List of Games by Player included in ASL Player Ratings

Player: Gregg Lupaczyk (LK5)    ELO 1217.2See Statistical Summary

Player Att/Def Al/Ax Result Player Att/Def Al/Ax Scenario Date Tourney Change Rating
Ron Duenskie attacker axis beats Gregg Lupaczyk defender allies FrF89 Red Tears Shed on Gray 2020-08-08 TUSS_20 -0.9 1217.2
Gregg Lupaczyk defender axis loses to Bob Kedge Johnson attacker allies O8 Crucifix Hill 2020-08-07 TUSS_20 -10.9 1218.1
Gregg Lupaczyk defender allies beats Robert Loper attacker axis AP65 Baw Drop 2020-08-07 TUSS_20 35 1229.1
Ted Wilcox defender axis beats Gregg Lupaczyk attacker allies RB14 Anchoring the Line 2019-08-09 TUSS_19 -13.3 1194.1
Greg Taylor beats Gregg Lupaczyk 2018-12-02 NYS_18 -18.9 1207.3
Chuck Tewksbury beats Gregg Lupaczyk 2018-12-01 NYS_18 -9 1226.3
Nathan Stapf beats Gregg Lupaczyk 2018-12-01 NYS_18 -36.4 1463.6
Brian Wiersma beats Gregg Lupaczyk 2018-11-30 NYS_18 -1.7 1235.3
Gregg Lupaczyk defender allies beats Steve (stephen) Johns attacker axis FT92 No Fortress is Impregnable 2018-04-05 NOR-E_18 39.2 1237
Michael La Terza attacker axis beats Gregg Lupaczyk defender allies DB078 Demolition Men 2018-04-05 NOR-E_18 -7.8 1197.8
Mike Allexenberg defender axis beats Gregg Lupaczyk attacker allies YASL7 Making a Break for It 2017-04-01 NOR-E_17 -13.8 1205.6
Michael Pierzchala defender axis beats Gregg Lupaczyk attacker allies BFP105 The Winter City 2017-04-01 NOR-E_17 -25.7 1219.3
Larry Flaherty attacker allies beats Gregg Lupaczyk defender axis BFP48 Ninth Tanks 2017-03-31 NOR-E_17 -12.6 1245.1
Michael Sprague defender allies beats Gregg Lupaczyk attacker axis O1 Go Big or Go Home 2017-03-31 NOR-E_17 -13.9 1257.6