List of Scenario Results included in ASL Player Ratings

Scenario: 48 Toujours l'audace (Always Audacity) See Statistical Summary

Player Att/Def Al/Ax Result Player Att/Def Al/Ax Date Tourney
Andrew Luden attacker axis beats Daniel Braund defender allies 2023-05-19 CASLO_23
Jonathan Kay attacker axis beats Chuck Tewksbury defender allies 2023-05-19 CASLO_23
Keith Hill attacker axis loses to Chris Fenn defender allies 2023-05-19 CASLO_23
Marti Cabré attacker axis beats Stefano Piccardo defender allies 2020-01-30 LEAG4_20
Ricardo García axis beats Jason Wert allies 2019-03-28 CYBER_X
Laurent Le Billan attacker axis beats Lionel Colin defender allies 2017-11-15 Forum_18
Carlos J. Garcia attacker axis beats Paco Anton defender allies 2013-11-05 CONSC_13
Rick Hadden attacker axis beats David Langer defender allies 2012-02-29 MINE_12