Tournament Games included in ASL Player Ratings

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Tournament: CYBER_XSee Statistical Summary

Player Att/Def Al/Ax Result Player Att/Def Al/Ax Scenario
Round 1
Alex Koestler axis loses to Rick Carter allies AP61 Desobry Defiant
Blake Ball loses to Ivan Kent FB16 Crossing the Bloody Meadow
Bruno Nitrosso beats Gary Bartlett HF1 Black Day in Hatten
David Gillies axis beats Mike Johnston allies J60 Bad Luck
Eduard González axis beats Bob Eury allies AP52 Into Vienna Woods
Jason Wert axis beats Ken Knott allies
Jeff Buser axis beats Robert Mc Ginley allies J179 Resignation Supermen
Jeremy Busby allies loses to Steffen Knippel axis KGP9 Carnage in the Night
Lionel Colin allies loses to Ricardo García axis 49 Piercing the Peel
Martin Kristensen attacker allies beats Roy Connelly defender axis U39 The Clearing
Pablo Garcia Silva axis beats Pierce Mason allies FrF89 Red Tears Shed on Gray
Sergio Puente Diaz axis beats Jason Burnette allies DB80
Stephen Stewart beats Ángel González Romero 143 Grebbe End
Tom Arnold beats Carles Ryhr AP8 A Bloody Harvest
Will Fleming allies beats Alexey Nikolov axis 1 Fighting Withdrawal
Round 2
David Gillies allies beats Tom Arnold axis BFP84 Kreida Station
Ivan Kent axis beats Steffen Knippel allies J138 Point to Make
Martin Marquis axis beats Eduard González allies YASL7 Making a Break for It
Pablo Garcia Silva defender axis beats Martin Kristensen attacker allies WO19 Through the Dragon's Teeth
Ricardo García axis beats Jason Wert allies 48 Toujours l'audace (Always Audacity)
Rick Carter beats Stephen Stewart J143 Circle of Doom
Will Fleming allies loses to Jeff Buser axis NEWS25 Under Fire
Round 3
David Gillies allies beats Martin Marquis axis SP83 Boeinked
Jeff Buser beats Ivan Kent J188 Grab and Go
Ricardo García axis beats Rick Carter allies J59 Friday the 13th
Sergio Puente Diaz allies beats Pablo Garcia Silva axis V1 High Danger
Round 4
Jeff Buser allies loses to David Gillies axis SP231 Galician Persuasion
Ricardo García allies loses to Sergio Puente Diaz axis 37 Khamsin
Round 5
Sergio Puente Diaz allies loses to David Gillies axis J59 Friday the 13th