Tournament Games included in ASL Player Ratings

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Tournament: WCM_08See Statistical Summary

Player Att/Def Al/Ax Result Player Att/Def Al/Ax Scenario
Round 0
Brandon Liesemeyer attacker axis beats Bryan Earll defender allies J94 Kempf at Melikhovo
Brandon Liesemeyer defender allies beats Scott Fischbein attacker axis S23 Monty's Gamble
Brandon Liesemeyer defender axis beats Dave Reinking attacker allies AP18 Village of the Damned
Brandon Liesemeyer attacker allies beats Larry Rohlfing defender axis J100 For a Few Rounds More
Brandon Liesemeyer attacker allies beats Paul Simonsen defender axis VOTG11 A Dangerous Possibility
Brandon Liesemeyer attacker axis beats Mike Soffa defender allies 113 Liberating Bessarabia
Bryan Earll defender allies beats Rich Domovic attacker axis U5 Point d'Appui
Bryan Earll attacker axis beats Eric Morton defender allies VOTG3 Khopka's Crossing
Chris Chapman attacker axis beats Geoff Coward defender allies AD3 Back to School
Chris Chapman defender allies beats Bob Graham attacker axis WCW8 The Last VC in Europe
Dan Plachta attacker axis beats Eric Johnson defender allies TAC12 Commando Schenke
Dan Plachta attacker allies beats D. Myers defender axis NQNG6 One Eye to the West
Dan Plachta defender allies beats Paul Simonsen attacker axis SP45 A Stroke of Luck
Dave Perham defender axis beats Larry Rohlfing attacker allies VOTG9 Eviction Notice
Dave Perham defender allies beats Fred Timm attacker axis J76 Ultimate Treachery
Dave Perham defender axis beats Hank Withaar attacker allies AP21 Red Don
Eric Morton defender axis beats Eric Visnowski attacker allies VOTG11 A Dangerous Possibility
Eric Morton attacker allies beats Karl Von Voight defender axis AP18 Village of the Damned
Eric Visnowski defender axis beats Dave Perham attacker allies AP18 Village of the Damned
Eric Visnowski defender axis beats David Rosner attacker allies HS30 The Good Shepherd
Eric Visnowski defender allies beats Glenn Sellar attacker axis S23 Monty's Gamble
Fred Timm defender axis beats Chris Chapman attacker allies AP18 Village of the Damned
Fred Timm defender axis beats D. Myers attacker allies VOTG6 Enter Dragan
Fred Timm defender axis beats David Nicholas attacker allies VOTG11 A Dangerous Possibility
Fred Timm defender axis beats Larry Rohlfing attacker allies HS21 Hervorst Hell
Fred Timm attacker allies beats Kevin Ryan defender axis W1 Traverse Right ... Fire!
Fred Timm attacker allies beats Paul Simonsen defender axis VOTG9 Eviction Notice
Fred Timm attacker axis beats Rob Stai defender allies J94 Kempf at Melikhovo
Fred Timm defender allies beats Charles Wannall attacker axis VOTG2 Russe! Drown in the Volga
Hank Withaar attacker allies beats D. Myers defender axis AP18 Village of the Damned
Hank Withaar attacker allies beats Dave Reinking defender axis MP16 Power Struggle
Kevin Ryan attacker axis beats Jim Aikens defender allies VOTG3 Khopka's Crossing
Kevin Ryan attacker axis beats Geoff Coward defender allies AP22 Ghost Riders
Kevin Ryan axis beats Scott Fischbein allies T2 The Puma Prowls
Kevin Ryan defender allies beats Charles Wannall attacker axis DASLC
Larry Rohlfing defender axis beats Eric Morton attacker allies RPT14 Keitel and Cox
Larry Rohlfing attacker allies beats Stance Nixon defender axis FT88 Das Untergang
Larry Rohlfing defender allies beats Mike Soffa attacker axis U5 Point d'Appui
Larry Rohlfing attacker allies beats Karl Von Voight defender axis FRF18 Through Fire and Ice
Matthew Cicero attacker axis beats Rich Domovic defender allies 43 Into the Fray
Paul Simonsen defender axis beats Eric Morton attacker allies SAP4
Paul Simonsen defender axis beats Stance Nixon attacker allies J1 Urban Guerrillas
Paul Simonsen defender allies beats Eric Visnowski attacker axis A110 Shanghai in Flames
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Bob Graham defender allies S2 War of the Rats
Rich Domovic attacker axis beats Bob Graham defender allies S2 Besting Basilone
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Stance Nixon defender axis HP34 Big, Bad, Gun
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Scott Thompson defender axis FRF22 Wunderwaffe
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Eric Visnowski defender axis SP154 On the Road to Hell
Rob Stai attacker axis beats Robert Feinstein defender allies J102 The Yelnya Bridge
Rob Stai attacker allies beats Dave Perham defender axis AP23 Agony at Arnautovo
Rob Stai attacker axis beats David Rosner defender allies 41 A Bridgehead Too Wet
Robert Feinstein defender allies beats Chris Chapman attacker axis 84 Round One
Robert Feinstein defender axis beats Mike Soffa attacker allies SP146 Terrify and Destroy
Robert Feinstein defender allies beats Karl Von Voight attacker axis FRF12 The Fields of Black Gold
Scott Fischbein allies beats Dave Reinking axis S28 Out of Luck
Scott Fischbein defender allies beats Todd Schallberg attacker axis S11 A Long Way to Go
Scott Thompson defender allies beats Bruce Kirkaldy attacker axis J76 Ultimate Treachery
Scott Thompson defender allies beats Paul Simonsen attacker axis FRF17 The Marco Polo Bridge Incident