List of Scenario Results included in ASL Player Ratings

Scenario: STL6 A Rising Tide See Statistical Summary

Player Att/Def Al/Ax Result Player Att/Def Al/Ax Date Tourney
John Tait attacker axis loses to Sam Henze defender allies 2019-11-07 GREN_19
Alexandre Rousse-Lacordaire attacker axis loses to Philippe Jathan defender allies 2019-11-07 GREN_19
Maarten Van Houte attacker axis loses to Ray Woloszyn defender allies 2019-11-07 GREN_19
Wes Vaughn defender allies beats Wei-Kwong Wong attacker axis 2018-04-08 OPEN_18
Nathan Stapf attacker axis beats Scott Holst defender allies 2018-04-06 OPEN_18
David Goldman attacker axis beats Zack Emberton defender allies 2018-04-05 OPEN_18
Dave Perham defender allies beats Jesse Boomer attacker axis 2017-06-25 TEXAS_17
Ryan Kent defender allies beats Dave Ginnard attacker axis 2017-06-25 TEXAS_17