List of Scenario Results included in ASL Player Ratings

Scenario: BOF1 The Marco Polo Bridge Incident See Statistical Summary

Player Att/Def Al/Ax Result Player Att/Def Al/Ax Date Tourney
Jordi Fairen attacker axis beats José Tomas Balaguer Monferrer defender allies 2013-11-23 BARC_13
Marti Cabré attacker axis beats Enric Cisa defender allies 2013-11-23 BARC_13
Francisco Belmonte defender allies beats German Fernandez attacker axis 2013-11-23 BARC_13
Albert Alegre defender allies beats Alejandro Garcia attacker axis 2013-11-23 BARC_13
Lluis Sagaz attacker axis beats Santiago Lopez defender allies 2013-11-23 BARC_13
Carlos J. Garcia attacker axis beats Miquel Mendoza defender allies 2013-11-23 BARC_13
Ramon Real Bernal attacker axis beats Ivan Monedero defender allies 2013-11-23 BARC_13
Raul Lopez defender allies beats Oscar Oliver attacker axis 2013-11-23 BARC_13
Andy Hershey beats J.R. Tracy 2013-01-01 WOFF_13