Tournament Games included in ASL Player Ratings

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Tournament: WCM_04See Statistical Summary

Player Att/Def Al/Ax Result Player Att/Def Al/Ax Scenario
Round 0
Andrew Atkin defender allies beats Bill Carroll attacker axis KE1 Lion's Share
Brian Abela defender axis beats David Haasl attacker allies J83 Bloody Nose
Brian Abela defender axis beats Fred Timm attacker allies J43 3rd RTR in the Rain
Brian Abela attacker allies beats James Warren defender axis SP65 Ayo Gurkhali!
Bruce Billett defender allies beats D. Myers attacker axis SP2 Holding the Hotton Bridge
Bruce Billett attacker allies beats Kevin Ryan defender axis TT1 Take the Chance
Bruce Billett attacker allies beats Kevin Ryan defender axis TT1 Sturt and Wills
Bruce Billett attacker allies beats Rob Stai defender axis J83 Bloody Nose
Bryan Earll defender allies beats Robert Feinstein attacker axis J86 Frontal Assault
Bryan Earll attacker axis beats Dave Reinking defender allies G17 Hakkaa Paalle
Bryan Earll attacker allies beats Rob Stai defender axis SP100 The Attu Climb
Chad Cummins defender axis beats Andrew Atkin attacker allies J85 Ptichin' In
Chad Cummins attacker allies beats Rich Domovic defender axis J83 Bloody Nose
Charles Hammond defender axis beats Cloyde Angell attacker allies J83 Bloody Nose
Charles Hammond defender allies beats D. Myers attacker axis J24 Smashing the 3rd
Charles Hammond attacker axis beats Dave Reinking defender allies J87 Flames of Unrest
Charles Hammond defender allies beats David Rosner attacker axis J82 Pavlov's House
Charles Hammond attacker axis beats Scott Thompson defender allies KE1 Lion's Share
Chris Castellana defender allies beats Mike Soffa attacker axis G17 Hakkaa Paalle
Cloyde Angell defender allies beats Bill Carroll attacker axis J45 The Last Roadblock
Cloyde Angell defender axis beats Scott Thompson attacker allies J83 Bloody Nose
D. Myers defender axis beats Chris Castellana attacker allies A59 Death at Carentan (ATL2 redone)
D. Myers attacker allies beats Charles Hammond defender axis CH3 The Green Hell
D. Myers attacker allies beats Dave Perham defender axis SP96 Husum Hotfoot
D. Myers attacker allies beats Rob Stai defender axis J30 Nocturnal Attrition
Dave Perham attacker allies beats Karl Fisher defender axis 105 Going to Church
Dave Perham attacker allies beats Herman Frettlohr defender axis KGP8 Les Montis
Dave Perham attacker axis beats Steve Treatman defender allies A1 Tavronitis Bridge
Dave Perham attacker axis beats Missing-4 defender allies RB3 Bread Factory #2
Dave Reinking defender axis beats Rich Domovic attacker allies J1 Urban Guerrillas
Dave Reinking attacker axis beats Matt Romey defender allies J82 Pavlov's House
Dave Reinking defender axis beats David Rosner attacker allies A103 Mayhem in Manila
David Goldman defender allies beats David Haasl attacker axis T4 Shklov's Labors Lost
David Goldman allies beats Sheldon Ryland axis A88 Surprise Encounter (Z4 repub.)
David Goldman defender axis beats Missing-4 attacker allies J84 Makin Taken
David Haasl attacker axis beats Andrew Atkin defender allies J48 Blood Enemies
David Haasl attacker allies beats D. Myers defender axis J85 Ptichin' In
David Nicholas defender axis beats Bryan Earll attacker allies SP100 The Attu Climb
David Nicholas attacker allies beats Fred Timm defender axis PT
Eric Johnson attacker allies beats Eric Morton defender axis J43 3rd RTR in the Rain
Eric Johnson attacker allies beats Dave Reinking defender axis J88 Escape to Wiltz
Eric Johnson defender allies beats Phil Seymour attacker axis OA7 Celles Melee
Eric Johnson attacker axis beats Eric Visnowski defender allies OA1 The Road To St. Lo
Eric Morton attacker axis beats Bruce Billett defender allies A70 Wintergewitter (atp2 repub.)
Eric Morton attacker allies beats Ron Mosher defender axis HS5 Restoration
Eric Morton defender allies beats Stance Nixon attacker axis J57 Guards Artillery
Eric Morton defender axis beats Rob Stai attacker allies J84 Makin Taken
Eric Visnowski defender allies beats Jim Aikens attacker axis G17 Hakkaa Paalle
Eric Visnowski defender allies beats Chris Castellana attacker axis A68 Acts of Defiance (CH5 repub.)
Fred Timm attacker allies beats David Goldman defender axis J83 Bloody Nose
Gary Trezza defender allies beats Brian Abela attacker axis 77 Le hérisson (The Hedgehog)
Gary Trezza attacker axis beats Eric Morton defender allies T4 Shklov's Labors Lost
Gary Trezza defender axis beats Dave Perham attacker allies SP103 For Whom the Bells Toll
Gary Trezza attacker allies beats Dave Reinking defender axis SP107 The Sawmill
Herman Frettlohr defender axis beats Chad Cummins attacker allies J43 3rd RTR in the Rain
Herman Frettlohr axis beats David Goldman allies J44 Audacity!
Herman Frettlohr defender axis beats Sheldon Ryland attacker allies J83 Bloody Nose
Herman Frettlohr attacker axis beats Phil Seymour defender allies SP24 Forest Fighting in Latvia
Herman Frettlohr attacker allies beats Paul Simonsen defender axis J84 Makin Taken
Herman Frettlohr attacker axis beats Gary Trezza defender allies J69 The Army at the Edge of the World
James Warren defender allies beats Bill Carroll attacker axis 77 Le hérisson (The Hedgehog)
Karl Fisher axis beats Eric Morton allies J44 Audacity!
Karl Fisher defender allies beats Steve Treatman attacker axis A68 Acts of Defiance (CH5 repub.)
Kevin Ryan defender axis beats Eric Visnowski attacker allies J84 Makin Taken
Matt Romey defender axis beats Matt Evans attacker allies DASLA11
Matt Romey defender axis beats Paul Simonsen attacker allies J83 Bloody Nose
Matt Romey defender axis beats Eric Visnowski attacker allies TT1 Take the Chance
Matt Romey defender axis beats Eric Visnowski attacker allies TT1 Sturt and Wills
Matthew Cicero attacker allies beats Karl Fisher defender axis J23 Kampfgruppe at Karachev
Matthew Cicero attacker axis beats Sean Geraghty defender allies G17 Hakkaa Paalle
Matthew Cicero defender allies beats Charles Hammond attacker axis J45 The Last Roadblock
Matthew Cicero defender axis beats Eric Morton attacker allies BRT7 Didn't Have to be There
Matthew Cicero defender allies beats Stance Nixon attacker axis KE1 Lion's Share
Matthew Cicero attacker allies beats Fred Timm defender axis AP10 Closing the Net
Matthew Cicero attacker axis beats James Warren defender allies A112 Gift of Time
Mike Soffa attacker allies beats David Nicholas defender axis 13 Le Manoir (The Manor)
Missing-4 attacker axis beats Andrew Atkin defender allies SP86 Bridge at Stavelot
Missing-4 defender axis beats David Rosner attacker allies J19 Merzenhausen Zoo
Paul Simonsen attacker axis beats David Nicholas defender allies SP44 Sufferin' Sudfrankreich
Paul Simonsen attacker axis beats Scott Thompson defender allies J46 Strongpoint 11
Phil Seymour defender allies beats Rob Stai attacker axis J37 Tretten in Flames
Phil Seymour attacker axis beats James Warren defender allies SP79 The Mius Trap
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Chris Castellana defender axis J88 Escape to Wiltz
Rich Domovic defender axis beats David Haasl attacker allies J84 Makin Taken
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Missing-4 defender axis T8 Aachen's Pall
Rob Stai defender axis beats Cloyde Angell attacker allies J23 Kampfgruppe at Karachev
Rob Stai attacker allies beats David Haasl defender axis TT9 Frogs in the Pocket
Rob Stai defender allies beats Scott Thompson attacker axis G17 Hakkaa Paalle
Robert Feinstein attacker axis beats Matthew Cicero defender allies SP88 Race for the Sarvis
Robert Feinstein attacker axis beats Matt Romey defender allies OA13 Brief Breakfast
Ron Mosher defender allies beats Bruce Billett attacker axis T10 Devil's Hill
Sean Geraghty defender axis beats Mike Soffa attacker allies S3 Simple Equation
Sean Geraghty defender axis beats Mike Soffa attacker allies S3 Last Stand at An-san
Sheldon Ryland attacker allies beats Karl Fisher defender axis AP13 Shielding Moscow
Sheldon Ryland defender axis beats Dave Perham attacker allies J43 3rd RTR in the Rain
Sheldon Ryland defender axis beats Scott Thompson attacker allies J61 In the Bag
Sheldon Ryland defender axis beats Steve Treatman attacker allies R Burzevo
Steve Treatman attacker allies beats Fred Timm defender axis AP4 L'abbaye blanche (The White Abbey)