List of Scenario Results included in ASL Player Ratings

Scenario: OA10 Monty's Mess See Statistical Summary

Player Att/Def Al/Ax Result Player Att/Def Al/Ax Date Tourney
Jeff Howell defender allies beats Andy Beaton attacker axis 2023-05-01 LEAG4_23
James Kelly defender allies loses to Sebastian Hummel attacker axis 2021-03-30 LEAG4_21
Miguel Mcdowell defender allies beats Andy Beaton attacker axis 2016-06-30 LEAG4_16
Andy Beaton attacker axis beats Daniel Cardenas defender allies 2016-03-01 LEAG4_16
Rich Joseph Jenulis attacker axis beats Dave Howarth defender allies 2014-11-08 WCR_14
David Wolfe defender allies beats Bill Slunt attacker axis 2014-11-08 WCR_14
Martin Vicca beats Neil Brunger 2006-03-10 HERO_06
Nigella Blair beats Russell Gough 2006-03-10 HERO_06
Dave Schofield beats Pete Phillipps 2006-03-10 HERO_06
Paul Kettlewell beats Chris Walton 2006-03-10 HERO_06
Toby Pilling beats Trevor Edwards 2006-03-09 HERO_06
Jim Manfredi defender allies beats Steve Dennis attacker axis 2003-10-10 ASLOK_03
Phil Pomerantz defender allies beats Jim Risher attacker axis 2003-10-07 ASLOK_03