List of Games by Player included in ASL Player Ratings

Player: Tim Wilson (WNT)    ELO 1307.2See Statistical Summary

Player Att/Def Al/Ax Result Player Att/Def Al/Ax Scenario Date Tourney Change Rating
Tim Wilson defender axis beats Nigella Blair attacker allies 2008-10-12 ASLOK_08 12.3 1537.9
Tim Wilson attacker allies beats Randy Rossi defender axis ESG40 Patton's Pride 2008-10-11 ASLOK_08 30.8 1525.6
Tim Wilson attacker axis beats Russ Curry defender allies ESG51 Tough 'Ombres 2008-10-10 ASLOK_08 15.3 1494.8
Phil Pomerantz defender allies beats Tim Wilson attacker axis SP167 Trigger Happy Joes 2008-10-10 ASLOK_08 -21.1 1479.6
Jason Eickmann beats Tim Wilson SP163 First to Fastov 2008-10-09 ASLOK_08 -10 1500.6
Tim Wilson attacker allies beats Joe Rogucki defender axis VOTG11 A Dangerous Possibility 2008-10-09 ASLOK_08 13 1510.6
Bret Hildebran defender axis beats Tim Wilson attacker allies SP165 A Promise Fulfilled 2008-10-09 ASLOK_08 -7.5 1497.6
Bob Bendis defender axis beats Tim Wilson attacker allies VOTG16 Under Murderous Fire 2008-10-09 ASLOK_08 -4.2 1505.1
Dave Wallace attacker axis beats Tim Wilson defender allies ESG30 Mindanao Mop Up 2008-10-08 ASLOK_08 -18.3 1509.3
Bret Hildebran attacker allies beats Tim Wilson defender axis SP152 Nova Bude Butte 2007-10-07 ASLOK_07 -14.1 1527.6
Paul Haseler defender allies beats Tim Wilson attacker axis SP145 The Reluctant Tiger 2007-10-06 ASLOK_07 -13.5 1541.7
Tim Wilson attacker allies beats Russ Curry defender axis SP146 Terrify and Destroy 2007-10-06 ASLOK_07 14.3 1555.2
Tim Wilson defender axis beats Rich Joseph Jenulis attacker allies FT88 Das Untergang 2007-10-05 ASLOK_07 12.5 1540.9
J.R. Tracy attacker allies beats Tim Wilson defender axis SP150 The Legrew Maneuver 2007-10-05 ASLOK_07 -7.7 1528.4
Tim Wilson defender axis beats Phil Pomerantz attacker allies SP154 On the Road to Hell 2007-10-05 ASLOK_07 26 1536.1
Tim Wilson allies beats Rodney Callen axis J9 A Stiff Fight 2007-10-04 ASLOK_07 21.9 1510.1
Dan Stanhagen attacker axis beats Tim Wilson defender allies SP118 Seizing the Sittang Bridge 2007-10-04 ASLOK_07 -15.1 1488.3
Tim Wilson attacker allies beats Bill Hayward defender axis FRF19 About His Shadowy Sides 2007-10-03 ASLOK_07 25.9 1503.3
Mattias Rönnblom attacker allies beats Tim Wilson defender axis HP12 Kicked Autz 2007-10-03 ASLOK_07 -5.7 1477.4
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Tim Wilson attacker axis J32 Panzer Graveyard 2005-10-06 ASLOK_05 -12 1483.1
Dan Stanhagen attacker axis beats Tim Wilson defender allies MP6 2004-10-10 ASLOK_04 -13.5 1495.1
Tim Wilson defender axis beats Bret Hildebran attacker allies SP119 Captain Lambert's Factory 2004-10-09 ASLOK_04 30.8 1508.6
Tim Wilson defender allies beats Russ Curry attacker axis RBF11 Gut Check 2004-10-07 ASLOK_04 11.6 1477.8
Dan Stanhagen defender allies beats Tim Wilson attacker axis MP12 A Worthy Adversary 2004-10-07 ASLOK_04 -15.1 1466.3
Steve Pleva defender axis beats Tim Wilson attacker allies SP116 Loonies and Leicesters 2004-10-06 ASLOK_04 -3.7 1481.3
Mark Nixon attacker axis beats Tim Wilson defender allies J4 Wet Sahwahs 2003-10-13 ASLOK_03 -19.4 1485.1
Robert Feinstein attacker allies beats Tim Wilson defender axis SP99 The Feineisen Factor 2003-10-12 ASLOK_03 -18.1 1504.5
Tim Wilson defender axis beats Paul Ferraro attacker allies SP96 Husum Hotfoot 2003-10-11 ASLOK_03 20.5 1522.6
Tim Wilson defender allies beats Dan Stanhagen attacker axis RB1 One Down, Two to Go 2003-10-11 ASLOK_03 24 1502.1
J.R. Tracy defender allies beats Tim Wilson attacker axis SP101 Jura Juggernaut 2003-10-11 ASLOK_03 -13.3 1478.1
Michael Black defender axis beats Tim Wilson attacker allies SP107 The Sawmill 2003-10-10 ASLOK_03 -12.3 1491.3
Tim Wilson allies beats Randy Yeates axis J9 A Stiff Fight 2003-10-10 ASLOK_03 23.5 1503.6
Rodney Callen defender allies beats Tim Wilson attacker axis J2 Battlin' Buckeyes 2003-10-09 ASLOK_03 -14.5 1480.1
Tim Wilson defender axis beats Darrell Andersen attacker allies SP103 For Whom the Bells Toll 2003-10-09 ASLOK_03 23 1494.6
Tim Wilson defender allies beats Russ Curry attacker axis SP106 After the Tea Break 2003-10-08 ASLOK_03 15.6 1471.6
Mark Nixon defender allies beats Tim Wilson attacker axis SP85 The McCown Encounter 2002-10-13 ASLOK_02 -20.4 1456.1
Dan Stanhagen defender axis beats Tim Wilson attacker allies HS2 Returning the Favor 2002-10-13 ASLOK_02 -16.4 1476.4
Dan Stanhagen defender axis beats Tim Wilson attacker allies HS2 War Without Quarter 2002-10-13 ASLOK_02 -16.4 1476.4
Tim Wilson defender allies beats Richie Crowe attacker axis SP86 Bridge at Stavelot 2002-10-12 ASLOK_02 23.3 1492.8
Bret Hildebran attacker axis beats Tim Wilson defender allies SP95 Burn Gurkha Burn! 2002-10-12 ASLOK_02 -9 1469.6
Tim Wilson attacker axis beats Russ Curry defender allies A117 Maggot Hill 2002-10-12 ASLOK_02 16.7 1478.6
J.R. Tracy attacker axis beats Tim Wilson defender allies 2002-10-12 ASLOK_02 -13.5 1461.8
Rob Seulowitz attacker allies beats Tim Wilson defender axis SP26 Wollerscheim! 2002-10-11 ASLOK_02 -21.5 1475.3
Tim Wilson attacker axis beats Scott Drane defender allies SP91 Show a Little Guts! 2002-10-10 ASLOK_02 39.1 1496.8
Steve Pleva attacker allies beats Tim Wilson defender axis SP62 ils ne passeront pas 2002-10-10 ASLOK_02 -6 1457.8
J.R. Tracy attacker allies beats Tim Wilson defender axis DASLA 2001-10-07 ASLOK_01 -25.4 1463.8
Carl Fago defender axis beats Tim Wilson attacker allies TAC57 Dernier baroud (Last Stand) 2001-10-06 ASLOK_01 -26.6 1489.2
Russ Curry defender axis beats Tim Wilson attacker allies J61 In the Bag 2001-10-05 ASLOK_01 -25.9 1515.8
Tim Wilson defender allies beats Aaron Cleavin attacker axis J63 Silesian Interlude 2001-10-05 ASLOK_01 29.9 1541.7
Neil Stanhagen defender axis beats Tim Wilson attacker allies ASLOK1 Riposte at Dusk 2001-10-04 ASLOK_01 -26.8 1511.8
Tim Wilson defender allies beats Steve Pleva attacker axis J47 They're Here! Reverse! 2001-10-04 ASLOK_01 38.6 1538.6