List of Games by Player included in ASL Player Ratings

Player: John Johnson (JNJ)    ELO 1257.2See Statistical Summary

Player Att/Def Al/Ax Result Player Att/Def Al/Ax Scenario Date Tourney Change Rating
John Johnson allies loses to Indy Lagu axis SP253 De Zwarte Duivels 2017-06-25 2ONE_17 -17.8 1277.8
John Johnson allies loses to Indy Lagu axis SP253 De Zwarte Duivels 2017-06-25 2ONE_17 -17.8 1295.6
John Johnson allies loses to David Blackwood axis FrF83 Phantom Army 2017-06-24 2ONE_17 -18.9 1313.4
Michael Essex axis loses to John Johnson allies SP257 Jerry by the Bushel 2017-06-24 2ONE_17 24.2 1332.3
John Johnson attacker allies loses to Pete Phillipps defender axis VOTG15 Perfected in Battle 2017-06-23 2ONE_17 -9.1 1308.1
John Johnson axis loses to Richard Dagnall allies DB133 A Deadly Landscape 2017-06-23 2ONE_17 -11.1 1317.3
Martin Barker defender allies beats John Johnson attacker axis DB124 Death on the Eismeer Strasse 2016-06-26 2ONE_16 -11.5 1328.3
Hans Bugge defender allies beats John Johnson attacker axis AP96 Food Fight 2016-06-25 2ONE_16 -9.2 1339.8
Malcolm Hatfield attacker axis beats John Johnson defender allies AP107 Better Fields of Fire 2016-06-25 2ONE_16 -18.3 1349.1
John Johnson defender axis beats Nigella Blair attacker allies RPT76 Duropa Plantation 2015-06-28 2ONE_15 26.3 1367.3
John Johnson attacker axis beats Martin Barker defender allies 23 Under the Noel Trees 2015-06-27 2ONE_15 38.3 1341.1
William Binns defender axis beats John Johnson attacker allies RPT78 Bounty Hunters 2015-06-26 2ONE_15 -7 1302.8
John Johnson attacker axis beats Paco Mainez defender allies SP95 Burn Gurkha Burn! 2015-06-26 2ONE_15 39.5 1309.8
Jeff Deyoung defender axis beats John Johnson attacker allies FT73 The Adriatic Pirates 2007-10-04 ASLOK_07 -26.4 1441.3
Nigella Blair beats John Johnson SP80 Die Gurkha Die! 2006-03-10 HERO_06 -32.3 1467.7