List of Games by Player included in ASL Player Ratings

Player: Alessandro Bray (BYA)    ELO 1378.8See Statistical Summary

Player Att/Def Al/Ax Result Player Att/Def Al/Ax Scenario Date Tourney Change Rating
Alessandro Bray attacker allies beats Alessandro Zin defender axis 2024-01-19 CarimASL2024 17.9 1378.8
Alessandro Bray attacker axis beats Nigella Blair defender allies AP96 Food Fight 2014-11-09 IF_14 8.2 1583.5
Alessandro Bray attacker axis beats Simon Staniforth defender allies WCW7 Eye of the Tiger 2014-11-09 IF_14 13.7 1575.3
Alessandro Bray attacker allies beats Nigella Blair defender axis SP36 Desantniki 2014-11-09 IF_14 8.2 1561.6
Wayne Baumber attacker allies beats Alessandro Bray defender axis J43 3rd RTR in the Rain 2014-11-09 IF_14 -29.4 1553.4
Alessandro Bray defender axis beats Daniel Takai attacker allies AP74 Batty-P 2013-06-14 ITAL_13 14.9 1582.8
Paolo Cariolato attacker allies beats Alessandro Bray defender axis FRF29 Sting of the Italian Hornet 2013-06-14 ITAL_13 -22.8 1567.9
Alessandro Bray attacker allies draws Mario Aceto defender axis FT168 By Dawn's Early Light 2012-11-04 GREN_12 -7.2 1590.7
Alessandro Bray attacker allies beats Björn Lorenzen defender axis A58 Munda Mash (ATL1 redone) 2012-11-03 GREN_12 19.9 1597.9
Alessandro Bray attacker allies beats Alex Koestler defender axis SP198 Fish in a Barrel 2012-11-03 GREN_12 21.2 1578
Christian Koppmeyer defender axis beats Alessandro Bray attacker allies DB084 Pot of Stew 2012-11-02 GREN_12 -18.8 1556.8
Alessandro Bray defender axis beats Armin Deppe attacker allies SP154 On the Road to Hell 2012-11-02 GREN_12 14.2 1575.6
Alessandro Bray defender allies beats Stefano Isella attacker axis FT96 Rassenkampf 2009-05-03 GATT_09 31.4 1576.4
Alessandro Bray attacker axis beats Nino Poncini defender allies FRF23 Elephants Unleashed 2009-05-02 GATT_09 21.9 1545
Alessandro Bray defender axis beats Luca Ceresa attacker allies SP103 For Whom the Bells Toll 2009-05-01 GATT_09 23.4 1523.1
Stefano Curzi beats Alessandro Bray RPT4 Transylvania 6-5000 2007-05-12 SMAR_07 -25.1 1499.7
Alessandro Bray beats Roberto Da Forno RPT6 Cadets and Cadre 2007-05-11 SMAR_07 24.8 1524.8