List of Scenario Results included in ASL Player Ratings

Scenario: SP2 Holding the Hotton Bridge See Statistical Summary

Player Att/Def Al/Ax Result Player Att/Def Al/Ax Date Tourney
Mike Naven beats Will Forg 2016-04-17 OPEN_16
David Rosner defender axis beats Paul Messina attacker allies 2015-03-01 LEAG3_15
Chris Kubick attacker axis beats Edward Beekman defender allies 2014-06-19 TEXAS_14
Kenneth Young attacker axis beats Hank Withaar defender allies 2012-08-31 TOP_12
Steve Cooper defender allies beats Dan Owsen attacker axis 2011-11-06 WCR_11
Doyle Motes attacker axis beats Jerry Simmons defender allies 2010-06-30 MINC_10
Enrico Catanzaro axis beats Miguel Guerrero allies 2007-08-01 MAJOR_07
Wes Vaughn attacker axis beats Pete Shelling defender allies 2006-10-05 ASLOK_06
Jason Eickmann defender allies beats Eric Bongiovanni attacker axis 2006-10-04 ASLOK_06
Larry Zoet defender allies beats Rodney Callen attacker axis 2006-10-04 ASLOK_06
Mattias Rönnblom attacker axis beats Steve Anderson defender allies 2006-10-03 ASLOK_06
Bruce Billett defender allies beats D. Myers attacker axis 2004-02-06 WCM_04
Toby Pilling defender allies beats Melvin Falk attacker axis 2002-02-01 SCO_02
Brandon Liesemeyer defender allies beats Phil Seymour attacker axis 2002-02-01 WCM_02
Brian Martuzas attacker axis beats Alan Haley defender allies 2000-04-01 NOR-E_00