List of Games by Player included in ASL Player Ratings

Player: Larry Isensee (IEL)    ELO 1318.6See Statistical Summary

Player Att/Def Al/Ax Result Player Att/Def Al/Ax Scenario Date Tourney Change Rating
Larry Isensee defender allies beats David Rosner attacker axis BFP84 Kreida Station 2020-07-20 Open_20 19.4 1345.6
Nathan Wegener defender axis beats Larry Isensee attacker allies BFP48 Ninth Tanks 2020-07-13 Open_20 -4.8 1326.2
Larry Isensee defender allies beats Matthew Keurejian attacker axis BFP26 Armored Samurai 2020-07-06 Open_20 28.4 1331
Richard King attacker allies beats Larry Isensee defender axis RB14 Anchoring the Line 2020-06-22 Open_20 -6.3 1302.6
Larry Isensee defender axis beats Bill Forg attacker allies BtB8 Steel Inferno 2020-06-15 Open_20 24.7 1308.9
Larry Isensee beats Bob Brown J179 Resignation Supermen 2016-04-17 OPEN_16 12 1323.2
Neil Dennis beats Larry Isensee FRF77 Ghostbusters 2016-04-17 OPEN_16 -4.5 1311.2
Rob Banozic beats Larry Isensee AP96 Food Fight 2016-04-16 OPEN_16 -5.3 1315.7
Mike Stubits beats Larry Isensee WCW1 Will to Fight - Eradicated 2016-04-16 OPEN_16 -14.7 1321
Larry Isensee beats Will Forg J167 Hart Attack 2016-04-15 OPEN_16 25.5 1335.7
Brian Martuzas beats Larry Isensee AP108 Yes Sir! 2016-04-15 OPEN_16 -12.9 1310.2
David Goldman beats Larry Isensee 2015-04-26 OPEN_15 -7.9 1323.1
Larry Isensee beats Mike Naven 2015-04-25 OPEN_15 20.7 1331
Zack Emberton beats Larry Isensee 2015-04-25 OPEN_15 -16.7 1310.3
Don Holland beats Larry Isensee 2015-04-25 OPEN_15 -16.8 1327
Bill Forg beats Larry Isensee 2015-04-24 OPEN_15 -22.8 1343.8
Eric Ortega beats Larry Isensee 2015-04-24 OPEN_15 -13.8 1366.6
Larry Isensee beats Mike Naven SP202 Fiery Finale 2012-04-22 OPEN_12 21.1 1380.4
Don Holland beats Larry Isensee FRF26 A Polish Requiem 2012-04-21 OPEN_12 -14.6 1359.3
Doug Gries beats Larry Isensee FT165 Shopino Struggle 2012-04-21 OPEN_12 -13.7 1373.9
Larry Isensee beats Mike Stubits SP43 Deadeye Smoyer 2012-04-21 OPEN_12 24.2 1387.6
William Sanders beats Larry Isensee SP186 Beaufort's Feast 2012-04-20 OPEN_12 -15.9 1363.4
Ben Richardson beats Larry Isensee FRF54 KNIL Before the Emperor 2012-04-20 OPEN_12 -8.7 1379.3
Larry Isensee beats Jeff Deyoung FRF50 Pavlov's Dogs 2011-04-03 OPEN_11 30.1 1388
Paul Chamberland beats Larry Isensee SP188 On the Road Again 2011-04-03 OPEN_11 -8.1 1357.9
Randy Rossi beats Larry Isensee FT123 Schurter's Sortie 2011-04-02 OPEN_11 -5.6 1366
Bret Hildebran beats Larry Isensee J9 A Stiff Fight 2011-04-02 OPEN_11 -2 1371.6
Larry Isensee beats Doug Gries FT70 Ride Across the Caucasus 2011-04-01 OPEN_11 28.9 1373.6
Larry Isensee beats Doug Lynes FRF52 Dying for Danzig 2011-04-01 OPEN_11 29.7 1344.7
Sam Tyson beats Larry Isensee SP174 Krupki Station 2010-04-24 OPEN_10 -10.6 1315
Scott Sengstock beats Larry Isensee SP163 First to Fastov 2010-04-10 OPEN_10 -12.1 1325.6
Larry Isensee beats John Rockwell AP52 Into Vienna Woods 2010-04-10 OPEN_10 12.8 1337.6
William Sanders beats Larry Isensee FRF43 Forest Devil 2010-04-10 OPEN_10 -15.8 1324.8
Jim Serafin beats Larry Isensee 122 Extracurricular Activity 2010-04-09 OPEN_10 -18.1 1340.6
Jim Waterhouse beats Larry Isensee FT94 Here Stands the Legion! 2010-04-09 OPEN_10 -26.6 1358.8
Mike Zeimentz attacker allies beats Larry Isensee defender axis A103 Mayhem in Manila 2006-04-02 OPEN_06 -16.7 1421.3
Tom Cvetinovich attacker allies beats Larry Isensee defender axis ASLXX5 A Walk in the Sun 2006-04-02 OPEN_06 -28.1 1438.1
Larry Isensee attacker axis beats Jim Risher defender allies 113 Liberating Bessarabia 2006-04-01 OPEN_06 13.6 1466.1
Bob Holmstrom defender allies beats Larry Isensee attacker axis HP13 Radio Wars 2006-04-01 OPEN_06 -15.6 1452.6
Missing-1 defender allies beats Larry Isensee attacker axis 77 Le hérisson (The Hedgehog) 2006-04-01 OPEN_06 -28.9 1468.1
Larry Isensee attacker axis beats Mike Naven defender allies 54 Bridge to Nowhere 2006-03-31 OPEN_06 17.2 1497.1
Neil Dennis attacker axis beats Larry Isensee defender allies J2 Battlin' Buckeyes 2006-03-31 OPEN_06 -20.1 1479.9