List of Scenario Results included in ASL Player Ratings

Scenario: AP115 Bats Outta Hell See Statistical Summary

Player Att/Def Al/Ax Result Player Att/Def Al/Ax Date Tourney
Steve Anderson defender allies beats Greg Barsness attacker axis 2021-04-19 eASL_21
David Goldman defender allies beats John Garlic attacker axis 2021-04-19 eASL_21
Juan Santacruz defender allies beats Daniel Kalman attacker axis 2021-04-19 eASL_21
Paul Washington attacker axis beats David Rosner defender allies 2021-04-19 eASL_21
Brent Crawford attacker axis beats Matthew Keurejian defender allies 2021-04-19 eASL_21
Bruce Childs axis loses to Kris Koch allies 2018-06-01 LEAG4_18
Andy Hershey defender axis beats Keith Spurlock attacker allies 2015-10-09 ASLOK_15