List of Games by Player included in ASL Player Ratings

Player: Jeff Cebula (CAE)    ELO 1247.5See Statistical Summary

Player Att/Def Al/Ax Result Player Att/Def Al/Ax Scenario Date Tourney Change Rating
Jeff Cebula attacker allies beats Carles Ryhr defender axis TEF1-3 Panzers in the Park 2014-10-05 BARC_14 9.6 1467.6
Pedro J. Ferrandis attacker axis beats Jeff Cebula defender allies J63 Silesian Interlude 2014-10-04 BARC_14 -22.3 1458.1
Santiago Lopez attacker axis beats Jeff Cebula defender allies SP88 Race for the Sarvis 2014-10-04 BARC_14 -19.6 1480.4