List of Scenario Results included in ASL Player Ratings

Scenario: 17 Lost Opportunities See Statistical Summary

Player Att/Def Al/Ax Result Player Att/Def Al/Ax Date Tourney
Steve Worrel defender allies beats Steve Slunt attacker axis 2022-12-01 LEAG4_22
Paul Washington defender allies beats George Kaloxilos attacker axis 2022-01-13 VMO2022
Gerard Burton axis loses to Matthew Ellis allies 2019-11-21 BFF_19
Bob Bendis loses to Rob Banozic 2019-04-01 OPEN_19
Doug Kirk loses to Rich Domovic 2019-04-01 OPEN_19
David Goldman beats Zack Emberton 2019-04-01 OPEN_19
Bob Brown beats Tom Yetter 2019-04-01 OPEN_19
Joe Moro axis loses to Tobias Deissler allies 2018-06-01 LEAG4_18
Will Willow axis loses to Chris Chapman allies 2018-01-01 LEAG2_18
Doyle Motes defender allies beats Larry Rohlfing attacker axis 2011-09-01 TOP_11
Chas Argent attacker axis beats Arlen Vanek defender allies 2008-06-19 TEXAS_08
Tom Mueller attacker axis beats Jim Risher defender allies 2005-04-30 OPEN_05
Ben Richardson attacker axis beats William Sanders defender allies 2005-04-30 OPEN_05
Rick Nieznanski attacker axis beats Jeff Thompson defender allies 2005-04-30 OPEN_05
Randy Rossi attacker axis beats Darryl Lundy defender allies 2002-10-11 ASLOK_02
Wes Vaughn attacker axis beats Darrell Wright defender allies 2001-10-06 ASLOK_01
Marty Snow defender allies beats Bruce Kirkaldy attacker axis 2001-02-04 WCM_01
David Nicholas defender allies beats Eric Morton attacker axis 2001-02-04 WCM_01
Sheldon Ryland attacker axis beats Doug Demoss defender allies 2000-08-19 WCM_00
Cloyde Angell defender allies beats Bruce Kirkaldy attacker axis 2000-08-19 WCM_00