List of Scenario Results included in ASL Player Ratings

Scenario: TAC51 L'union fait la force (Strength Through Unity) See Statistical Summary

Player Att/Def Al/Ax Result Player Att/Def Al/Ax Date Tourney
Nicolas Munsch axis beats Olivier Ramaille allies 2023-10-01 Forum_23
Gerard Burton allies loses to Simon Staniforth axis 2018-11-22 BFF_18
John Garlic attacker allies beats Ryan Kent defender axis 2017-06-25 TEXAS_17
Stuart Cooper defender axis beats George Kelln attacker allies 2017-05-19 CASLO_17
David Wolfe defender axis beats Steffen Knippel attacker allies 2017-05-19 CASLO_17
Ken Balsom defender axis beats Steve Slunt attacker allies 2017-05-19 CASLO_17
Matthew Zajac defender axis beats Gordon Geissler attacker allies 2016-06-24 TEXAS_16
Gary Norman attacker allies beats Stuart Brant defender axis 2016-06-23 2ONE_16
Steve Slunt defender axis beats Jim Rudek attacker allies 2015-11-06 WCR_15
Paul Case defender axis beats Gary Norman attacker allies 2015-11-04 IF_15
Gary Norman defender axis beats Ian Morris attacker allies 2015-06-25 2ONE_15
Frédéric Benois defender axis beats Serge Doba attacker allies 2014-06-15 FORUM_14
Bob Kummeth defender axis beats Nicolas Sabido attacker allies 2014-06-02 CYBER_14
Missing-24 attacker allies beats Nicolas Sabido defender axis 2012-04-30 FORUM_12
Simon Taylor beats Michael Allen 2010-06-27 2ONE_10
Ian Gaueman beats Stuart Brant 2010-06-26 2ONE_10
Gerard Burton beats Sam Prior 2010-06-26 2ONE_10
Carl Nardin defender axis beats Dan Best attacker allies 2010-04-24 MAGES_10
Darren Kovacs beats Sam Belcher 2009-11-08 WCR_09
Trevor Bender beats Wynn Polnicky 2009-11-08 WCR_09
Dan Owsen draws Michael Ward 2009-11-08 WCR_09
Matt Barber beats Sean White 2009-11-08 WCR_09
Allen Evenson beats Kenneth Young 2009-11-08 WCR_09
Rob Seulowitz attacker allies beats Andy Howard defender axis 2008-03-16 NOR-E_08
Michael Pierzchala attacker allies beats Nick Richardson defender axis 2008-03-16 NOR-E_08
Randy Shurtz attacker allies beats Nathan Wegener defender axis 2008-02-01 MINC_08
David Goldman defender axis beats Mike Corneille attacker allies 2007-04-14 OPEN_07
Bernie Howell attacker allies beats Chris Edwards defender axis 2007-04-14 OPEN_07
Steve Mcneil attacker allies beats Jeff Thompson defender axis 2007-04-14 OPEN_07
Mike Stubits attacker allies beats Dave Williams defender axis 2007-04-14 OPEN_07
Randy Yeates defender axis beats Bryan Wills attacker allies 2007-04-14 OPEN_07
Jim Risher defender axis beats Larry Zoet attacker allies 2007-04-14 OPEN_07
Ryan Allen attacker allies beats Jim Dauphinais defender axis 2001-07-28 STLOU_01
Bob Holmstrom defender axis beats Doug Kirk attacker allies 2001-07-28 STLOU_01
Kurt Kurtz defender axis beats Randy Rossi attacker allies 2001-07-28 STLOU_01
Jeff Ital defender axis beats Ken Willmann attacker allies 2001-07-28 STLOU_01