List of Games by Player included in ASL Player Ratings

Player: Stéphane Mariani (MIS)    ELO 1215.7See Statistical Summary

Player Att/Def Al/Ax Result Player Att/Def Al/Ax Scenario Date Tourney Change Rating
Stéphane Mariani defender axis draws Arnaud Bouis attacker allies TAC57 Dernier baroud (Last Stand) 2001-04-15 TSM_01 5.3 1430.3
Gilles Hakim defender axis beats Stéphane Mariani attacker allies TAC13 La neige et le sang (Snow and Blood) 2001-04-15 TSM_01 -25 1425
Laurent Cunin allies beats Stéphane Mariani axis VV7 Le courage des Mahrattes (The Mahrattes' Bravery) 2001-04-14 TSM_01 -25 1450
Jean Devaux attacker axis beats Stéphane Mariani defender allies TAC72 Engaement pour un tour 2001-04-14 TSM_01 -25 1475