List of Games by Player included in ASL Player Ratings

Player: Stuart Cooper (0R1)    ELO 1272.1See Statistical Summary

Player Att/Def Al/Ax Result Player Att/Def Al/Ax Scenario Date Tourney Change Rating
Brent Pollock attacker allies beats Stuart Cooper defender axis FRF52 Dying for Danzig 2017-05-20 CASLO_17 -23.2 1416.1
Bill Slunt defender allies beats Stuart Cooper attacker axis OA31 With Friends Like These 2017-05-20 CASLO_17 -33.3 1439.3
Allen Evenson attacker allies beats Stuart Cooper defender axis A104 In Front of the Storm 2017-05-20 CASLO_17 -33.4 1472.6
Darren Kovacs attacker allies beats Stuart Cooper defender axis ASLUG15 Mount Pissadori 2017-05-19 CASLO_17 -9.4 1506.1
Stuart Cooper defender axis beats George Kelln attacker allies TAC51 L'union fait la force (Strength Through Unity) 2017-05-19 CASLO_17 29 1515.5
Lee Misselbrook defender allies beats Stuart Cooper attacker axis 89 Rescue Attempt 2014-05-18 CASLO_14 -26.1 1486.5
Randy Duke defender allies beats Stuart Cooper attacker axis J66 Sound Retreat 2014-05-17 CASLO_14 -28.8 1512.6
Darren Kovacs attacker axis beats Stuart Cooper defender allies J130 The Art of Dying 2014-05-17 CASLO_14 -8.6 1541.4
Stuart Cooper defender axis beats Bill Slunt attacker allies J43 3rd RTR in the Rain 2014-05-16 CASLO_14 25 1550
Stuart Cooper defender allies beats Chris Pavle attacker axis TAC43 Massacre au paradis (Slaughter in Heaven) 2014-05-16 CASLO_14 25 1525