List of Games by Player included in ASL Player Ratings

Player: Steve Slunt (141)    ELO 1675.7See Statistical Summary

Player Att/Def Al/Ax Result Player Att/Def Al/Ax Scenario Date Tourney Change Rating
Mark Thompson def allies loses to Steve Slunt att axis AP 75 2024-10-28 WARR_24
Steve Slunt attacker allies beats Jeff Wright defender axis Hazmo1 2024-10-01 LEAG4_24
Steve Lampon def allies draws Steve Slunt att axis AP 59 2024-09-30 WARR_24
Steve Slunt def allies beats Tim Osborne att axis FT 81 2024-08-30 WARR_24
Steve Boro def allies loses to Steve Slunt att axis 240 2024-07-23 WARR_24
Steve Slunt attacker allies beats Tom Repetti defender axis WO15 Liberation Day 2024-07-01 LEAG4_24
Tony Fermendzin def allies beats Steve Slunt att axis U15 Battle for the Warta Line 2024-06-23 WARR_24
Steve Slunt defender axis loses to Blake Ball attacker allies FrF58 Order 831 2024-05-12 CASLO_24 -18 1675.7
Steve Slunt attacker axis beats Jonathan Kay defender allies BUCK1 Welcome to the Jungle 2024-05-11 CASLO_24 21.1 1693.7
Steve Slunt defender allies loses to Michael Rodgers attacker axis RPT77 Go Tell It to the Mountain 2024-05-11 CASLO_24 -29.1 1672.6
Andrew Simpson attacker allies loses to Steve Slunt defender axis AP163 2024-05-10 CASLO_24 13.6 1701.7
Steve Slunt defender axis loses to Doug Rimmer attacker allies Q22 2024-05-10 CASLO_24 -31.4 1688
Steve Slunt axis beats Vic Provost allies VoTG24 Raid on Rodimtsev 2024-04-01 LEAG4_24
Mark Thompson attacker allies loses to Steve Slunt defender axis HC1 First Matanikau 2024-03-09 WARR1942_24 12.1 1719.4
Maurizio Grassi defender allies beats Steve Slunt attacker axis AP196 2023-12-01 LEAG4_24
Steve Slunt defender allies beats David Wolfe attacker axis SP218 Városliget Park 2023-11-05 WCR_23 15.3 1707.4
Steve Slunt attacker axis beats George Kelln defender allies J223 2023-11-04 WCR_23 22.5 1692.1
Steve Slunt attacker axis beats Terry Gray defender allies Q12 Unfamiliar Land 2023-11-04 WCR_23 14.2 1669.6
Steve Slunt defender allies beats Greg Rodgers attacker axis J236 2023-11-03 WCR_23 8 1655.4
Steve Slunt attacker axis beats Burnie Hegdahl defender allies J246 2023-09-01 LEAG4_23 7.3 1647.4
Steve Slunt attacker axis beats Jack Wilson defender allies AP124 Lunch in Luga 2023-08-24 WARR1941_23 16 1640.1
Mark Thompson attacker axis beats Steve Slunt defender allies J103 Lenin's Sons 2023-08-02 WARR1941_23 -19.9 1624.1
Andy Beaton defender allies beats Steve Slunt attacker axis AP169 2023-07-01 LEAG4_23 -32.6 1644
Stephen Stewart defender axis loses to Steve Slunt attacker allies 238 2023-05-26 WARR1940_23 19.8 1676.6
Paul Works defender allies beats Steve Slunt attacker axis WO3 Counterattack at Carentan 2023-05-15 eASL_23 -10.7 1656.8
Steve Pleva attacker allies beats Steve Slunt defender axis WO43 2023-05-01 eASL_23 -4.9 1667.5
Stephen Stewart defender axis beats Steve Slunt attacker allies FT262 20 Years Later... 2023-05-01 LEAG4_23 -23.8 1672.4
Steve Slunt attacker axis beats Mike Stubits defender allies MM47 The Brickworks 2023-04-17 eASL_23 9.5 1696.2
Steve Slunt attacker axis beats Mark Thompson defender allies BFP114 Engineering Defeat 2023-04-15 WARR1939_23 14.3 1686.7
Steve Slunt attacker axis beats Paul Washington defender allies HazMo24 2023-04-10 eASL_23 13.8 1672.4
Steve Slunt attacker axis beats Shaun Andrews defender allies BFP133 Over the Hills 2023-04-10 WARR1939_23 14.4 1658.6
Steve Slunt attacker allies beats Dan Sullivan defender axis SP33 The Eternal City 2023-04-03 eASL_23 18.9 1644.2
Steve Slunt attacker allies beats Rob Arrieta defender axis J145 Golden Pheasants 2023-03-27 eASL_23 15.4 1625.3
Steve Slunt attacker axis beats Micha Knarr defender allies BFP118 Kazina Klash 2023-03-18 WARR1939_23 16.2 1609.8
Steve Slunt attacker axis beats Gary Bartlett defender allies BFP120 Defiant Resistance 2023-03-07 WARR1939_23 21.3 1593.6
Steve Slunt attacker axis beats Tom Jazbutis defender allies OA26 Vogt's Ritterkreuz 2023-03-01 LEAG4_23 7.4 1572.3
Steve Slunt attacker axis beats Lex Luciak defender allies BFP111 Before the Blunder 2023-02-19 WARR1939_23 17.3 1564.9
Steve Worrel defender allies beats Steve Slunt attacker axis 17 Lost Opportunities 2022-12-01 LEAG4_22 -24.7 1547.6
Chris Farrel defender allies beats Steve Slunt attacker axis AP86 Milling About 2022-11-06 WCR_22 -24.3 1572.3
Andrew Simpson defender allies beats Steve Slunt attacker axis AP166 2022-11-05 WCR_22 -21.5 1596.6
Steve Slunt attacker axis beats Rich Joseph Jenulis defender allies RPT83 Mile Peg 61 2022-11-05 WCR_22 14.4 1618.1
Steve Slunt attacker axis beats Wesley Ho defender allies CH14 Ninety Minute War 2022-11-04 WCR_22 10.2 1603.7
Steve Slunt attacker axis beats Pascal Boileau defender allies 4 The Commissar's House 2022-09-01 LEAG4_22 8.8 1593.5
Mika Harviala defender allies beats Steve Slunt attacker axis OA22 After the Disaster 2022-06-01 LEAG4_22 -22.7 1584.7
Jim Manfredi attacker allies beats Steve Slunt defender axis AP100 Coal in Their Stockings 2022-03-01 LEAG4_22 -25.6 1607.4
Brian Wiersma allies beats Steve Slunt axis J191 Rebels without a Pause 2021-05-23 CASLO_21 -11.7 1633
Steve Slunt allies beats Jimmy Engren axis J193 Raff's Rules 2021-05-22 CASLO_21 15 1644.7
Rob Wirthlin allies beats Steve Slunt axis J74 Priests on the Line 2021-05-21 CASLO_21 -14.5 1629.7
Steve Slunt allies beats Neal Ekengren axis J167 Hart Attack 2021-05-14 CASLO_21 6.5 1644.2
Steve Slunt axis beats Kalle Widell allies AP131 Crickets in Spring 2021-05-07 CASLO_21 13.1 1637.7
Steve Slunt attacker axis beats Colin Jeschke defender allied J36 The Bridge of Verdalsora 2021-03-13 Alta_2021 10.5 1624.6
Steve Slunt beats Paul Chamberland AP7 Directive Number Three 2021-03-06 NWASL_21 23.5 1614.1
Paul Chamberland defender allied beats Steve Slunt attacker axis OA29 The Amy H 2021-03-06 Alta_2021 -16.5 1590.6
Steve Slunt attacker axis beats Rick Fehrenbacher defender allies J53 Setting the Stage 2021-02-27 NWASL_21 12.1 1607.1
Steve Slunt defender axis beats Nathan Stapf attacker allied ASL238 2021-02-27 Alta_2021 26.9 1595.1
Greg Barsness attacker allies beats Steve Slunt defender axis J188 Grab and Go 2021-02-20 NWASL_21 -12.5 1568.1
Steve Slunt defender axis beats Jim Roche attacker allies Q8 New and Untested 2021-02-13 NWASL_21 11.5 1580.6
Steve Slunt attacker axis loses to Terry Gray defender allies WP15 Burnt, Blue and Grey 2020-11-07 WCR_20 -22.8 1569.1
Paul Chamberland defender allies beats Steve Slunt attacker axis FT157 The Lost Column 2020-11-06 WCR_20 -15.7 1591.9
Rob Wirthlin attacker axis beats Steve Slunt defender allies 77 Le hérisson (The Hedgehog) 2020-11-05 WCR_20 -11.9 1607.6
Steve Slunt attacker allies beats Glen Macdermid defender axis AP135 Fuller's Folly 2020-11-04 WCR_20 9.2 1619.6
Greg Barsness beats Steve Slunt 2019-11-10 WCR_19 -18.7 1610.3
Steve Slunt beats Jim Rudek 2019-11-09 WCR_19 10.5 1629.1
Steve Slunt beats Dave Perham 2019-11-09 WCR_19 13.8 1618.6
Steve Slunt beats Mike Erskine 2019-11-08 WCR_19 16.6 1604.8
Steve Slunt beats Dave Howarth 2018-11-04 WCR_18 20 1588.2
Steve Slunt beats Mike Erskine 2018-11-03 WCR_18 22.5 1568.2
Steve Slunt beats Joe Vennarucci 2018-11-03 WCR_18 13.6 1545.7
Darren Kovacs beats Steve Slunt 2018-11-02 WCR_18 -6.7 1532.1
Andrew Simpson defender axis beats Steve Slunt attacker allies FRF43 Forest Devil 2017-05-20 CASLO_17 -20.6 1538.8
Steve Slunt defender allies beats Jim Rudek attacker axis SP23 Assault on the Hotel Continental 2017-05-20 CASLO_17 15.1 1559.4
Steve Slunt defender axis beats Jim Bennet attacker allies FT 43 2017-05-20 CASLO_17 15.3 1544.3
Michael Rodgers defender axis beats Steve Slunt attacker allies CDN10 per l'onore d'Italia 2017-05-19 CASLO_17 -25.8 1529
Ken Balsom defender axis beats Steve Slunt attacker allies TAC51 L'union fait la force (Strength Through Unity) 2017-05-19 CASLO_17 -24.5 1554.8
Steve Slunt beats Wesley Ho 2017-05-11 WCR_17 17.6 1579.3
Rich Joseph Jenulis beats Steve Slunt 2017-04-11 WCR_17 -17.8 1561.7
Steve Slunt beats Bill Slunt 2017-04-11 WCR_17 11.4 1579.5
Steve Slunt beats Doug Cooley 2017-03-11 WCR_17 17.1 1568.1
Darren Kovacs beats Steve Slunt A104 In Front of the Storm 2017-02-12 NWEST_17 -9.4 1551
Steve Slunt beats Tracy Prevo J41 By Ourselves 2017-02-11 NWEST_17 11.9 1560.4
Rob Wirthlin beats Steve Slunt 195 Rocket's Red Glare 2017-02-11 NWEST_17 -18.5 1548.5
Steve Slunt beats Allen Evenson AOC5 At the Apex 2017-02-10 NWEST_17 12.4 1567
Darren Kovacs defender allies beats Steve Slunt attacker axis 2016-11-06 WCR_16 -8.8 1554.6
Steve Slunt attacker axis beats Steve Nicewarner defender allies 2016-11-05 WCR_16 10.6 1563.4
David Wolfe defender allies beats Steve Slunt attacker axis 2016-11-05 WCR_16 -23.5 1552.8
Steve Slunt defender allies beats Colin Emerson attacker axis 2016-11-04 WCR_16 16.6 1576.3
Steve Slunt defender allies beats Rich Joseph Jenulis attacker axis RPT7 Romanian Hammers 2015-11-08 WCR_15 24.7 1559.7
George Kelln defender axis beats Steve Slunt attacker allies I Buchholz Station 2015-11-07 WCR_15 -18.1 1535
Rick White attacker allies beats Steve Slunt defender axis 2015-11-07 WCR_15 -16.7 1553.1
Steve Slunt defender axis beats Jim Rudek attacker allies TAC51 L'union fait la force (Strength Through Unity) 2015-11-06 WCR_15 10.4 1569.8
Steve Slunt attacker axis beats Doug Rimmer defender allies BB4 Zoot Suit Boys 2015-05-17 CASLO_15 16.9 1559.4
Steve Slunt defender axis beats Rob Macdonald attacker allies ABTF 4 2015-05-16 CASLO_15 12.8 1542.5
Martin Marquis defender allies beats Steve Slunt attacker axis PBP22 Morire In Belleza 2015-05-16 CASLO_15 -22.5 1529.7
Steve Slunt axis beats Steffen Knippel allies DB115 Mopping Up Kobayashi 2015-05-15 CASLO_15 14.1 1552.2
James Rimmer allies beats Steve Slunt axis BFP137 Death Throes 2015-05-15 CASLO_15 -23.5 1538.1
David Wolfe attacker axis beats Steve Slunt defender allies OA7 Celles Melee 2014-11-09 WCR_14 -25.4 1561.6
Steve Slunt defender allies beats Jim Rudek attacker axis OST9 Forcing the Berezina 2014-11-08 WCR_14 10.8 1587
Darren Kovacs defender allies beats Steve Slunt attacker axis KE1 Lion's Share 2014-11-08 WCR_14 -8.5 1576.2
Steve Slunt defender allies beats Dan Owsen attacker axis OA31 With Friends Like These 2014-11-07 WCR_14 10 1584.7
Paul Chamberland attacker axis beats Steve Slunt defender allies SP137 The Bozsoki Relay 2014-05-18 CASLO_14 -15.6 1574.7
Steve Slunt attacker allies beats Cr Holmes defender axis J130 The Art of Dying 2014-05-17 CASLO_14 13.4 1590.3
Darren Kovacs attacker allies beats Steve Slunt defender axis J43 3rd RTR in the Rain 2014-05-16 CASLO_14 -8 1576.9
Steve Slunt defender axis beats Jim Rudek attacker allies SP96 Husum Hotfoot 2014-05-16 CASLO_14 14.9 1584.9
Steve Slunt defender axis beats Michael Ward attacker allies RPT52 Death Rattle 2013-11-10 WCR_13 8.5 1570
Jim Rudek attacker axis beats Steve Slunt defender allies 23 Under the Noel Trees 2013-11-10 WCR_13 -27.6 1561.5
Cr Holmes defender allies beats Steve Slunt attacker axis RPT25 Cornwalls' Rum Ration 2013-11-10 WCR_13 -27.6 1589.1
Dave Howarth attacker allies beats Steve Slunt defender axis RPT51 Arrivederci Nembo 2013-11-10 WCR_13 -22.6 1616.7
Steve Slunt attacker axis beats Michael Ward defender allies J146 Ragnarök (Ragnarok) 2012-11-04 WCR_12 17.5 1639.3
Darren Kovacs defender allies beats Steve Slunt attacker axis SP204 Yankee Pride 2012-11-04 WCR_12 -11.4 1621.8
Steve Slunt defender allies beats David Wolfe attacker axis J140 All Down the Line 2012-11-04 WCR_12 18.3 1633.2
Steve Slunt defender allies beats Rick White attacker axis TBBA4 2012-11-04 WCR_12 21 1614.9
Steve Slunt attacker axis beats Erik Lindblad defender allies J102 The Yelnya Bridge 2012-05-20 CASLO_12 24.4 1593.9
Steve Slunt attacker axis beats Brad Hunter defender allies J92 Your Turn Now 2012-05-20 CASLO_12 23.6 1569.5
Darren Kovacs attacker axis beats Steve Slunt defender allies J94 Kempf at Melikhovo 2012-05-19 CASLO_12 -10 1545.9
Steve Slunt defender allies beats Paul Suderman attacker axis OA18 Parry and Strike 2012-05-19 CASLO_12 28.9 1555.9
Steve Slunt attacker axis beats Michael Rodgers defender allies J103 Lenin's Sons 2012-05-18 CASLO_12 27 1527