List of Games by Player included in ASL Player Ratings

Player: Lex Luciak (LkL1)    ELO 1526.4See Statistical Summary

Player Att/Def Al/Ax Result Player Att/Def Al/Ax Scenario Date Tourney Change Rating
Michael Kirkwood attacker axis loses to Lex Luciak defender allies FrF88 Panzer Shield 2023-10-03 WARR1941_23 24.8 1526.4
Jack Wilson defender axis beats Lex Luciak attacker allies J67 The Lawless Roads 2023-06-18 WARR1940_23 -25.9 1501.6
Jeff Talor attacker axis loses to Lex Luciak defender allies BFP114 Engineering Defeat 2023-03-15 WARR1939_23 20.9 1527.5
Lex Luciak attacker axis beats Shaun Andrews defender allies BFP105 The Winter City 2023-03-12 WARR1939_23 28.2 1506.6
Steve Slunt attacker axis beats Lex Luciak defender allies BFP111 Before the Blunder 2023-02-19 WARR1939_23 -21.6 1478.4