Tournament Games included in ASL Player Ratings

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Tournament: NYS_08See Statistical Summary

1st Place: Steve Pleva
2nd Place: Paul Sidhu
Player Att/Def Al/Ax Result Player Att/Def Al/Ax Scenario
Round 1
Al Cann defender axis beats Andy Clarke attacker allies VB1 The Godet Hill
Bob Tufano attacker allies beats Nick Richardson defender axis VB1 The Godet Hill
Brian Sullivan attacker allies beats Ralph Schneider defender axis GD2 Operation Niwi
Brian Sullivan attacker allies beats Ralph Schneider defender axis GD2 Grim Warning
Carl Nogueira attacker allies beats Paul Chamberland defender axis VOTG9 Eviction Notice
Charlie Willmer defender allies beats Vic Provost attacker axis MP15 Just a Bit Outside
Chris Spell defender axis beats Jim Cann attacker allies VOTG9 Eviction Notice
Darryl Lundy attacker axis beats Joe Leoce defender allies MP15 Just a Bit Outside
David Krishfield attacker allies beats Tim Kelly defender axis GD2 Operation Niwi
David Krishfield attacker allies beats Tim Kelly defender axis GD2 Grim Warning
David Krishfield attacker allies beats Nick Richardson defender axis GD2 Operation Niwi
David Krishfield attacker allies beats Nick Richardson defender axis GD2 Grim Warning
Gary Mei defender allies beats Mark Evans attacker axis MP15 Just a Bit Outside
Gerard Ragusa attacker allies beats Charles Hammond defender axis DB063 Murphy, Go Help the British
J.R. Tracy attacker allies beats Steve Ives defender axis VB1 The Godet Hill
James Sexton defender axis beats Rob Arrieta attacker allies VB1 The Godet Hill
Jon Alpeyrie attacker allies beats Tim Kelly defender axis VB1 The Godet Hill
Ken Hampel attacker allies beats Scott Allan defender axis VB1 The Godet Hill
Michael D. Hershey attacker allies beats Brian Wiersma defender axis G8 Recon in Force
Mike Allexenberg defender axis beats John Merritt attacker allies VOTG9 Eviction Notice
Paul Sidhu defender axis beats David Krishfield attacker allies VOTG9 Eviction Notice
Randy Rossi attacker allies beats Larry Zoet defender axis GD2 Operation Niwi
Randy Rossi attacker allies beats Larry Zoet defender axis GD2 Grim Warning
Rob Seulowitz defender allies beats Charlie Hamilton attacker axis MP15 Just a Bit Outside
Scott Romanowski defender axis beats Bob Kedge Johnson attacker allies VB1 The Godet Hill
Steve Pleva attacker allies beats Keith Hill defender axis DB063 Murphy, Go Help the British
Toby Pilling defender axis beats Seth Semenza attacker allies VB1 The Godet Hill
Tom Morin attacker allies beats Steve (stephen) Johns defender axis GD2 Operation Niwi
Tom Morin attacker allies beats Steve (stephen) Johns defender axis GD2 Grim Warning
Round 2
Andy Clarke attacker axis beats Jim Cann defender allies RPT19 Mercury Rising
Brian Sullivan defender axis beats Michael D. Hershey attacker allies AP32 Second Crack at Caumont
Brian Wiersma attacker axis beats Ralph Schneider defender allies RPT19 Mercury Rising
Carl Nogueira defender allies beats Ken Hampel attacker axis RPT19 Mercury Rising
Charlie Hamilton attacker allies beats Rob Arrieta defender axis SP150 The Legrew Maneuver
Gary Mei attacker axis beats Charlie Willmer defender allies FRF26 A Polish Requiem
Gerard Ragusa defender allies beats Bob Tufano attacker axis FRF26 A Polish Requiem
Joe Leoce attacker allies beats Charles Hammond defender axis SP150 The Legrew Maneuver
Jon Alpeyrie defender axis beats Chris Spell attacker allies AP32 Second Crack at Caumont
Joseph Gochinski attacker axis beats John Merritt defender allies FRF26 A Polish Requiem
Keith Hill attacker allies beats Tim Kelly defender axis SP150 The Legrew Maneuver
Larry Zoet attacker allies beats Bob Kedge Johnson defender axis AP32 Second Crack at Caumont
Mark Evans defender allies beats Nick Richardson attacker axis RPT19 Mercury Rising
Mike Allexenberg defender axis beats Rob Seulowitz attacker allies AP32 Second Crack at Caumont
Paul Sidhu attacker allies beats Darryl Lundy defender axis SP150 The Legrew Maneuver
Randy Rossi attacker axis beats James Sexton defender allies RPT19 Mercury Rising
Scott Allan attacker allies beats Paul Chamberland defender axis SP150 The Legrew Maneuver
Seth Semenza attacker axis beats David Krishfield defender allies RPT19 Mercury Rising
Steve Pleva attacker allies beats Scott Romanowski defender axis SP150 The Legrew Maneuver
Toby Pilling defender axis beats J.R. Tracy attacker allies SP150 The Legrew Maneuver
Tom Morin defender axis beats Al Cann attacker allies SP150 The Legrew Maneuver
Vic Provost attacker axis beats Steve (stephen) Johns defender allies RPT19 Mercury Rising
Round 3
Al Cann attacker allies beats Joe Leoce defender axis DB067 Let's Dance
Andy Clarke defender allies beats John Merritt attacker axis SP164 Tanks But No Tanks
Bob Tufano defender axis beats Ken Hampel attacker allies FT75 Unexpected Fire
Brian Wiersma defender allies beats Scott Romanowski attacker axis SP164 Tanks But No Tanks
Carl Nogueira defender axis beats Randy Rossi attacker allies SP159 The Lisjanka Epitaph
Charlie Hamilton defender axis beats Darryl Lundy attacker allies FT75 Unexpected Fire
Charlie Willmer defender axis beats Mark Evans attacker allies DB067 Let's Dance
Chris Spell defender axis beats Rob Seulowitz attacker allies DB067 Let's Dance
J.R. Tracy defender axis beats Brian Sullivan attacker allies DB067 Let's Dance
James Sexton attacker allies beats Charles Hammond defender axis DB067 Let
Larry Zoet attacker allies beats Keith Hill defender axis DB067 Let's Dance
Michael D. Hershey attacker allies beats Bob Kedge Johnson defender axis VOTG15 Perfected in Battle
Mike Allexenberg attacker axis beats Gerard Ragusa defender allies SP164 Tanks But No Tanks
Paul Chamberland defender allies beats Steve (stephen) Johns attacker axis SP164 Tanks But No Tanks
Paul Sidhu attacker allies beats Toby Pilling defender axis VOTG15 Perfected in Battle
Rob Arrieta attacker axis beats Bob Kedge Johnson defender allies SP164 Tanks But No Tanks
Rob Arrieta attacker allies beats Nick Richardson defender axis DB067 Let's Dance
Seth Semenza defender axis beats Scott Allan attacker allies DB067 Let's Dance
Steve Ives defender allies beats Ralph Schneider attacker axis SP164 Tanks But No Tanks
Steve Pleva defender allies beats Gary Mei attacker axis SP164 Tanks But No Tanks
Tom Morin attacker allies beats Jon Alpeyrie defender axis FT75 Unexpected Fire
Vic Provost defender axis beats Jim Cann attacker allies VOTG15 Perfected in Battle
Round 4
Bob Tufano defender axis beats James Sexton attacker allies SP146 Terrify and Destroy
Brian Wiersma defender axis beats Larry Zoet attacker allies SP146 Terrify and Destroy
Charlie Willmer attacker axis beats Al Cann defender allies FT87 Viva la Muerte!
Chris Spell attacker axis beats Gary Mei defender allies FT87 Viva la Muerte!
Gerard Ragusa attacker allies beats Brian Sullivan defender axis SX5 Where Iron Crosses Grow
Jim Cann defender axis beats John Merritt attacker allies SX5 Where Iron Crosses Grow
Keith Hill attacker allies beats Rob Seulowitz defender axis FRF29 Sting of the Italian Hornet
Ken Hampel defender axis beats Charles Hammond attacker allies FRF29 Sting of the Italian Hornet
Mark Evans defender axis beats Tim Kelly attacker allies SX5 Where Iron Crosses Grow
Michael D. Hershey attacker axis beats Charlie Hamilton defender allies FT87 Viva la Muerte!
Paul Chamberland defender axis beats Joe Leoce attacker allies SP146 Terrify and Destroy
Paul Sidhu defender axis beats Tom Morin attacker allies SX5 Where Iron Crosses Grow
Randy Rossi defender allies beats J.R. Tracy attacker axis FT87 Viva la Muerte!
Scott Allan defender axis beats Scott Romanowski attacker allies SP146 Terrify and Destroy
Seth Semenza attacker allies beats Andy Clarke defender axis G8 Recon in Force
Steve Pleva attacker allies beats Carl Nogueira defender axis FRF29 Sting of the Italian Hornet
Toby Pilling defender axis beats Mike Allexenberg attacker allies FRF29 Sting of the Italian Hornet
Vic Provost attacker axis beats Darryl Lundy defender allies FT87 Viva la Muerte!
Round 5
Brian Sullivan attacker allies beats Rob Seulowitz defender axis SP154 On the Road to Hell
Carl Nogueira defender axis beats Toby Pilling attacker allies AP34 Bocage Blockage
Charles Hammond defender allies beats Charlie Hamilton attacker axis FE150 Blue Danube
Charlie Willmer defender axis beats Brian Wiersma attacker allies SP154 On the Road to Hell
Darryl Lundy attacker axis beats Ken Hampel defender allies FE150 Blue Danube
Gary Mei attacker allies beats J.R. Tracy defender axis SP154 On the Road to Hell
Jim Cann attacker allies beats Scott Allan defender axis SP154 On the Road to Hell
Joe Leoce defender axis beats James Sexton attacker allies SP154 On the Road to Hell
Mark Evans defender allies beats Al Cann attacker axis FE150 Blue Danube
Michael D. Hershey attacker allies beats Bob Tufano defender axis AP34 Bocage Blockage
Paul Chamberland defender axis beats Bob Kedge Johnson attacker allies SP154 On the Road to Hell
Randy Rossi defender allies beats Chris Spell attacker axis FE150 Blue Danube
Seth Semenza attacker allies beats Gerard Ragusa defender axis SP154 On the Road to Hell
Steve (stephen) Johns defender axis beats Larry Zoet attacker allies RPT23 The Bavent Recce
Steve Ives defender allies beats David Krishfield attacker axis FE150 Blue Danube
Steve Pleva attacker allies beats Paul Sidhu defender axis AP34 Bocage Blockage
Tim Kelly defender axis beats John Merritt attacker allies SP154 On the Road to Hell
Tom Morin defender allies beats Mike Allexenberg attacker axis FE150 Blue Danube