List of Scenario Results included in ASL Player Ratings

Scenario: HF2 Bertoldo the Brave See Statistical Summary

Player Att/Def Al/Ax Result Player Att/Def Al/Ax Date Tourney
Ron Schatz attacker allies beats Chas Argent defender axis 2021-04-05 eASL_21
Rich Domovic attacker allies beats Greg Barsness defender axis 2021-04-05 eASL_21
Maurizio Grassi defender axis beats Don Holland attacker allies 2021-04-05 eASL_21
Chris Doary defender axis beats Tom Jazbutis attacker allies 2021-04-05 eASL_21
Juan Santacruz defender axis beats Jim Manfredi attacker allies 2021-04-05 eASL_21
Randy Yeates defender axis beats Tom Mueller attacker allies 2021-04-05 eASL_21
Darren Kovacs attacker allies beats Steve Pleva defender axis 2021-04-05 eASL_21
Jim Waterhouse defender axis beats Jim Traver attacker allies 2021-04-05 eASL_21
Mike Stubits defender axis beats Andrew Young attacker allies 2021-04-05 eASL_21
Lionel Colin defender allies beats Guillaume Mailhan attacker axis 2020-01-06 Forum_20
Scott Martin axis beats Gary Bradley allies 2019-07-02 STLOU_19
Bob Bendis allies beats Rich Domovic axis 2019-07-02 STLOU_19
Rich Domovic beats Rob Banozic 2019-04-01 OPEN_19
Larry Zoet loses to Mark Harms 2019-04-01 OPEN_19
Stan Jackson loses to Wes Vaughn 2019-04-01 OPEN_19
Jeff Deyoung beats Tom Yetter 2019-04-01 OPEN_19
Bruno Bonhomme beats Guillaume Mailhan 2018-12-01 Forum_19