List of Scenario Results included in ASL Player Ratings

Scenario: J202 See Statistical Summary

Player Att/Def Al/Ax Result Player Att/Def Al/Ax Date Tourney
Philippe Briaux attacker axis beats Michel Bongiovanni defender allies 2024-05-17 Ring_24
Olivier Dietsch attacker axis loses to François Boudrenghien defender allies 2024-05-17 Ring_24
Eric Bongiovanni attacker axis loses to Bruno Nitrosso defender allies 2024-05-17 Ring_24
Laurent Forest attacker axis beats Alexandre Daniel defender allies 2024-05-17 Ring_24
Olivier Dietsch attacker axis loses to Nils Bakke defender allied 2024-03-01 SCO_24
Thomas Harjo attacker axis beats Eric Bongiovanni defender allied 2024-03-01 SCO_24
Svante Sandblom defender allied beats Oddgeir Drevdal attacker axis 2024-03-01 SCO_24
Eric Bongiovanni attacker axis beats Gérard Vandervelden defender allies 2023-12-01 LEAG4_24
Christoffer Peyre defender allies beats Svante Sandblom attacker axis 2023-05-20 RIM_23
Melvin Falk attacker axis beats Magnus Söderberg defender allies 2023-05-20 RIM_23
James Taylor attacker axis beats Steve Anderson defender allies 2023-05-01 LEAG2_23
Mrhonus defender allies beats Tom Repetti attacker axis 2023-05-01 LEAG4_23