List of Scenario Results included in ASL Player Ratings

Scenario: WCW8 The Last VC in Europe See Statistical Summary

Player Att/Def Al/Ax Result Player Att/Def Al/Ax Date Tourney
Ulric Schwela attacker axis beats Nigella Blair defender allies 2018-04-03 HERO_18
Paul Legg attacker axis beats Ray Porter defender allies 2018-04-03 HERO_18
Matt Shostak attacker axis beats Sam Tyson defender allies 2016-06-24 TEXAS_16
Sean Deller attacker axis beats Jim Holt defender allies 2013-04-05 B-END_13
Chris Chapman defender allies beats Bob Graham attacker axis 2008-02-22 WCM_08
Paul Simonsen defender allies beats Matthew Cicero attacker axis 2005-02-06 WCM_05
Ted Wilcox defender allies beats Bob Walden attacker axis 2003-03-30 NOR-E_03
Joe Sylvester attacker axis beats Jim Manfredi defender allies 2003-03-28 NOR-E_03
Gregg Lessly defender allies beats Mike Allexenberg attacker axis 2002-03-24 NOR-E_02
Andy Clarke attacker axis beats Andy Howard defender allies 2002-03-24 NOR-E_02
Lee Neeman defender allies beats Tom Morin attacker axis 2002-03-24 NOR-E_02