List of Games by Player included in ASL Player Ratings

Player: John Jr. Johns (JJJ)    ELO 1331.9See Statistical Summary

Player Att/Def Al/Ax Result Player Att/Def Al/Ax Scenario Date Tourney Change Rating
Tom Cvetinovich attacker axis beats John Jr. Johns defender allies FT72 Catcher Caught 2007-10-05 ASLOK_07 -27.8 1566.9
Jeff Deyoung attacker axis beats John Jr. Johns defender allies FT63 Clear That Road! 2006-10-06 ASLOK_06 -26.4 1594.7
John Jr. Johns defender allies beats John Dow attacker axis FRF11 Rostov Redemption 2006-10-05 ASLOK_06 18.8 1621.1
John Jr. Johns attacker allies beats Gary Bartlett defender axis A32 Zon with the Wind 2006-10-04 ASLOK_06 23.7 1602.3
John Jr. Johns defender axis beats Larry Zoet attacker allies FRF16 Last Orders 2006-10-04 ASLOK_06 19.1 1578.6
John Jr. Johns defender allies beats Tom Richardson attacker axis J102 The Yelnya Bridge 2006-10-03 ASLOK_06 23 1559.6
Wes Vaughn defender axis beats John Jr. Johns attacker allies J105 Borodino Train Station 2006-10-03 ASLOK_06 -10 1536.6
John Jr. Johns defender allies beats Pete Mudge attacker axis SP121 Danger Close! 2005-10-06 ASLOK_05 34 1546.6
John Jr. Johns axis beats Steve Tinsley allies TTF1 Right Hook 2005-10-06 ASLOK_05 20.6 1512.6
Robert Maglica defender allies beats John Jr. Johns attacker axis SP94 Out of Order 2005-10-04 ASLOK_05 -24 1492
John Jr. Johns attacker axis beats Jim Risher defender allies T14 Gambit 2005-10-04 ASLOK_05 16 1516