis SP197 The Clinch 2011-10-07 ASLOK_11 12 1545.2
Jason Eickmann defender axis beats Rodney Callen attacker allies FRF57 Warsaw in Flames 2011-10-07 ASLOK_11 -11.2 1533.2
Neil Stanhagen attacker axis beats Rodney Callen defender allies SP202 Fiery Finale 2011-10-07 ASLOK_11 -9.9 1544.4
Jeff Coyle defender allies beats Rodney Callen attacker axis AP54 800 Heroes 2011-10-06 ASLOK_11 -17.8 1554.3
Rodney Callen defender allies beats Ray Vincent attacker axis A116 Tangled Up in Blue 2011-10-06 ASLOK_11 15.9 1572.1
Klas Malmstrom attacker allies beats Rodney Callen defender axis ASLUG12 One-Log Bridge 2011-10-05 ASLOK_11 -6.1 1556.2
Rodney Callen defender allies beats Darryl Lundy attacker axis DB083 Block to Bataan 2010-10-09 ASLOK_10 25.4 1562.3
Rodney Callen defender axis beats Derek Cox attacker allies J116 Brigade Hill 2010-10-09 ASLOK_10 23.2 1536.9
Aaron Cleavin defender axis beats Rodney Callen attacker allies SP177 Tic Tac Toe 2010-10-09 ASLOK_10 -8.1 1513.7
Brian Brown defender allies beats Rodney Callen attacker axis HP23 Sherlock's Stand 2010-10-08 ASLOK_10 -25.7 1521.8
Rodney Callen defender axis beats Russ Curry attacker allies DB067 Let's Dance 2010-10-08 ASLOK_10 20.5 1547.5
Rodney Callen attacker allies beats Larry Zoet defender axis SP181 The Elefant of Surprise 2010-10-08 ASLOK_10 20.2 1527
Rodney Callen attacker axis beats David Goldman defender allies FRF30 Bidermann's Escape 2010-10-07 ASLOK_10 23.3 1506.8
Aaron Cleavin attacker allies beats Rodney Callen defender axis FRF22 Wunderwaffe 2010-10-07 ASLOK_10 -6.4 1483.5
Rodney Callen attacker axis beats Cliff Smith defender allies FRF17 The Marco Polo Bridge Incident 2010-10-07 ASLOK_10 17.4 1489.9
Russ Curry attacker axis beats Rodney Callen defender allies A47 White Tigers 2009-10-10 ASLOK_09 -18.9 1472.5
Charly Kibler defender axis beats Rodney Callen attacker allies J106 Marders Not Martyrs 2009-10-10 ASLOK_09 -19.7 1491.4
Eric Givler attacker allies beats Rodney Callen defender axis G42 The Youth's First Blood 2009-10-09 ASLOK_09 -14.1 1511.1
Russ Curry attacker axis beats Rodney Callen defender allies GD1 la guerre finie!! 2009-10-09 ASLOK_09 -22.5 1525.2
Russ Curry attacker axis beats Rodney Callen defender allies GD1 Vogt's Ritterkreuz 2009-10-09 ASLOK_09 -22.5 1525.2
Rodney Callen attacker axis beats Jeff Debraal defender allies OA23 A Midnight Clear 2009-10-08 ASLOK_09 12 1547.7
Rodney Callen defender allies beats Bob Holmstrom attacker axis RPT25 Cornwalls' Rum Ration 2008-10-12 ASLOK_08 23.5 1535.7
Rodney Callen defender axis beats Don Holland attacker allies SP157 Edge of Extinction 2008-10-11 ASLOK_08 12.5 1512.2
Larry Zoet attacker axis beats Rodney Callen defender allies ESG33 Mutilation Station 2008-10-11 ASLOK_08 -25.5 1499.7
Rodney Callen attacker allies beats Missing-4 defender axis J98 Lend-Lease Attack 2008-10-10 ASLOK_08 17.2 1525.2
Wes Vaughn attacker axis beats Rodney Callen defender allies SP168 Muhlenkamp's Miracle 2008-10-10 ASLOK_08 -7.1 1508
Rodney Callen defender allies beats Russ Curry attacker axis FRF26 A Polish Requiem 2008-10-10 ASLOK_08 15.3 1515.1
Rodney Callen attacker axis beats Ron Schatz defender allies SP126 Malignant Mahrattas 2008-10-09 ASLOK_08 14.6 1499.8
Rodney Callen defender axis beats Craig Houliston attacker allies RPT30 Knocking on the Front Door 2008-10-09 ASLOK_08 21.7 1485.1
Dave Ginnard attacker allies beats Rodney Callen defender axis SP125 Nunshigum 2008-10-09 ASLOK_08 -18.9 1463.4
Rodney Callen attacker allies beats Don Holland defender axis SP97 Twilight of the Reich 2007-10-06 ASLOK_07 11.1 1482.3
Chris Doary defender axis beats Rodney Callen attacker allies J111 Prussia in Flames 2007-10-06 ASLOK_07 -25.5 1471.3
Chris Doary defender axis beats Rodney Callen attacker allies J111 Prussia in Flames 2007-10-06 ASLOK_07 -25.5 1496.8
Paul Haseler defender axis beats Rodney Callen attacker allies RPT10 Slovak Salvation 2007-10-05 ASLOK_07 -15.2 1522.3
Rodney Callen attacker axis beats Joe Chadwick defender allies SP149 Labarthe's Charade 2007-10-05 ASLOK_07 14.1 1537.4
Rodney Callen attacker allies beats Darrell Wright defender axis CH24 Those Normandy Nights 2007-10-04 ASLOK_07 8.4 1523.3
Tim Wilson allies beats Rodney Callen axis J9 A Stiff Fight 2007-10-04 ASLOK_07 -21.9 1514.9
Rodney Callen attacker axis beats Russ Curry defender allies RBF29 Blocked Escape 2007-10-03 ASLOK_07 18.4 1536.8
Rodney Callen defender allies beats Craig Houliston attacker axis ESG33 Mutilation Station 2007-10-03 ASLOK_07 24.3 1518.4
Rodney Callen defender allies beats Steve Mcneil attacker axis J94 Kempf at Melikhovo 2007-04-15 OPEN_07 13.8 1494.1
Rodney Callen attacker allies beats Rick Nieznanski defender axis SP116 Loonies and Leicesters 2007-04-14 OPEN_07 17.2 1480.3
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Rodney Callen defender axis A104 In Front of the Storm 2007-04-14 OPEN_07 -15.6 1463.1
Gary Trezza defender axis beats Rodney Callen attacker allies DB053 Hamburg on the Lovat 2007-04-14 OPEN_07 -8.6 1478.8
Bret Hildebran defender axis beats Rodney Callen attacker allies J111 Prussia in Flames 2007-04-13 OPEN_07 -7.6 1487.3
Rodney Callen defender allies beats Tom Mueller attacker axis FT32 Lenin's Sons 2007-04-13 OPEN_07 30.5 1494.9
Derek Cox defender axis beats Rodney Callen attacker allies BC5 Storming the Amphitheatre 2006-10-07 ASLOK_06 -19.9 1464.4
Steve Linton attacker allies beats Rodney Callen defender axis J41 By Ourselves 2006-10-07 ASLOK_06 -7.5 1484.3
Rodney Callen defender axis beats Matt Book attacker allies J106 Marders Not Martyrs 2006-10-06 ASLOK_06 26.6 1491.8
Dave Ginnard defender axis beats Rodney Callen attacker allies FRF14 Patton Breaks Loose 2006-10-06 ASLOK_06 -19.3 1465.3
Fred Schwarz defender allies beats Rodney Callen attacker axis A70 Wintergewitter (atp2 repub.) 2006-10-06 ASLOK_06 -19.5 1484.6
Dave Reenstra defender axis beats Rodney Callen attacker allies RB7 The Red House 2006-10-05 ASLOK_06 -17.2 1504.1
Randy Rossi attacker axis beats Rodney Callen defender allies OST3 Fortune Favors the Bold 2006-10-05 ASLOK_06 -10 1521.3
Rodney Callen attacker axis beats Darrell Wright defender allies SP54 Manila John 2006-10-05 ASLOK_06 12 1531.3
Larry Zoet defender allies beats Rodney Callen attacker axis SP2 Holding the Hotton Bridge 2006-10-04 ASLOK_06 -22.3 1519.3
Rodney Callen defender allies beats Rob Banozic attacker axis J107 Operation Schwarz 2006-10-04 ASLOK_06 24.6 1541.6
Rodney Callen attacker axis beats Jim Risher defender allies FT32 Lenin's Sons 2006-10-03 ASLOK_06 10.2 1517
Ron Mosher defender allies beats Rodney Callen attacker axis ESG4 The Clog 2006-07-29 STLOU_06 -24 1506.8
Rodney Callen attacker allies beats Jim Dauphinais defender axis FE98 Spirited Action 2006-07-29 STLOU_06 11.4 1530.8
Jim (sr.) Burris Sr attacker allies beats Rodney Callen defender axis DB051 2006-07-29 STLOU_06 -30.6 1519.3
Joe Chadwick defender axis beats Rodney Callen attacker allies PE9 No Sights for Sore Eyes 2006-07-29 STLOU_06 -27.6 1550
Bob Holmstrom attacker axis beats Rodney Callen defender allies OST1 Stalin's Shadow 2006-07-28 STLOU_06 -13.8 1577.6
Rodney Callen attacker allies beats Jim Risher defender axis A Guards Counterattack 2006-04-02 OPEN_06 7.3 1591.3
Rodney Callen defender axis beats Pete Shelling attacker allies ASLXX5 A Walk in the Sun 2006-04-02 OPEN_06 20.9 1584.1
Rodney Callen allies beats Fritz Eifrig axis WC4 Stand and Die 2006-04-01 OPEN_06 14.6 1563.1
Steve Dennis defender allies beats Rodney Callen attacker axis SP121 Danger Close! 2006-04-01 OPEN_06 -15.7 1548.6
Darren Gour attacker axis beats Rodney Callen defender allies SP80 Die Gurkha Die! 2006-04-01 OPEN_06 -21.9 1564.2
Rodney Callen attacker axis beats Steve Etzelmueller defender allies SP118 Seizing the Sittang Bridge 2006-03-31 OPEN_06 23.6 1586.1
Rodney Callen attacker axis beats Craig Houliston defender allies SP126 Malignant Mahrattas 2006-03-31 OPEN_06 16.9 1562.6
Rodney Callen attacker axis beats Al Cann defender allies FE89 The Hard Way 2005-12-04 NYS_05 19.6 1545.6
Rodney Callen defender axis beats Matt Ozvat attacker allies DB048 Erstwhile Allies 2005-12-03 NYS_05 12.8 1526.1
John Merritt attacker allies beats Rodney Callen defender axis DB049 Wetlet 2005-12-03 NYS_05 -23.4 1513.3
Andy Robin attacker allies beats Rodney Callen defender axis CDN10 per l'onore d'Italia 2005-12-03 NYS_05 -23.4 1536.6
Rodney Callen defender axis beats Charlie Hamilton attacker allies T5 The Pouppeville Exit 2005-10-08 ASLOK_05 16.1 1560.1
Neil Dennis attacker axis beats Rodney Callen defender allies 67 Cibik's Ridge 2005-10-08 ASLOK_05 -21.7 1543.9
Rodney Callen attacker allies beats Don Holland defender axis SP125 Nunshigum 2005-10-07 ASLOK_05 6.2 1565.6
Neil Dennis defender axis beats Rodney Callen attacker allies SP122 Constant Sorrow 2005-10-07 ASLOK_05 -26.9 1559.4
Jim Taylor attacker allies beats Rodney Callen defender axis A93 Faugh A' Ballagh! 2005-10-06 ASLOK_05 -12 1586.3
Rodney Callen attacker allies beats Dave Wardzala defender axis J20 The Guns of Naro (ASL Journal #2) 2005-10-06 ASLOK_05 9 1598.3
David Goldman attacker axis beats Rodney Callen defender allies SP123 The Badger's Breath 2005-10-05 ASLOK_05 -21.6 1589.3
Randy Rossi attacker axis beats Rodney Callen defender allies FE34 Go Down Fighting 2005-10-05 ASLOK_05 -18.9 1610.9
Rodney Callen defender axis beats Tom Jazbutis attacker allies 2004-10-09 ASLOK_04 6.6 1629.8
Rodney Callen attacker axis beats Stan Jackson defender allies HP7 Ripple Effect 2004-10-09 ASLOK_04 18.6 1623.2
Rodney Callen defender axis beats Peter Struijf attacker allies SP103 For Whom the Bells Toll 2004-10-08 ASLOK_04 21.8 1604.6
Bob Bendis attacker allies beats Rodney Callen defender axis SP43 Deadeye Smoyer 2004-10-08 ASLOK_04 -16.5 1582.8
Rodney Callen defender allies beats Burnie Fox attacker axis BUCK2 Repple Depples No More 2004-10-07 ASLOK_04 23.8 1599.3
Gary Trezza defender allies beats Rodney Callen attacker axis TT8 In the Heat of the Night 2004-10-07 ASLOK_04 -17 1575.6
Rodney Callen attacker axis beats Darryl Lundy defender allies J74 Priests on the Line 2004-10-07 ASLOK_04 15.4 1592.6
Rodney Callen beats Michiel Otten 2004-10-01 ARNH_04 16.7 1577.1
Steve Brasseur beats Rodney Callen 2004-09-18 ARNH_04 -21.6 1560.4
Klas Malmstrom beats Rodney Callen 2004-09-18 ARNH_04 -21.9 1582
Rodney Callen beats Bernardo Pignatelli 2004-09-17 ARNH_04 14.1 1603.9
Claes-Erik Rydberg beats Rodney Callen 2004-09-17 ARNH_04 -16.1 1589.8
Rodney Callen attacker axis beats Jeff Ital defender allies TOT32 Denouement 2004-07-25 STLOU_04 13.7 1605.9
Rodney Callen attacker axis beats Joe Chadwick defender allies SP89 Assaulting Tes 2004-07-24 STLOU_04 16.8 1592.2
Bob Holmstrom attacker axis beats Rodney Callen defender allies HP15 Moldavian Massacre 2004-07-24 STLOU_04 -21 1575.4
Rodney Callen attacker axis beats Dale Holmstrom defender allies FE38 Run from the Devil 2004-07-24 STLOU_04 15.3 1596.4
Rodney Callen attacker allies beats Robert Delwood defender axis CH30 Kravchenko's 6th Guards Tank Army 2004-07-23 STLOU_04 16.3 1581.1
Alan Wayne Saltzman attacker allies beats Rodney Callen defender axis J19 Merzenhausen Zoo 2003-10-11 ASLOK_03 -30.4 1564.8
Rodney Callen allies beats Steve Tinsley axis FF5 The Sound of the Guns 2003-10-11 ASLOK_03 8.9 1595.3
Rodney Callen attacker axis beats Bill Sisler defender allies SP89 Assaulting Tes 2003-10-10 ASLOK_03 14.5 1586.3
John Bibler defender axis beats Rodney Callen attacker allies BUCK9 2003-10-10 ASLOK_03 -16.7 1571.8
Rodney Callen defender axis beats Jeff Coyle attacker allies A111 Cattern's Position 2003-10-09 ASLOK_03 18.3 1588.6
Rodney Callen defender allies beats Tim Wilson attacker axis J2 Battlin' Buckeyes 2003-10-09 ASLOK_03 14.5 1570.3
Aaron Cleavin attacker allies beats Rodney Callen defender axis HS8 Bailey's Demise 2003-10-09 ASLOK_03 -14.2 1555.8
Rodney Callen attacker allies beats Scott Romanowski defender axis G13 A View from the Top 2002-10-12 ASLOK_02 20.7 1570
Rodney Callen attacker allies beats Darryl Lundy defender axis PP4 Peak Hour at the Golf-Hotel 2002-10-12 ASLOK_02 21.2 1549.3
Harold Hessler defender axis beats Rodney Callen attacker allies A89 First Day of Diadem 2002-10-12 ASLOK_02 -20.8 1528.1
Rodney Callen attacker axis beats Ted Wilcox defender allies SP87 Fangs of the Tiger 2002-10-11 ASLOK_02 11.2 1548.9
John Bibler defender allies beats Rodney Callen attacker axis OB6 Hoffmeister's Charge 2002-10-10 ASLOK_02 -17.3 1537.7
John Bibler defender allies beats Rodney Callen attacker axis OB6 First Clash in Tunisia 2002-10-10 ASLOK_02 -17.3 1537.7
Rodney Callen defender allies beats Darrell Wright attacker axis 110 North Bank 2002-10-09 ASLOK_02 12.6 1555
Dave Wardzala defender axis beats Rodney Callen attacker allies GD7 The One Hundredth 2002-10-09 ASLOK_02 -31.3 1542.4
John Pires defender axis beats Rodney Callen attacker allies SP96 Husum Hotfoot 2002-10-09 ASLOK_02 -18.2 1573.7
Rodney Callen defender allies beats Wes Vaughn attacker axis J25 The Weigh In 2002-10-08 ASLOK_02 29.4 1591.9
Wes Vaughn defender allies beats Rodney Callen attacker axis SP67 Backs to the Orne 2002-07-27 STLOU_02 -18 1562.5
Steve Brasseur attacker allies beats Rodney Callen defender axis TEF1-3 Panzers in the Park 2002-07-27 STLOU_02 -24.5 1580.5
Rodney Callen attacker allies beats Dave Angrisani defender axis CAC6 Into the Valley of Death 2002-07-27 STLOU_02 20.4 1605
Rodney Callen defender allies beats Ryan Allen attacker axis DB005 The Marketplace at Wormhoudt 2002-07-26 STLOU_02 18.3 1584.6
Rodney Callen defender allies beats Tom Jazbutis attacker axis SP84 von Bodenhausen's Ride 2001-10-05 ASLOK_01 23.2 1566.3
Stan Jackson allies beats Rodney Callen axis J44 Audacity! 2001-10-05 ASLOK_01 -24.7 1543.1
Rodney Callen attacker axis beats Russ Curry defender allies SP79 The Mius Trap 2001-10-04 ASLOK_01 23.2 1567.8
Rodney Callen attacker allies beats Shaun Carter defender axis J62 Lee's Charge 2001-10-04 ASLOK_01 19.6 1544.6
Rodney Callen attacker axis beats John Bibler defender allies J37 Tretten in Flames 2001-10-03 ASLOK_01 25 1525