List of Scenario Results included in ASL Player Ratings

Scenario: FT231 Cub Cub Hills See Statistical Summary

Player Att/Def Al/Ax Result Player Att/Def Al/Ax Date Tourney
Doug Bush attacker allied beats David Garvin defender axis 2022-07-09 HWAVE_22
Robert Schaaf attacker allied loses to Paul Washington defender axis 2022-07-09 HWAVE_22
Ray Woloszyn attacker axis loses to Eric Michael defender axis 2022-07-09 HWAVE_22
Dave Howarth attacker allies loses to David Garvin defender axis 2020-11-05 WCR_20
Andrew Simpson defender axis beats Glen Macdermid attacker allies 2020-11-05 WCR_20
Steve Anderson defender axis loses to Michal Sedlacko attacker allies 2020-09-30 LEAG4_20
Laurent Le Billan beats Ljubomir Djordjevic 2019-02-01 Forum_19