List of Games by Player included in ASL Player Ratings

Player: Fred Daniel (DLF)    ELO 1172.7See Statistical Summary

Player Att/Def Al/Ax Result Player Att/Def Al/Ax Scenario Date Tourney Change Rating
Fred Daniel defender axis beats Steve Mcneil attacker allies ASLXX5 A Walk in the Sun 2006-04-02 OPEN_06 22.6 1319.6
Bob Brown attacker axis beats Fred Daniel defender allies G44 Abandon Ship 2006-04-01 OPEN_06 -32.8 1297.1
Alex Key attacker axis beats Fred Daniel defender allies 77 Le hérisson (The Hedgehog) 2006-04-01 OPEN_06 -17.6 1329.8
Mike Hammond defender allies beats Fred Daniel attacker axis SP78 The Golovchino Breakout 2006-04-01 OPEN_06 -15.6 1347.5
Jim (sr.) Burris Sr defender allies beats Fred Daniel attacker axis 54 Bridge to Nowhere 2006-03-31 OPEN_06 -24.5 1363.1
Chris Garrett axis beats Fred Daniel allies PA5 Parry and Strike 2006-03-31 OPEN_06 -16.7 1387.6
Bret Hildebran defender axis beats Fred Daniel attacker allies G31 Point of the Sword 2001-10-06 ASLOK_01 -20.1 1455.3
John Bibler defender axis beats Fred Daniel attacker allies 14 Silence that Gun 2001-10-06 ASLOK_01 -19.8 1475.4
Fred Daniel attacker allies beats Dave Wardzala defender axis T5 The Pouppeville Exit 2001-10-06 ASLOK_01 24.2 1495.2
Jim Risher defender allies beats Fred Daniel attacker axis PB3 Piecemeal 2001-10-05 ASLOK_01 -29 1471