List of Games by Player included in ASL Player Ratings

Player: Brad Hunter (H3B)    ELO 1516.9See Statistical Summary

Player Att/Def Al/Ax Result Player Att/Def Al/Ax Scenario Date Tourney Change Rating
Brad Hunter defender allied beats Kenneth Young attacker axis OA29 The Amy H 2021-03-06 Alta_2021 34 1519.9
Chris Doary attacker allied beats Brad Hunter defender axis ASL238 2021-03-06 Alta_2021 -11.8 1485.9
Rich Joseph Jenulis defender axis beats Brad Hunter attacker allies FF 10 2017-05-20 CASLO_17 -11.3 1524.7
Brad Hunter attacker axis beats Michael Rodgers defender allies FT171 Getting Your Bell Rung 2017-05-20 CASLO_17 19.5 1536
Brad Hunter defender axis beats Jim Rudek attacker allies FT 43 2017-05-20 CASLO_17 16.8 1516.5
Brad Hunter attacker axis beats Steffen Knippel defender allies PBP22 Morire In Belleza 2017-05-19 CASLO_17 14.7 1499.7
Allen Evenson attacker axis beats Brad Hunter defender allies ESG83 Split the D! 2017-05-19 CASLO_17 -28 1485
Brad Hunter attacker allies beats Bill Slunt defender axis J41 By Ourselves 2014-05-18 CASLO_14 17.1 1513
Brad Hunter attacker axis beats Cr Holmes defender allies AP38 Infiltrators 2014-05-17 CASLO_14 18.9 1495.9
Arno Lebenhagen defender axis beats Brad Hunter attacker allies J43 3rd RTR in the Rain 2014-05-16 CASLO_14 -20.2 1477
Darren Kovacs attacker axis beats Brad Hunter defender allies MLR11 Only the Beginning 2014-05-16 CASLO_14 -5.8 1497.2
Steve Slunt attacker axis beats Brad Hunter defender allies J92 Your Turn Now 2012-05-20 CASLO_12 -23.6 1503
Erik Lindblad defender axis beats Brad Hunter attacker allies J28 Inhumaine 2012-05-19 CASLO_12 -28.4 1526.6
Brad Hunter defender allies beats Michael Rodgers attacker axis J130 The Art of Dying 2012-05-19 CASLO_12 23.1 1555
Brad Hunter attacker axis beats Jim Suderman defender allies J103 Lenin's Sons 2012-05-18 CASLO_12 15.4 1531.9
Jack Dionne defender allies beats Brad Hunter attacker axis AP49 Retrained and Rearmed 2009-09-20 CASLO_09 -29.8 1516.5
Brad Hunter defender allies beats Dwayne Matheson attacker axis 113 Liberating Bessarabia 2009-09-19 CASLO_09 24.3 1546.3
Brad Hunter defender allies beats Ron Levreault attacker axis AP8 A Bloody Harvest 2009-09-19 CASLO_09 20 1522
Bill Bird attacker axis beats Brad Hunter defender allies RPT25 Cornwalls' Rum Ration 2009-09-18 CASLO_09 -20.4 1502
Brad Hunter attacker allies beats Jack Dionne defender axis AP31 First Cristot 2009-09-18 CASLO_09 22.4 1522.4