List of Games by Player included in ASL Player Ratings

Player: Scott Byrne (BES)    ELO 1194.3See Statistical Summary

Player Att/Def Al/Ax Result Player Att/Def Al/Ax Scenario Date Tourney Change Rating
Adam Lunney defender axis beats Scott Byrne attacker allies FRF40 Sporck's Eleven 2010-10-09 ASLOK_10 -25 1369.7
Hennie Van Der Salm axis beats Scott Byrne allies FRF44 Anhalt Pandemonium 2010-10-09 ASLOK_10 -10.8 1394.7
Michael Rhodes attacker allies beats Scott Byrne defender axis J105 Borodino Train Station 2010-10-08 ASLOK_10 -22 1405.5
Paul Chamberland defender axis beats Scott Byrne attacker allies HG3 Bumps Along the Tiddam Road 2010-10-08 ASLOK_10 -10 1427.5
Derek Cox defender axis beats Scott Byrne attacker allies J123 Charging Chaumont 2010-10-07 ASLOK_10 -13.1 1437.5
Scott Byrne attacker axis beats Ray Woloszyn defender allies J59 Friday the 13th 2010-10-07 ASLOK_10 28.2 1450.6
Scott Byrne attacker axis beats Jeff Waldon defender allies AP41 The Meat Grinder 2010-10-06 ASLOK_10 24.8 1422.4
Chas Argent defender allies beats Scott Byrne attacker axis AP12 Cream of the Crop 2010-10-06 ASLOK_10 -12.3 1397.6
Jim (jr.) Burris defender allies beats Scott Byrne attacker axis FRF46 Dutch Courage 2010-10-05 ASLOK_10 -7 1409.9
Bob Bendis attacker allies beats Scott Byrne defender axis ESG3 Resistance at Paderborn 2010-10-04 ASLOK_10 -3.8 1416.9
Chris Doary defender allies beats Scott Byrne attacker axis BC11 Gunter Strikes Back 2010-10-04 ASLOK_10 -18.2 1420.7
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Scott Byrne defender allies FRF51 Bite of the Bassotto 2010-10-04 ASLOK_10 -8.6 1438.9
Bill Hayward defender axis beats Scott Byrne attacker allies SX5 Where Iron Crosses Grow 2010-10-03 ASLOK_10 -9.7 1447.5
Ray Woloszyn defender allies beats Scott Byrne attacker axis DB082 Roadside Assistance 2010-10-02 ASLOK_10 -10.8 1457.2
Scott Byrne beats André Burchardt 2006-11-05 GREN_06 20 1498
Philippe Briaux beats Scott Byrne 2006-11-04 GREN_06 -9.8 1478
Christian Koppmeyer beats Scott Byrne 2006-11-04 GREN_06 -8.9 1487.8
Scott Byrne beats Peter Struijf 2006-11-03 GREN_06 35.2 1496.7
Scott Byrne beats Stephan Pielhau 2006-11-03 GREN_06 10.8 1461.5
Ray Woloszyn beats Scott Byrne 2004-11-07 GREN_04 -13.4 1450.7
Scott Byrne beats Michael Koch 2004-11-06 GREN_04 16.2 1464.1
Rolf-Udo Bliersbach beats Scott Byrne 2004-11-06 GREN_04 -20.4 1447.9
Scott Byrne beats Michael Shea 2004-11-05 GREN_04 18 1468.3
Chris Mazzei beats Scott Byrne 2004-11-05 GREN_04 -10.7 1450.3
Scott Byrne attacker allies beats Darryl Lundy defender axis SP74 The Last Tiger 2004-10-10 ASLOK_04 27.9 1461
Steve Linton attacker allies beats Scott Byrne defender axis SP110 The Chernichivo Shuffle 2004-10-10 ASLOK_04 -7.4 1433.1
Scott Byrne attacker allies beats Eric Safran defender axis J43 3rd RTR in the Rain 2004-10-08 ASLOK_04 18.4 1440.5
Neil Stanhagen attacker allies beats Scott Byrne defender axis A93 Faugh A' Ballagh! 2004-10-08 ASLOK_04 -8.8 1422.1
Scott Byrne defender allies beats Jim Risher attacker axis ASLUG14 Morgan's Stand 2004-10-07 ASLOK_04 13.3 1430.9
Michael Rhodes defender allies beats Scott Byrne attacker axis BUCK1 Welcome to the Jungle 2004-10-07 ASLOK_04 -26 1417.6
Aaron Cleavin defender allies beats Scott Byrne attacker axis A44 Blocking Action at Lipki 2004-10-06 ASLOK_04 -5 1443.6
Scott Byrne defender allies beats Joe Wilson attacker axis J68 Unlucky Thirteenth 2004-10-06 ASLOK_04 24.1 1448.6
Steve Ives defender allies beats Scott Byrne attacker axis G45 Halha River Bridge 2004-10-05 ASLOK_04 -17.4 1424.6
Scott Byrne defender allies beats John Dober attacker axis J63 Silesian Interlude 2004-10-05 ASLOK_04 21.9 1442
Scott Byrne defender axis beats Michael Faulkner attacker allies TT10 Day at the River 2004-10-04 ASLOK_04 25.1 1420.1
Philippe Briaux defender allies beats Scott Byrne attacker axis OA13 Brief Breakfast 2004-10-03 ASLOK_04 -3.8 1395
Scott Byrne defender allies beats Mark Pitcavage attacker axis TOT32 Denouement 2004-10-03 ASLOK_04 25.4 1398.8
Wes Vaughn attacker allies beats Scott Byrne defender axis J34 Men of the Mountains 2001-10-07 ASLOK_01 -6.7 1373.4
Scott Byrne attacker allies beats Rich Domovic defender axis J62 Lee's Charge 2001-10-06 ASLOK_01 31.7 1380.1
Chad Cummins attacker allies beats Scott Byrne defender axis KGP7 The Bridge at Cheneux 2001-10-06 ASLOK_01 -10.9 1348.4
Jim Cmelak attacker allies beats Scott Byrne defender axis A32 Zon with the Wind 2001-10-05 ASLOK_01 -23.4 1359.3
Eric Safran attacker allies beats Scott Byrne defender axis 27 The Liberation of Tulle 2001-10-05 ASLOK_01 -21.2 1382.7
Michael Black attacker axis beats Scott Byrne defender allies J60 Bad Luck 2001-10-04 ASLOK_01 -20 1403.9
Dave Wardzala attacker allies beats Scott Byrne defender axis L Hitdorf on the Rhine 2001-10-04 ASLOK_01 -23 1423.9
Robert Feinstein defender axis beats Scott Byrne attacker allies J61 In the Bag 2001-10-03 ASLOK_01 -12 1446.9
Wes Vaughn defender allies beats Scott Byrne attacker axis J46 Strongpoint 11 2001-10-03 ASLOK_01 -16.1 1458.9
Paul Haseler attacker axis beats Scott Byrne defender allies U8 Weissnhof Crossroads 2001-10-02 ASLOK_01 -25 1475