List of Games by Player included in ASL Player Ratings

Player: Tom Sharp (SPT)    ELO 1343.6See Statistical Summary

Player Att/Def Al/Ax Result Player Att/Def Al/Ax Scenario Date Tourney Change Rating
Tom Sharp attacker axis beats Ivan Kent defender allies 87 Good Night, Sweet Prince 2015-05-01 LEAG1_15 32.7 1386.7
Sergio Puzziello allies beats Tom Sharp axis J152 Messenger Boys 2015-03-01 LEAG1_15 -19.7 1354
Jim Taylor attacker axis beats Tom Sharp defender allies U9 A Belated Christmas 2007-08-01 MINUS_07 -11 1538.7
Tom Sharp defender allies beats Robert Mc Ginley attacker axis 92 Stand Fast the Guards 2007-04-01 MINUS_07 24.7 1549.7
Tom Sharp allies beats Eric Ferguson axis AP7 Directive Number Three 2007-02-01 MINUS_07 25 1525