List of Games by Player included in ASL Player Ratings

Player: Laurent Tinture (TEL)    ELO 1594.3See Statistical Summary

Player Att/Def Al/Ax Result Player Att/Def Al/Ax Scenario Date Tourney Change Rating
Laurent Tinture axis beats Jean Galantini allies J167 Hart Attack 2024-04-01 Forum_24 12.3 1594.3
Pierre Prod’homme axis beats Laurent Tinture allies RO6 The Playing Field 2024-02-01 Forum_24 -16.9 1582
Laurent Tinture allies beats Eric Jouin axis VV113 La genèse de la colonne Leclerc 2023-12-01 Forum_24 5.4 1598.9
Laurent Tinture axis beats Cyril Cynemo allies BFP144 Forest of Death 2023-10-01 Forum_24 14.9 1593.5
Laurent Tinture axis beats Jean Galantini allies DB122 Prescription for the Kommissar 2023-07-01 Forum_23 13.9 1578.6
Frédéric Miégi allies beats Laurent Tinture axis J41 By Ourselves 2023-04-01 Forum_23 -24.4 1564.7
Jean Carlo Debolle allies beats Laurent Tinture axis BoF10 To Have and to Hold 2023-01-01 Forum_23 -26.5 1589.1
Laurent Tinture axis beats Gérard Vandervelden allies FT304 2022-10-01 Forum_23 14.3 1615.6
Antoine Plait beats Laurent Tinture FT213 Up the Liry Valley 2022-05-16 Forum_22 -26.9 1601.3
Laurent Tinture beats Olivier Ramaille RB4 To the rescue 2022-03-01 Forum_22 17.5 1628.2
Jean Carlo Debolle loses to Laurent Tinture CH14 Ninety Minute War 2022-01-01 Forum_22 16 1610.7
Laurent Tinture beats Samuel Macari Inor 16 Not men but daemons 2021-09-01 Forum_22 13.2 1594.7
Pascal Boileau defender axis loses to Laurent Tinture attacker allies HF8 Fahrenheit 352 2021-06-12 RING_21 10.6 1581.5
Laurent Tinture loses to Lionel Colin Left behind 2021-05-16 Forum_21 -6.4 1570.9
Eric Walmetz loses to Laurent Tinture VV111 Désespérés 2021-02-01 Forum_21 13.5 1577.3
Laurent Tinture beats Jean Carlo Debolle Touchez pas au grisbi 2020-11-15 Forum_21 22.5 1563.8
Laurent Tinture beats Serge Doba BTB5 Martinville Ridge 2020-09-01 Forum_21 10.2 1541.3
Stewart King defender allies beats Laurent Tinture attacker axis AP62 Shouting into the storm 2020-06-30 LEAG0_20 -17.5 1531.1
Laurent Tinture attacker axis beats Fabrice Hommet defender allies AP62 Shouting Into the Storm 2020-06-03 Ring_20 6.6 1548.6
Laurent Tinture attacker axis beats Alex Koestler defender allies WO30 As Luck would have it 2020-03-31 LEAG0_20 22.8 1542
Craig Houliston beats Laurent Tinture 2020-01-30 LEAG0_20 -11.2 1519.2
Laurent Tinture attacker allies loses to Philippe Rohmer defender axis FT271 Blowing the Lock of Colmar 2020-01-06 Forum_20 -8.8 1530.4
Laurent Tinture beats Alain Bauvent G8 Recon in Force 2020-01-02 Forum_20 13.5 1539.2
Jean Lasnier defender loses to Laurent Tinture attacker LSSAH12 Contact 2019-11-15 Forum_20 23.5 1525.7
Dave Perham defender allies beats Laurent Tinture attacker axis RO6 The Playing Field 2019-10-13 LEAG0_19 -25.2 1502.2
Paul Lauger beats Laurent Tinture J161 Riding to the Rescue 2019-09-03 LEAG0_19 -10.9 1527.4
Laurent Tinture defender axis loses to François Boudrenghien attacker allies FT266 A Fine Mess 2019-08-27 Forum_20 -11.2 1538.3
Edward Beekman loses to Laurent Tinture 2019-08-07 LEAG0_19 26.5 1549.5
Laurent Tinture beats Xavier Roy FT228 Last Charge at Umbrega 2019-06-01 Forum_19 14.4 1523
Laurent Tinture loses to Paul Chamberland DTF2 Blitzkrieg! 2019-04-05 LEAG0_19 -8.1 1508.6
Philippe Rohmer beats Laurent Tinture SV12 Trap by Mishap 2019-02-01 Forum_19 -7.4 1516.7
Laurent Tinture beats Xavier Roy HF3 First Timers 2018-12-01 Forum_19 16.3 1524.1
Laurent Tinture beats Fabrice Hommet HF1 Black Day in Hatten 2018-10-01 Forum_19 8.6 1507.8
Laurent Le Billan beats Laurent Tinture SP23 Assault on the Hotel Continental 2018-06-01 Forum_18 -12.6 1499.2
Laurent Tinture loses to Laurent Le Billan 2018-04-01 Forum_18 -15.4 1535.1
Philippe Duchon beats Laurent Tinture 2018-04-01 Forum_18 -23.3 1511.8
Laurent Tinture axis beats John Bays allies J182 Belgian Blitzkrieg 2018-01-01 LEAG0_18 -18 1550.5
Ryan Voznic axis loses to Laurent Tinture allies J45 The Last Roadblock 2018-01-01 LEAG0_18 20.3 1568.5
Laurent Tinture beats Serge Doba 2018-01-01 Forum_18 9.4 1548.2
Alex Koestler axis beats Laurent Tinture allies 2018-01-01 LEAG0_18 23 1538.8
Darryl Lundy axis beats Laurent Tinture allies J183 A Real Barn Burner 2018-01-01 LEAG0_18 -15.3 1515.8
Enrico Catanzaro axis beats Laurent Tinture allies A69 Broich Bash (IC5 repub.) 2018-01-01 LEAG0_18 -9.9 1531.1
Jean Lasnier beats Laurent Tinture 2017-11-15 Forum_18 -22.6 1541
Xavier Roy loses to Laurent Tinture J44 Audacity! 2017-09-27 Forum_18 12.7 1563.6
Pierre-Jean Cilluffo allies beats Laurent Tinture axis RBF42 Keystone Before Moscow 2017-06-01 Ring_17 -30 1550.9
Stéphane Slowik axis beats Laurent Tinture allies FrF78 No Glory in War 2017-06-01 Ring_17 -37 1580.9
Nicolas Munsch axis beats Laurent Tinture allies J167 Hart Attack 2017-06-01 Ring_17 -32.9 1617.9
Armin Kraft axis beats Laurent Tinture allies J127 Messervy's Men 2017-06-01 Ring_17 -28.4 1650.8
Bruno Bonhomme draws Laurent Tinture 2017-04-01 Forum_17 -15.5 1679.2
Laurent Tinture beats Bruno Nitrosso FT174 Green Berets 2017-02-01 Forum_17 16.9 1694.7
Philippe Rohmer beats Laurent Tinture TAC71 Terminus Sened 2016-11-01 Forum_17 -20 1677.8
Chris Mazzei attacker allies beats Laurent Tinture defender axis G46 Triumph Atop Taraldsvikfjell 2016-10-01 LEAG1_16 -21.6 1697.8
Laurent Tinture beats Xavier Roy ASL122 2016-09-01 Forum_17 7.1 1719.4
Laurent Tinture attacker allies beats Marti Cabré defender axis G46 Triumph Atop Taraldsvikfjell 2016-06-30 LEAG1_16 15.5 1712.3
Laurent Tinture beats Laurent Le Billan J167 Hart Attack 2016-06-15 Forum_16 20.8 1696.8
Laurent Tinture attacker axis beats Santos Toze defender allies FRF26 A Polish Requiem 2016-04-30 LEAG1_16 10.7 1676
Laurent Tinture beats Jean Lasnier FrF73 Sledgehammers 2016-04-01 Forum_16 12.9 1665.3
Pascal Poitout loses to Laurent Tinture FrF84 Bazooka Town 2016-02-01 Forum_16 11.9 1652.4
Laurent Tinture beats Sébastien Tellier BFP52 Kachin Rangers 2016-02-01 Forum_16 12.3 1640.5
Rick Carter attacker axis beats Laurent Tinture defender allies PB 3 2015-12-21 CYBER_III
Lionel Colin beats Laurent Tinture HG(2)-2 Konitsa Crackdown 2015-12-14 CYBER_15
Laurent Tinture allies beats Nicolas Munsch axis O1 Go Big or Go Home 2015-11-01 Forum_16 8 1628.2
Laurent Tinture beats Oscar Fernandez FT171 Getting Your Bell Rung 2015-09-20 CYBER_III
Laurent Weimar axis beats Laurent Tinture allies J41 By Ourselves 2015-09-01 Forum_16 -27.4 1620.2
Laurent Le Billan attacker axis beats Laurent Tinture defender allies O 6 2015-07-01 LEAG1_15 -21.8 1647.6
Laurent Tinture defender allies beats Don Clevenger attacker axis 19 Backs to the Sea 2015-06-20 CYBER_III
Laurent Tinture beats Brian Wiersma WO3 Counterattack at Carentan 2015-06-16 CYBER_15
Laurent Tinture attacker axis beats Santiago Penabella defender allies J130 The Art of Dying 2015-05-01 LEAG1_15 7.5 1669.4
Laurent Tinture beats Eduard González J44 Audacity! 2015-03-26 CYBER_15
Laurent Tinture attacker axis beats Chris Hofland defender allies J59 Friday the 13th 2015-03-01 LEAG1_15 6 1661.9
Laurent Tinture attacker axis beats Andy Beaton defender allies RPT7 Romanian Hammers 2015-01-01 CYBER_15
Laurent Tinture attacker allies beats Bruno Bonhomme defender axis J1 Urban Guerrillas 2014-09-30 FORUM_14 4.7 1655.9
Laurent Tinture defender allies beats Nicolas Chamontin attacker axis FRF42 Kiss of Fury 2014-06-15 FORUM_14 12.6 1651.2
Laurent Tinture attacker allies draws Jean-Christophe Jaud defender axis AP18 Village of the Damned 2014-04-15 FORUM_14 -8.7 1638.6
Laurent Tinture defender axis beats Alain Bauvent attacker allies WO9 Sting 'Em at Zingem 2013-12-01 FORUM_14 9.6 1647.3
Laurent Tinture beats Sébastien Tellier HOW3 2013-10-01 FORUM_13 10.6 1637.7
Laurent Tinture defender allies beats Laurent Weimar attacker axis 93 Tavronitis Bridge 2013-02-15 FORUM_13 13 1627.1
Laurent Tinture defender axis beats Laurent Ferraro attacker allies J28 Inhumaine 2012-12-01 FORUM_12 12.4 1614.1
Laurent Tinture attacker allies beats Missing-24 defender axis A115 Blockbusters 2012-12-01 FORUM_12 13.9 1601.7
Laurent Martin attacker allies beats Laurent Tinture defender axis FT168 By Dawn's Early Light 2012-11-30 FORUM_13 -27.5 1587.8
Laurent Tinture attacker allies beats Davide Bendazzi defender axis FT71 The Last Circle 2012-10-31 MINEU_12 16.6 1615.3
Xavier Vitry attacker axis beats Laurent Tinture defender allies WCW7 Eye of the Tiger 2012-09-30 FORUM_12 -12.2 1598.7
Laurent Tinture defender axis beats Alex Koestler attacker allies AP79 Rude Mood 2012-08-31 MINEU_12 16.2 1610.9
Laurent Tinture attacker allies beats Antoine Sauliere defender axis G6 Rocket's Red Glare 2012-07-14 FORUM_12 9.7 1594.7
Laurent Tinture attacker allies beats Tim Hundsdorfer defender axis 75 Strangers in a Strange Land 2012-06-30 MINEU_12 14.5 1585
Laurent Tinture defender axis beats Bruno Nitrosso attacker allies AP31 First Cristot 2012-04-30 FORUM_12 29.1 1570.5
Bruno Nitrosso defender allies beats Laurent Tinture attacker axis J74 Priests on the Line 2012-02-29 MINEU_12 -11 1541.4
Laurent Tinture attacker axis beats Marc Morice defender allies J103 Lenin's Sons 2012-02-29 FORUM_12 19.1 1552.4
Laurent Tinture attacker axis beats Roberto Alesse defender allies FT81 Dubrovka 2012-02-29 MINEU_12 18.3 1533.3
Clément Bertrand defender axis beats Laurent Tinture attacker allies J122 Bloody Bois Jacques 2011-12-31 FORUM_11 -24.9 1515
Laurent Tinture attacker allies beats Missing-24 defender axis AP32 Second Crack at Caumont 2011-10-31 FORUM_11 24 1539.9
Lionel Colin attacker allies beats Laurent Tinture defender axis FT93 Counterattack at Watten 2011-07-31 FORUM_11 -23.2 1515.9
Laurent Tinture attacker axis beats Benjamin Drieu defender allies FRF49 One Last Mighty Hew 2011-04-30 FORUM_11 30.7 1539.1
Laurent Tinture beats Thierry Berthomé FT74 Freeing the Roadway 2011-02-28 FORUM_11 15.6 1508.4
Patrice Brisset beats Laurent Tinture 2010-06-30 FORUM_10 -23.6 1492.8
Jean Luc Bechennec beats Laurent Tinture 2010-05-16 FORUM_10 -16.2 1516.4
Laurent Tinture beats Joël Herbelleau 2010-02-28 FORUM_10 18.1 1532.6
Laurent Tinture defender allies beats Bruno Bonhomme attacker axis AP8 A Bloody Harvest 2009-10-31 FORUM_10 14.6 1514.6