Tournament Games included in ASL Player Ratings

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Tournament: MARCH_10See Statistical Summary

1st Place: Jim (jr.) Burris
2nd Place: Jeff Deyoung
Player Att/Def Al/Ax Result Player Att/Def Al/Ax Scenario
Round 1
Bud Garding attacker allies beats Jerry Simmons defender axis ESG59 Speed Kills
Doug Kirk defender axis beats Brian Routh attacker allies SP180 Encircle This!
Gary Bradley defender allies beats Peter Wegener attacker axis 49 Piercing the Peel
Jeff Deyoung attacker allies beats Mike Bistodeau defender axis 50 Age-Old Foes
Jeff Ital defender allies beats Ramon Weston attacker axis J59 Friday the 13th
Jim (jr.) Burris defender axis beats Mike Laney attacker allies SP180 Encircle This!
Karl Bodenheimer defender axis beats Broc Bowman attacker allies A103 Mayhem in Manila
Karl Bodenheimer attacker allies beats Peter Wegener defender axis SP180 Encircle This!
Larry Zoet attacker allies beats William Sanders defender axis SP180 Encircle This!
Mike Denson defender allies beats Kevin Bradshaw attacker axis J59 Friday the 13th
Nathan Wegener attacker axis beats Mike Cadieux defender allies FT128 Punitive Expedition
Paul Hornbeck attacker allies beats Wes Vaughn defender axis ESG59 Speed Kills
Paul Works attacker axis beats Mike Bistodeau defender allies AD3 Back to School
Ramon Weston defender allies beats Larry Zoet attacker axis FT139 Ride of the 200th
Randy Shurtz defender axis beats Mike Cadieux attacker allies SP180 Encircle This!
Rick Reinesch defender axis beats Nathan Wegener attacker allies SP180 Encircle This!
William Sanders attacker axis beats Bud Garding defender allies 49 Piercing the Peel
Round 2
Jeff Deyoung defender allies beats Bud Garding attacker axis 11 Defiance on Hill 30
Jeff Ital defender axis beats Doug Kirk attacker allies TAC47 Des roses pour Vandervoot (Roses For Vandervoort)
Jerry Simmons attacker allies beats Nathan Wegener defender axis TAC47 Des roses pour Vandervoot (Roses For Vandervoort)
Jim (jr.) Burris attacker allies beats Paul Hornbeck defender axis SX5 Where Iron Crosses Grow
Kevin Bradshaw defender axis beats William Sanders attacker allies SP18 An Arm and a Leg
Mike Cadieux attacker allies beats Mike Bistodeau defender axis TAC47 Des roses pour Vandervoot (Roses For Vandervoort)
Mike Denson defender allies beats Larry Zoet attacker axis FRF39 No Country for Old Men
Paul Works defender allies beats Karl Bodenheimer attacker axis D2 Berserk!
Ramon Weston attacker axis beats Nathan Wegener defender allies BFP31 Chinese Alamo
Ramon Weston attacker axis beats Peter Wegener defender allies SP171 Audacity of Innocence
Randy Shurtz attacker allies beats Rick Reinesch defender axis TAC47 Des roses pour Vandervoot (Roses For Vandervoort)
Scott Martin attacker axis beats Broc Bowman defender allies 11 Defiance on Hill 30
Wes Vaughn attacker axis beats Mike Laney defender allies DB076 Out of the Shadows
Round 3
Bud Garding defender allies beats Doug Kirk attacker axis BFP30 Melee Near the Coast
Jeff Deyoung attacker axis beats Randy Shurtz defender allies BFP30 Melee Near the Coast
Jerry Simmons defender allies beats Paul Hornbeck attacker axis BFP30 Melee Near the Coast
Jim (jr.) Burris attacker axis beats Scott Martin defender allies WCW10 Stand and Die
Mike Bistodeau defender allies beats Kevin Bradshaw attacker axis BFP30 Melee Near the Coast
Mike Denson attacker allies beats Jeff Ital defender axis BFP61 Flaming Arseholes
Round 4
Dan Best attacker allies beats Mike Cadieux defender axis SP170 Halfhearted Hiwis
Doug Kirk defender axis beats Paul Works attacker allies ESG58 The Vindicators
Jeff Ital defender axis beats Bud Garding attacker allies SP170 Halfhearted Hiwis
Jim (jr.) Burris attacker allies beats Jeff Deyoung defender axis A89 First Day of Diadem
Scott Martin attacker allies beats Karl Bodenheimer defender axis KE20 The Steel-Eyed Boys (repl. TOT15)
Wes Vaughn attacker allies beats Mike Denson defender axis SP170 Halfhearted Hiwis
Round 5
Brian Routh defender axis beats Kevin Bradshaw attacker allies BFP52 Kachin Rangers
Doug Kirk attacker allies beats Scott Martin defender axis SP170 Halfhearted Hiwis
Jerry Simmons attacker axis beats Jeff Ital defender allies 31 The Old Town
Jerry Simmons attacker allies beats Rick Reinesch defender axis BFP34 Hundred Regiments Offensive
Larry Zoet attacker axis beats Brian Routh defender allies ESG58 The Vindicators
Paul Works defender axis beats Wes Vaughn attacker allies FRF28 Luftlandekommando Hedderich
Scott Martin defender axis beats Steve Austin attacker allies A Guards Counterattack
Wes Vaughn defender axis beats Randy Shurtz attacker allies BFP34 Hundred Regiments Offensive