List of Scenario Results included in ASL Player Ratings

Scenario: AP47 Insult to Injury See Statistical Summary

Player Att/Def Al/Ax Result Player Att/Def Al/Ax Date Tourney
Todd Hively attacker axis beats Steve Cummings defender allies 2011-03-01 MINC_11
Christian Koppmeyer defender allies beats André Burchardt attacker axis 2010-11-06 GREN_10
John Martin defender allies beats Emmanuel De Wit attacker axis 2010-11-06 GREN_10
François Boudrenghien defender allies beats Olav Heie attacker axis 2010-10-31 MINEU_10
Mike Klautky axis draws Stefano Isella allies 2010-10-31 MAJOR_10
Enrico Catanzaro allies beats Don Holland axis 2010-04-30 MAJOR_10
Steve Pleva defender allies beats Jim Taylor attacker axis 2009-10-08 ASLOK_09
Russ Hall defender allies beats Nigella Blair attacker axis 2009-10-04 ASLOK_09
Rick Hadden attacker axis beats Chris Doary defender allies 2009-06-30 MINE_09
Tom Repetti axis beats Paul Lauger allies 2009-06-30 MAJOR_09
Brian Sullivan attacker axis draws Troy Taylor defender allies 2009-04-30 MINE_09