List of Scenario Results included in ASL Player Ratings

Scenario: WO43 See Statistical Summary

Player Att/Def Al/Ax Result Player Att/Def Al/Ax Date Tourney
Brent Pollock attacker allies loses to Blake Ball defender axis 2024-05-11 CASLO_24
Darren Kovacs defender axis beats Jonathan Kay attacker allies 2024-05-11 CASLO_24
Doug Rimmer defender axis beats George Kelln attacker allies 2024-05-11 CASLO_24
Andrew Simpson attacker allies loses to Lee Misselbrook defender axis 2024-05-11 CASLO_24
David Wolfe defender axis beats Bob Cussler attacker allies 2024-05-11 CASLO_24
Jason Burnette defender axis beats Roy Johanson attacker allies 2023-09-01 LEAG3_23
Tom Arnold defender axis beats Bill Gouinlock attacker allies 2023-08-05 ATLAN_23
Tim Deane defender axis beats Gene Patterson attacker allies 2023-08-05 ATLAN_23
Damon Norko defender axis beats Dan Stanhagen attacker allies 2023-07-08 HWAVE_23
David Ready attacker allies beats Andy Goldin defender axis 2023-07-08 HWAVE_23
Jim Bishop defender axis beats John Gorkowski attacker allies 2023-07-08 HWAVE_23
Andreas Carlsson defender allies loses to Melvin Falk attacker axis 2023-05-19 RIM_23
Ola Nygårds defender axis loses to Svante Sandblom attacker allies 2023-05-19 RIM_23
Christoffer Peyre attacker allies loses to Magnus Söderberg defender axis 2023-05-19 RIM_23
Carl Nogueira defender axis beats Dave Ramirez attacker allies 2023-05-15 eASL_23
Iain Ainsworth defender axis beats Luca Martini attacker allies 2023-05-01 LEAG1_23
Steve Pleva attacker allies beats Steve Slunt defender axis 2023-05-01 eASL_23