List of Scenario Results included in ASL Player Ratings

Scenario: AP10 Closing the Net See Statistical Summary

Player Att/Def Al/Ax Result Player Att/Def Al/Ax Date Tourney
Will Fleming axis beats Martin Kristensen allies 2018-03-27 CYBER_VIII
Carl Nogueira defender axis beats Vic Rosso attacker allies 2015-03-01 LEAG0_15
Steve Cummings defender axis beats John Lehman attacker allies 2013-11-01 LEAG3_13
Wei-Kwong Wong attacker allies beats Russ Curry defender axis 2007-10-06 ASLOK_07
John Mcdiarmid attacker allies beats Michael Faulkner defender axis 2007-10-06 ASLOK_07
Matthew Cicero attacker allies beats Fred Timm defender axis 2004-02-06 WCM_04