Tournament Games included in ASL Player Ratings

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Tournament: TOP_12See Statistical Summary

1st Place: Janusz Maxe
2nd Place: Gary Fortenberry
Player Att/Def Al/Ax Result Player Att/Def Al/Ax Scenario
Round 1
Aaron Cleavin defender axis beats Mario Aceto attacker allies FRF54 KNIL Before the Emperor
Andrea Pagni defender axis beats Brian Wiersma attacker allies AP62 Shouting Into the Storm
Carl Nogueira attacker allies beats Jas Bal defender axis BFP95 Obian Highway
Doyle Motes defender axis beats Enrico Catanzaro attacker allies SP103 For Whom the Bells Toll
François Boudrenghien defender axis beats Leonardo Conforti attacker allies BFP95 Obian Highway
Gary Fortenberry defender axis beats Hidden attacker allies AP58 Sat Sri Akal!
Hank Withaar defender allies beats Martin Vicca attacker axis BFP88 The Bunkered Village
Janusz Maxe defender axis beats Craig Houliston attacker allies J121 Schloss Hemingstein
Jeff Coyle attacker allies beats Paul Chamberland defender axis BFP103 Knife in the Flank
Miguel Guerrero defender axis beats Michael Rodgers attacker allies AP54 800 Heroes
Mike Klautky defender allies beats Robert Feinstein attacker axis DBP18 Circle the Wagons
Paul Lauger attacker allies beats Edward Beekman defender axis AP60 Nishne, Nyet!
Stefano Cuccurullo attacker allies beats Kenneth Young defender axis SV9 Mexico and Morocco
Stefano Isella defender allies beats Jon Cole attacker axis O1 Go Big or Go Home
Tom Repetti defender allies beats Stewart King attacker axis
Round 2
Aaron Cleavin attacker allies beats Miguel Guerrero defender axis AP79 Rude Mood
Brian Wiersma defender axis beats Paul Chamberland attacker allies WO7 Hell for the Holidays
Carl Nogueira attacker allies beats François Boudrenghien defender axis MP16 Power Struggle
Enrico Catanzaro attacker allies beats Edward Beekman defender axis AP32 Second Crack at Caumont
Gary Fortenberry attacker allies beats Doyle Motes defender axis A104 In Front of the Storm
Hank Withaar defender axis beats Stefano Cuccurullo attacker allies BFP102 Tolstoy Woods
Janusz Maxe defender axis draws Mike Klautky attacker allies BFP101 Panzer Spirit
Jeff Coyle attacker axis beats Andrea Pagni defender allies FRF56 Saluting a General
Kenneth Young defender axis beats Robert Feinstein attacker allies SP194 Requiem for a Dreadnaught
Mario Aceto defender axis beats Leonardo Conforti attacker allies FRF49 One Last Mighty Hew
Michael Rodgers attacker allies beats Jon Cole defender axis SP65 Ayo Gurkhali!
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Paul Lauger attacker axis AP53 Far From Home
Hidden attacker allies beats Jas Bal defender axis DB067 Let's Dance
Stewart King attacker allies beats Martin Vicca defender axis J110 The Prelude to Spring
Tom Repetti attacker allies draws Stefano Isella defender axis FRF19 About His Shadowy Sides
Round 3
Aaron Cleavin defender allies beats Hank Withaar attacker axis FRF20 Adolf's Amateurs
Brian Wiersma defender axis beats Enrico Catanzaro attacker allies BFP95 Obian Highway
François Boudrenghien attacker allies beats Mario Aceto defender axis BFP102 Tolstoy Woods
Gary Fortenberry attacker axis beats Carl Nogueira defender allies DB092 The Streets of Kharkov
Janusz Maxe attacker allies beats Tom Repetti defender axis FRF19 About His Shadowy Sides
Jas Bal defender allies beats Edward Beekman attacker axis AP73 Happy Valley
Jon Cole attacker axis beats Leonardo Conforti defender allies J140 All Down the Line
Kenneth Young attacker allies beats Craig Houliston defender axis BFP95 Obian Highway
Martin Vicca defender allies beats Robert Feinstein attacker axis SP199 Para-trap
Mike Klautky attacker allies draws Stefano Isella defender axis FT86 Black Tercio
Paul Chamberland defender allies beats Stefano Cuccurullo attacker axis SP89 Assaulting Tes
Paul Lauger attacker allies draws Andrea Pagni defender axis SP181 The Elefant of Surprise
Rich Domovic defender allies beats Jeff Coyle attacker axis SP193 Kamikaze Gorge
Stewart King attacker allies beats Michael Rodgers defender axis DB092 The Streets of Kharkov
Round 4
Andrea Pagni defender axis draws Stefano Isella attacker allies VV11 un prince dans l'etau
Brian Wiersma attacker allies beats Jeff Coyle defender axis J62 Lee's Charge
Carl Nogueira attacker axis beats Doyle Motes defender allies FT94 Here Stands the Legion!
François Boudrenghien defender allies beats Stewart King attacker axis AP80 A Bloody Waste
Gary Fortenberry defender axis beats Rich Domovic attacker allies SP194 Requiem for a Dreadnaught
Janusz Maxe attacker allies beats Aaron Cleavin defender axis
Jas Bal defender axis beats Mario Aceto attacker allies DB092 The Streets of Kharkov
Jon Cole defender allies beats Stefano Cuccurullo attacker axis AP52 Into Vienna Woods
Kenneth Young attacker axis beats Hank Withaar defender allies SP2 Holding the Hotton Bridge
Martin Vicca defender allies draws Michael Rodgers attacker axis BFP22 Speed Over Caution
Mike Klautky defender axis beats Paul Lauger attacker allies J125 Everything Is Lost
Robert Feinstein defender allies beats Leonardo Conforti attacker axis SP204 Yankee Pride
Hidden attacker allies beats Enrico Catanzaro defender axis FRF29 Sting of the Italian Hornet
Tom Repetti attacker allies beats Paul Chamberland defender axis ESG61 The 24 Hour Pass
Round 5
Carl Nogueira defender allies beats Aaron Cleavin attacker axis SV8 Through Mud and Blood
Craig Houliston attacker axis beats Andrea Pagni defender allies J45 The Last Roadblock
Janusz Maxe attacker axis beats Gary Fortenberry defender allies
Jeff Coyle attacker axis beats Doyle Motes defender allies 89 Rescue Attempt
Kenneth Young attacker axis beats François Boudrenghien defender allies SP204 Yankee Pride
Leonardo Conforti defender axis beats Edward Beekman attacker allies BFP99 Ivanovskii
Martin Vicca attacker allies beats Paul Chamberland defender axis
Paul Lauger attacker allies beats Michael Rodgers defender axis NFNH-13 Snake Ready to Strike
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Brian Wiersma defender allies
Robert Feinstein attacker allies beats Stefano Cuccurullo defender axis BRT4 Rikusentai
Hidden attacker axis beats Jon Cole defender allies SV6 Norwegian Edelweiss
Stefano Isella draws Jas Bal ESG24 Mayhem
Stewart King attacker allies beats Hank Withaar defender axis SP97 Twilight of the Reich