Tournament Games included in ASL Player Ratings

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Tournament: NOR-E_20See Statistical Summary

1st Place: Tom Morin
2nd Place: Rich Domovic
Player Att/Def Al/Ax Result Player Att/Def Al/Ax Scenario
Round 1
Charlie Willmer defender axis beats Kevin Killeen attacker allies DB136 The Block On The Trail To Hell
Chuck Tewksbury attacker axis beats David Garvin defender allies Q12 Unfamiliar Land
David Douglas defender allies beats Vic Rosso attacker axis Q12 Unfamiliar Land
Dennis Dowd attacker allies beats Burnie Hegdahl defender axis DB147 Bandits and Bolsheviks
Nathan Stapf attacker allies beats Robert Schaaf defender axis DB147 Bandits and Bolsheviks
Paul Schaeffer defender axis beats John Bock attacker allies DB136 The Block On The Trail To Hell
Rich Domovic defender axis beats Teddy Horan attacker allies DB136 The Block On The Trail To Hell
Richard Vieira attacker axis beats Paul Chamberland defender allies Q12 Unfamiliar Land
Rob Arrieta defender axis beats Jim Hunter attacker allies DB136 The Block On The Trail To Hell
Stephen Stewart attacker allies beats Mike Puccio defender axis DB147 Bandits and Bolsheviks
Steve Anderson attacker allies beats Bill Jenkins defender axis DB147 Bandits and Bolsheviks
Tom Morin defender allies beats Mitch Abrams attacker axis Q12 Unfamiliar Land
Round 2
Chuck Tewksbury attacker axis beats Dennis Dowd defender allies VOTG26 Bad Day for the Luftwaffe
David Douglas defender axis beats Stephen Stewart attacker allies J191 Rebels Without a Pause
David Garvin defender allies beats Jim Hunter attacker axis VOTG26 Bad Day for the Luftwaffe
John Bock defender allies beats Teddy Horan attacker axis VOTG26 Bad Day for the Luftwaffe
Kevin Killeen defender axis beats Paul Chamberland attacker allies J191 Rebels Without a Pause
Mike Puccio attacker allies beats Burnie Hegdahl defender axis AP100 Coal in Their Stockings
Nathan Stapf defender allies beats Steve Anderson attacker axis HF6 Jackpot Jones
Paul Schaeffer defender axis beats Charlie Willmer attacker allies AP100 Coal in Their Stockings
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Richard Vieira defender axis J191 Rebels Without a Pause
Tom Morin defender axis beats Rob Arrieta attacker allies J191 Rebels Without a Pause
Vic Rosso attacker axis beats Robert Schaaf defender allies VOTG26 Bad Day for the Luftwaffe
Round 3
Bill Jenkins defender axis beats Jim Hunter attacker allies SP270 A Small Stack and a Schnapps
Kevin Killeen defender axis beats Mitch Abrams attacker allies WO18 A Quick Strike
Mike Puccio defender axis beats Rob Arrieta attacker allies LSSAH36 Fuhrer's Expectations
Nathan Stapf attacker axis beats Paul Schaeffer defender allies Q6 Per l'onore di Roma
Paul Chamberland attacker allies beats Burnie Hegdahl defender axis SP270 A Small Stack and a Schnapps
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Chuck Tewksbury defender axis SP270 A Small Stack and a Schnapps
Richard Vieira defender allies beats David Garvin attacker axis VOTG27 Drama, the Park, and Deady Things
Steve Anderson defender allies beats Stephen Stewart attacker axis VOTG27 Drama, the Park, and Deady Things
Tom Morin attacker allies beats David Douglas defender axis SP270 A Small Stack and a Schnapps
Vic Rosso attacker allies beats Dennis Dowd defender axis LSSAH36 Fuhrer's Expectations
Round 4
Bill Jenkins attacker axis beats Dennis Dowd defender allies NTX01 Stalingrad-1 Depot
David Garvin attacker axis beats Rob Arrieta defender allies NTX01 Stalingrad-1 Depot
Paul Chamberland defender allies beats Jim Hunter attacker axis FT245 Ciao Cina
Paul Schaeffer defender allies beats Mike Puccio attacker axis J146 Ragnarök (Ragnarok)
Richard Vieira defender axis beats Chuck Tewksbury attacker allies DB141 Gut Punch
Steve Anderson defender axis beats Kevin Killeen attacker allies YASL7 Making a Break for It
Tom Morin attacker allies beats Rich Domovic defender axis YASL7 Making a Break for It
Vic Rosso defender allies beats Nathan Stapf attacker axis J146 Ragnarök (Ragnarok)
Round 5
Mike Puccio defender axis beats Kevin Killeen attacker allies J193 Raff's Rules
Paul Chamberland attacker allies beats David Garvin defender axis HF3 First Timers
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Nathan Stapf defender axis J193 Raff's Rules
Richard Vieira defender allies beats Vic Rosso attacker axis AP143 Late for Chow