Tournament Games included in ASL Player Ratings

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Tournament: IF_08See Statistical Summary

1st Place: Dominic Mcgrath
Player Att/Def Al/Ax Result Player Att/Def Al/Ax Scenario
Round 1
Allard Koene attacker axis beats Martin Mayers defender allies FT31 The Yelnya Bridge
Bill Sherliker attacker axis beats Aaron Sibley defender allies FT31 The Yelnya Bridge
Bob Eburne attacker allies beats Mat Haas defender axis FRF19 About His Shadowy Sides
Brendan Clark attacker axis beats Jackie Eves defender allies FRF4 Barbarossa D-day
Dave Schofield attacker axis beats Brian Hooper defender allies FRF4 Barbarossa D-day
Derek Tocher defender allies beats Missing-12 attacker axis FT31 The Yelnya Bridge
Dominic Mcgrath defender allies beats Malcolm Hatfield attacker axis FT31 The Yelnya Bridge
Graham Smith attacker axis beats William Binns defender allies FT31 The Yelnya Bridge
Justin Key defender allies beats Ray Porter attacker axis FRF4 Barbarossa D-day
Mark Blackmore defender axis beats Gerard Burton attacker allies FRF19 About His Shadowy Sides
Miles Wiehahn defender axis beats Paul Kettlewell attacker allies FRF19 About His Shadowy Sides
Paul Legg defender allies beats Nick Ranson attacker axis FRF4 Barbarossa D-day
Phil Draper defender allies beats Kris Pugh attacker axis FRF4 Barbarossa D-day
Simon Croome defender allies beats Keith Bristow attacker axis FT31 The Yelnya Bridge
Tim Bunce attacker axis beats Craig Benn defender allies FRF4 Barbarossa D-day
Tim Macaire defender allies beats Simon Taylor attacker axis FRF4 Barbarossa D-day
Trevor Edwards attacker axis beats Wayne Baumber defender allies FT31 The Yelnya Bridge
Round 2
Aaron Sibley defender allies beats Bob Eburne attacker axis SP141 Broken Beek
Allard Koene attacker axis beats Paul Kettlewell defender allies SP145 The Reluctant Tiger
Brendan Clark defender axis beats Nick Ranson attacker allies J100 For a Few Rounds More
Craig Benn defender axis beats Kris Pugh attacker allies SP146 Terrify and Destroy
Dave Schofield attacker allies beats Gerard Burton defender axis SP146 Terrify and Destroy
Derek Tocher defender axis beats Phil Draper attacker allies SP146 Terrify and Destroy
Dominic Mcgrath attacker allies beats Keith Bristow defender axis SP146 Terrify and Destroy
Graham Smith attacker axis beats Eric Gerstenberg defender allies SP145 The Reluctant Tiger
Justin Key attacker allies beats William Binns defender axis J100 For a Few Rounds More
Malcolm Hatfield defender axis beats Brian Hooper attacker allies J100 For a Few Rounds More
Mark Blackmore attacker allies beats Mat Haas defender axis SP146 Terrify and Destroy
Martin Mayers defender allies beats Nigella Blair attacker axis 113 Liberating Bessarabia
Miles Wiehahn attacker axis beats Jackie Eves defender allies SP145 The Reluctant Tiger
Paul Legg attacker allies beats Tim Macaire defender axis A30 Defeat in Java
Simon Croome defender allies beats Missing-12 attacker axis SP141 Broken Beek
Tim Bunce defender axis beats Bill Sherliker attacker allies SP146 Terrify and Destroy
Trevor Edwards attacker allies beats Simon Taylor defender axis SP160 The Lost Band of Edmontons
Wayne Baumber defender allies beats Ray Porter attacker axis A68 Acts of Defiance (CH5 repub.)
Round 3
Aaron Sibley attacker axis beats Simon Croome defender allies U7 Han-Sur-Neid
Allard Koene defender allies beats Graham Smith attacker axis SP141 Broken Beek
Bob Eburne attacker allies beats Mark Blackmore defender axis A32 Zon with the Wind
Craig Benn defender axis beats Phil Draper attacker allies A32 Zon with the Wind
Dave Schofield defender allies beats Kris Pugh attacker axis SP141 Broken Beek
Derek Tocher attacker allies beats Tim Bunce defender axis A32 Zon with the Wind
Dominic Mcgrath defender axis beats Missing-12 attacker allies A32 Zon with the Wind
Eric Gerstenberg attacker allies beats Ray Porter defender axis A32 Zon with the Wind
Gerard Burton defender axis beats Brian Hooper attacker allies A32 Zon with the Wind
Jackie Eves defender allies beats Nick Ranson attacker axis SP141 Broken Beek
Malcolm Hatfield defender axis beats Keith Bristow attacker allies A32 Zon with the Wind
Martin Mayers defender axis beats Trevor Edwards attacker allies A32 Zon with the Wind
Mat Haas attacker axis beats Bill Sherliker defender allies SP141 Broken Beek
Miles Wiehahn defender axis beats Paul Legg attacker allies A32 Zon with the Wind
Missing-12 attacker allies beats Simon Taylor defender axis A32 Zon with the Wind
Nigella Blair defender axis beats Paul Kettlewell attacker allies FRF7 To Have and To Hold
Tim Macaire defender axis beats Wayne Baumber attacker allies A32 Zon with the Wind
William Binns defender allies beats Brendan Clark attacker axis SP141 Broken Beek