List of Games by Player included in ASL Player Ratings

Player: John La Plante (LEO)    ELO 1281.4See Statistical Summary

Player Att/Def Al/Ax Result Player Att/Def Al/Ax Scenario Date Tourney Change Rating
John La Plante attacker allies beats Ken Mioduski defender axis SP160 The Lost Band of Edmontons 2008-10-10 ASLOK_08 45 1355.8
Gary Mei defender allies beats John La Plante attacker axis CH44 Operation Nordwind 2002-03-24 NOR-E_02 -19 1439.8
John La Plante defender axis beats Ralph Mcdonald attacker allies A111 Cattern's Position 2002-03-24 NOR-E_02 33.4 1458.8
Bob Walden defender axis beats John La Plante attacker allies DB030 88 Alley 2002-03-24 NOR-E_02 -22.3 1425.4
Charlie Hamilton defender axis beats John La Plante attacker allies SP62 ils ne passeront pas 2002-03-23 NOR-E_02 -25.5 1447.7
Gary Trezza attacker axis beats John La Plante defender allies A120 Uncommon Valor 2002-03-22 NOR-E_02 -17.2 1473.2
Lee Neeman attacker axis beats John La Plante defender allies DB018 Special Delivery 2001-03-24 NOR-E_01 -26.2 1490.4
John La Plante attacker allies beats Bob Kedge Johnson defender axis DB020 3rd RTR in the Rain, 2001-03-24 NOR-E_01 16.6 1516.6