List of Games by Player included in ASL Player Ratings

Player: John Rockwell (RLJ)    ELO 909.6See Statistical Summary

Player Att/Def Al/Ax Result Player Att/Def Al/Ax Scenario Date Tourney Change Rating
Bob Brown beats John Rockwell 2013-04-14 OPEN_13 -17.6 1070.1
John Rockwell beats Gary Schwartz 2013-04-13 OPEN_13 34.2 1087.7
Jim Serafin beats John Rockwell 2013-04-13 OPEN_13 -2.6 1053.5
Larry Zoet beats John Rockwell 2013-04-13 OPEN_13 -3.3 1056.1
William Sanders beats John Rockwell 2013-01-26 WWAR_13 -3.7 1059.4
Ken Willmann beats John Rockwell 2013-01-26 WWAR_13 -8.2 1063.1
Ken Hutchens beats John Rockwell 2013-01-25 WWAR_13 -9.7 1071.3
Rock Harris attacker allies beats John Rockwell defender axis SP61 Objective Exodus 2011-07-29 STLOU_11 -5.6 1081
Jim (jr.) Burris defender axis beats John Rockwell attacker allies J130 The Art of Dying 2011-07-28 STLOU_11 -0.9 1086.6
Rich Burton attacker allies beats John Rockwell defender axis WO3 Counterattack at Carentan 2011-07-28 STLOU_11 -4.5 1087.5
Ken Willmann attacker axis beats John Rockwell defender allies DB040 Riding the Coattails 2011-07-28 STLOU_11 -12.5 1092
Rich Domovic defender axis beats John Rockwell attacker allies J139 Light Aid Detached 2011-07-27 STLOU_11 -0.9 1104.5
Steve Hicks beats John Rockwell SP125 Nunshigum 2011-04-03 OPEN_11 -9.9 1105.4
Will Willow beats John Rockwell SP188 On the Road Again 2011-04-03 OPEN_11 -11.9 1115.3
Tim Kleepaczyk beats John Rockwell G6 Rocket's Red Glare 2011-04-02 OPEN_11 -4.2 1127.2
David Goldman beats John Rockwell J9 A Stiff Fight 2011-04-02 OPEN_11 -2.7 1131.4
Matt Book beats John Rockwell FT70 Ride Across the Caucasus 2011-04-01 OPEN_11 -2.1 1134.1
Rick Salisbury defender allies beats John Rockwell attacker axis AP52 Into Vienna Woods 2010-07-25 STLOU_10 -7.5 1136.2
Dale Holmstrom defender allies beats John Rockwell attacker axis FT35 Last Push to Mozhaisk 2010-07-24 STLOU_10 -8.1 1143.7
Brett Avants attacker axis beats John Rockwell defender allies XXX 2010-07-24 STLOU_10 -5.1 1151.8
Peter Ward defender axis beats John Rockwell attacker allies FT123 Schurter's Sortie 2010-07-24 STLOU_10 -10.8 1156.9
Ian Schneider defender axis beats John Rockwell attacker allies XXX 2010-07-23 STLOU_10 -5.3 1167.7
Dave Ramirez beats John Rockwell J59 Friday the 13th 2010-04-24 OPEN_10 -7.1 1173
Chris Edwards beats John Rockwell J125 Everything Is Lost 2010-04-10 OPEN_10 -11.6 1180.1
Larry Isensee beats John Rockwell AP52 Into Vienna Woods 2010-04-10 OPEN_10 -12.8 1191.7
Steve Rogers beats John Rockwell SP3 Duel at Reuler 2010-04-10 OPEN_10 -5.6 1204.5
Alex Key beats John Rockwell SP180 Encircle This! 2010-04-09 OPEN_10 -10.2 1210.1
Matt Book beats John Rockwell T1 Gavin Take 2010-04-09 OPEN_10 -3 1220.3
Shawn Ettleman defender axis beats John Rockwell attacker allies AP32 Second Crack at Caumont 2009-07-26 STLOU_09 -9.4 1223.3
Dale Holmstrom attacker axis beats John Rockwell defender allies WCW7 Eye of the Tiger 2009-07-25 STLOU_09 -9.9 1232.7
Mike Bistodeau defender axis beats John Rockwell attacker allies SP125 Nunshigum 2009-07-25 STLOU_09 -12 1242.6
Jim (jr.) Burris defender allies beats John Rockwell attacker axis SP115 The Five Pound Prize 2009-07-25 STLOU_09 -2.9 1254.6
Rick Salisbury attacker allies beats John Rockwell defender axis AP23 Agony at Arnautovo 2009-07-24 STLOU_09 -8.3 1257.5
Jeff Deyoung attacker allies beats John Rockwell defender axis 55 Retribution 2009-04-04 OPEN_09 -17.7 1265.8
Bob Brown defender axis beats John Rockwell attacker allies FT91 "ne pas subir" 2009-04-04 OPEN_09 -26.3 1283.5
Ron Schatz defender allies beats John Rockwell attacker axis FRF30 Bidermann's Escape 2009-04-04 OPEN_09 -19 1309.8
Steve Eliott attacker axis beats John Rockwell defender allies AP50 Panzergeist 2009-04-03 OPEN_09 -11.4 1328.8
John Rockwell defender axis beats Jim (jr.) Burris attacker allies FRF19 About His Shadowy Sides 2008-07-27 STLOU_08 35.3 1340.2
Dale Holmstrom attacker allies beats John Rockwell defender axis SP34 Frankforce 2008-07-26 STLOU_08 -15 1304.9
Al White attacker allies beats John Rockwell defender axis BC9 Contact Front 2008-07-26 STLOU_08 -17.5 1319.9
Peter Ward defender axis beats John Rockwell attacker allies RPT9 Shelling the Sivash 2008-07-26 STLOU_08 -22.7 1337.4
Jerry Simmons defender axis beats John Rockwell attacker allies FE127 Junkyard Wars 2008-07-25 STLOU_08 -19.9 1360.1
Dale Holmstrom attacker allies beats John Rockwell defender axis ESG12 Road Kill 2007-07-29 STLOU_07 -21.5 1380.1
John Rockwell attacker allies beats Al White defender axis PB-CH (E) 2007-07-28 STLOU_07 30.7 1401.6
Bob Graham attacker allies beats John Rockwell defender axis ESG15 Survival of the Vicious 2007-07-28 STLOU_07 -17.6 1370.9
Scott Holst attacker axis beats John Rockwell defender allies FE112 Old Tactics, New Victims 2007-07-28 STLOU_07 -15.5 1388.5
Rich Domovic allies beats John Rockwell axis CH149 Final Embrace 2007-07-27 STLOU_07 -13.7 1404
Gary Bradley defender allies beats John Rockwell attacker axis RBF14 Kampfgruppe Lang 2005-07-30 STLOU_05 -30.2 1417.7
John Schneider defender allies beats John Rockwell attacker axis LSSAH18 2005-07-30 STLOU_05 -25.8 1447.9
Phil Manoff defender allies beats John Rockwell attacker axis DB040 Riding the Coattails 2005-07-30 STLOU_05 -26.3 1473.7