Tournament Games included in ASL Player Ratings

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Tournament: MINEU_07See Statistical Summary

1st Place:
2nd Place: Conny Geser
Player Att/Def Al/Ax Result Player Att/Def Al/Ax Scenario
Round 1
Alberto Biserni defender axis beats David Ramsey attacker allies J106 Marders Not Martyrs
Carles Ryhr defender axis draws Hans Smeets attacker allies TAC2 Entre le marteau et l'enclume (Between the Hammer and the Anvil)
David Galan defender axis draws Oliver Schumacher attacker allies SP38 Led to the Slaughter
Davide Bendazzi defender axis beats Russel Livingstone attacker allies D Hedgehog of Piepsk
Fabio Mazzucchelli defender allies beats Fabrizio Da Pra attacker axis RPT4 Transylvania 6-5000
Ian Percy defender axis beats Allard Koene attacker allies SP111 Why at Erp
Jesus Pie attacker axis draws Santos Toze defender allies SP11 Pomeranian Tigers
Missing-6 attacker axis beats Alessandro Canevese defender allies SP136 Orczy Square
Paul Legg attacker axis beats Uffe Møller defender allies RPT4 Transylvania 6-5000
Round 2
Conny Geser attacker allies beats Missing-6 defender axis SP
David Galan attacker axis beats Jesus Pie defender allies 134 Counterattack on the Vistula
David Ramsey defender axis beats Russel Livingstone attacker allies SP18 An Arm and a Leg
Davide Bendazzi defender axis beats Alberto Biserni attacker allies SP34 Frankforce
Fabio Mazzucchelli attacker axis beats Paul Legg defender allies SP138 Lacking Coordination
Hans Smeets defender allies beats Uffe Møller attacker axis OA1 The Road To St. Lo
Massimo Goteri defender axis beats Allard Koene attacker allies T1 Gavin Take
Round 3
Conny Geser allies beats Davide Bendazzi axis TAC31 Par Saint Georges!
Fabio Mazzucchelli attacker allies beats Jas Bal defender axis FRF9 The Abbeville Bridgehead
Missing-6 attacker allies beats David Ramsey defender axis 46 Birds of Prey
Paul Legg defender allies beats Hans Smeets attacker axis OA6 Mounted Extraction
Round 4
Davide Bendazzi defender allies beats David Galan attacker axis SP115 The Five Pound Prize
Fabio Mazzucchelli attacker axis beats Conny Geser defender allies FRF2 Maczek Fire Brigade
Jesus Pie defender allies beats Uffe Møller attacker axis FT31 The Yelnya Bridge
Paul Legg attacker axis beats Jas Bal defender allies ESG7 Backstab
Santos Toze attacker axis beats Hans Smeets defender allies J57 Guards Artillery
Round 5
Conny Geser defender allies beats Paul Legg attacker axis SP140 Red Valentines
David Ramsey defender axis beats David Galan attacker allies SP
Fabio Mazzucchelli defender axis beats Davide Bendazzi attacker allies CDN10 per l'onore d'Italia
Jas Bal attacker axis beats Jesus Pie defender allies J104 Flanking Flamethrowers
Missing-6 defender axis draws Santos Toze attacker allies A66 Counterstroke at Stonne