List of Scenario Results included in ASL Player Ratings

Scenario: J9 A Stiff Fight See Statistical Summary

Player Att/Def Al/Ax Result Player Att/Def Al/Ax Date Tourney
Greg Barsness attacker allies beats Tony D'andrea defender axis 2024-02-11 NWASL_24
Sebastian Hummel defender allies beats Ken Dunn attacker axis 2022-12-01 LEAG4_22
Pablo Garcia Silva allies loses to Vic Rosso axis 2020-07-15 CYBER_XII
Randy Rossi allies beats Alex Koestler axis 2019-08-01 SPECPTO_20
Paul Works axis beats Dan Best allies 2015-09-06 SIOUX_15
Mark Harms allies beats Mike Bistodeau axis 2015-09-06 SIOUX_15
Martin Mayers allies beats Craig Benn axis 2014-11-09 IF_14
Joe Arthur allies beats Marty Snow axis 2014-11-09 IF_14
Pierre Prod’homme allies beats Franck Potier axis 2014-06-15 FORUM_14
Pete Shelling allies beats Don Holland axis 2011-10-08 ASLOK_11
Dave Ginnard allies beats Derek Cox axis 2011-10-05 ASLOK_11
Paul Chamberland axis beats Nelson Harris allies 2011-10-05 ASLOK_11
Sean Deller axis beats Michael Rodgers allies 2011-10-05 ASLOK_11
Rich Domovic axis beats Lars Thuring allies 2011-10-05 ASLOK_11
Chad Cummins attacker axis beats G. Tournemire defender allies 2011-10-05 ASLOK_11
Bruce Earls axis beats Edward Beekman allies 2011-06-26 TEXAS_11
Chris Garrett beats Dave Ginnard 2011-04-02 OPEN_11
Bret Hildebran beats Larry Isensee 2011-04-02 OPEN_11
David Goldman beats John Rockwell 2011-04-02 OPEN_11
Rick Nieznanski beats Peter Ward 2011-04-02 OPEN_11
Aaron Cleavin axis beats Wei-Kwong Wong allies 2010-10-08 ASLOK_10
Rich Domovic allies beats Peter Palmer axis 2010-10-06 ASLOK_10
Bill Sherliker beats Tom Jackson 2009-10-23 IF_09
Darren Kovacs axis beats Marcus Leja allies 2009-09-20 CASLO_09
Bill Bird axis beats Dwayne Matheson allies 2009-09-20 CASLO_09
Doug Sheppard allies beats Eric Safran axis 2008-10-10 ASLOK_08
Tom Meier allies beats Bryce Buckley axis 2008-08-31 MAGEF_08
Paul Works allies beats Lee Conner axis 2008-08-31 MAGEF_08
Randy Yeates allies beats Steve Eckhart axis 2008-08-31 MAGEF_08
Randy Yeates allies beats Doug Kirk axis 2008-04-06 OPEN_08
Don Holland allies beats Dave Ramirez axis 2008-04-06 OPEN_08
Zeb Doyle allies beats Larry Zoet axis 2008-04-06 OPEN_08
Will Fleming allies beats Lars Thuring axis 2007-10-06 ASLOK_07
Tim Wilson allies beats Rodney Callen axis 2007-10-04 ASLOK_07
Mike La Plante allies beats Tom Jazbutis axis 2007-10-04 ASLOK_07
Dan Stanhagen allies beats Darryl Lundy axis 2007-10-04 ASLOK_07
Dave Reenstra axis beats Adam Lunney allies 2007-10-04 ASLOK_07
Dave Reenstra axis beats Adam Lunney allies 2007-10-04 ASLOK_07
Tom Repetti axis beats Steve Buckley allies 2007-02-01 MINC_07
Wayne Boudreaux allies beats Randy Glesing axis 2006-10-07 ASLOK_06
Mattias Rönnblom axis beats Craig Houliston allies 2006-10-06 ASLOK_06
Steve Pleva allies beats Hennie Van Der Salm axis 2006-10-06 ASLOK_06
Olle Gustafsson axis beats Matts Dagerhäll allies 2006-05-26 SAT_06
Claes-Erik Rydberg axis beats Erik Leander allies 2006-05-26 SAT_06
Patrik Gynnestam allies beats Johan Sahlin axis 2006-05-26 SAT_06
Klas Malmstrom axis beats Martin Svärd allies 2006-05-26 SAT_06
Patrik Manlig axis beats Pär Worbis allies 2006-05-26 SAT_06
Mattias Rönnblom axis beats Missing-6 allies 2006-05-26 SAT_06
Rob Seulowitz axis beats Jeff Coyle allies 2005-10-08 ASLOK_05
Klas Malmstrom allies beats Dave Ginnard axis 2005-10-08 ASLOK_05
Lars Thuring axis beats Nelson Harris allies 2005-10-08 ASLOK_05
Brian Williams allies beats Jeff Coyle axis 2003-10-11 ASLOK_03
Tim Wilson allies beats Randy Yeates axis 2003-10-10 ASLOK_03
Wes Vaughn allies beats Scott Drane axis 2003-10-09 ASLOK_03
Tom Cvetinovich allies beats Scott Houseman axis 2003-10-09 ASLOK_03
Aaron Cleavin axis beats Steve Ives allies 2003-10-09 ASLOK_03
David Nicholas allies beats Nadir El-Farra axis 2003-01-31 WCM_03
Chris Castellana allies beats Sean Geraghty axis 2003-01-31 WCM_03
Rich Domovic axis beats Steven Sulzby allies 2003-01-31 WCM_03
Lance Roberts axis beats Joe Markham allies 2002-10-10 ASLOK_02
Bret Hildebran allies beats Kenn Monte axis 2002-10-10 ASLOK_02
Keith Tyson allies beats Eric Safran axis 2002-10-10 ASLOK_02
Doug Sheppard allies beats Jeff Coyle axis 2001-10-06 ASLOK_01
Neil Stanhagen allies beats Ross Sutton axis 2001-10-06 ASLOK_01
Steve (stephen) Johns axis beats Eric Redstone allies 2001-03-25 NOR-E_01
Rob Wolkey allies beats Matthew Cicero axis 2001-02-04 WCM_01
Fred Timm allies beats David Nicholas axis 2001-02-04 WCM_01
Nathan Stapf axis beats Dan Plachta allies 2001-02-04 WCM_01
Scott Thompson axis beats Kent Stuckert allies 2001-02-04 WCM_01
Doug Demoss axis beats Russ Bunten allies 2000-08-19 WCM_00
Herman Frettlohr allies beats Mr. Long axis 2000-08-19 WCM_00
Kevin Ryan allies beats Eric Morton axis 2000-08-19 WCM_00
Don Hancock allies beats Don Petros axis 2000-08-19 WCM_00
Burnie Fox axis beats Andy Howard allies 2000-04-02 NOR-E_00
Melvin Falk axis beats Jes Touvdal allies 2000-02-27 SCO_00