List of Games by Player included in ASL Player Ratings

Player: Terje Fagersand (FdT1)    ELO 1448.4See Statistical Summary

Player Att/Def Al/Ax Result Player Att/Def Al/Ax Scenario Date Tourney Change Rating
Terje Fagersand defender axis beats Nils Bakke attacker allies ASL195 Rocket's Red Glare 2020-11-15 CC_20 18.4 1463.4
Eivind Trondsen defender allies beats Terje Fagersand attacker axis A68 Acts of Defiance 2020-10-15 CC_20 -30 1445
Erik Grande defender axis beats Terje Fagersand attacker allies J43 3rd RTR in the Rain 2020-09-15 CC_20 -25 1475